ALP - Algorithmic Level Progression 5.2.1
Created by DewardianDev
SPT 3.9.8 Compatible
The one and only randomized loadout/progression mod. Makes bots level with the player, experience the wipe! 100% randomly generated kits. Bots will use gear and ammo they have with map appropriate weapons.
Pmcs now level with the player
There are 5 tiers, early game 90% of pmcs will be between levels 1 and 14.
When the player hits level 15 (for example), pmcs will spawn as follows, 40% 1 - 14, 45% 15 - 24 etc... (configurable) -
NEW - Scavs, rogues, bosses, etc.. now also progress as the player levels
This is highly configurable, and the effect is relatively subtle.
Basically, when you are low level, all enemies are more likely to use lower tier gear and ammo.
As you level, they will have a higher chances of using better gear.
This does not add any weapons to bots, but it does slightly weight which ones will be used.Note: By default, bosses are largely untouched, but they are more likely to use weaker ammo at lower tiers.
**This can be turned off in the config by setting "enableNonPMCBotChanges": false
Pmcs clothing choice is based off of the PMC's level. Now you may be able to recognize high-level players by their clothing (if not their meta gear).
Pmcs loadouts are tiered to the four trader levels.
They will only have access (mostly) to gear that a pmc would at the appropriate trader tier.
Levels 1 - 14 (by default) are trader tier 1, levels 40 - 55 are trader tier 4 (all trader items unlocked), level 55+ is the tier 5 uber chad, they have access to everything (weighted chance) so these bots could use goon gear, or Tagilla's Facemask. -
Pmcs gear is algorithmically weighted
They will favour the best gear at whichever trader tier they are at.
This is quite complex, but an example should make this clear; At trader tier 1, a bot chooses their weapon based off of the best ammo they have available to them. So a bot may choose a Mosin over a pistol, due to the higher pen of the ammo. BUT as the bullet per minute is low on a mosin, the bot may be more inclined to choose a higher rate of fire AK, with ammo of slightly lesser Pen.There are MANY MANY such weighting changes, and upon unlock of a trader tier, a bot may choose a weapon from a previous tier that is now viable because of unlocked ammo.
**Pmcs will use weapons appropriate for the map they are on!!
Think, more smgs/shotguns/automatic weapons on factory and less sniper rifles/markman rifles, with the reverse on woods.
This is controlled via multipliers seen in the AdvancedConfig.
NOTE: the advanced config is not really meant for the average person to tinker with, do not ask for help if you break things. -
Night Time vs Day Time loadouts Night time Pmcs are more likely to use NVGS, IR devices, silencers.
RANDOMNESS pmcs in the game are not predictable, and there is a random chance that a lower level player may choose better gear, better ammo, or a sight that they picked up. The same is true for higher leveled players, although there is weightings to choose the best equipment, you may still see a high level player sporting a scav vest on occasion, or rocking a crappy shotty with flachette!
Scav LOOT now redone! Scavs loot is now live-like with a massively expanded loot pool, randomized weightings, all customizable in the config!
Built for balance and a live-like feel in mind while also giving that rare chance to find those rarely spawned items.
Balance is based off of the inverse Flea price of items, IE: a weighting of 1 for Marked room, 3000 for Marlboros.
If you're really digging the mod, consider supporting my caffeine addiction ☕:
Courtesy of qliqoei
Courtesy of Gamer Visuals
The following are STRONGLY recommended.
- LOOTING BOTS (Looting bots integration now detected automatically, no config changes needed.)
Although the above are not required, this mod is intended to be paired with them for the best experience
My other mods that go well with ALP:
1. Drag and drop the user folder into your SPT directory.
2.Update your user/mods/order.json so that ALP is after mods you want included with ALPS bots.
3**. Optionally** Change a few config options (see below).
Thats it!
Example order.json :
"order": [
"gear/trader mods",
"gear/trader mods",
Have an error? Try the above!
ALP now runs after DB Load, like most server mods; this means you can now use the load order.json to resolve many issues previously seen.
Simply place mods you suspect are conflicting AFTER ALP in the load order.json.
This includes custom traders that may have previously been incompatible with ALP!
To test newly added mod compatibility one can now simply move custom weapon/equipment mods BEFORE ALP in the order.json and test.**
** Although ALP works with many mods, I do not guarantee compatibility, it's up to you test and debug issues yourself!
==== Configuration Options ====
// Turn on and off the pmc bot adjusted equipment
"enableProgressionChanges": true,
// Turn on and off the pmc bot adjusted levels
"enableLevelChanges": true,
// PMCS will wear level appropriate clothing (IE level 34 will wear plaid)
"leveledClothing": true,
// This enables bots that are not PMCs to progress with the player (in a limited capacity)
"enableNonPMCBotChanges": true,
// The below two "shift" items that would be unlocked at a certain loyalty level to a later level
// For example if you needed to finish a quest at tier 2 traders to unlock some ammo, it would be shifted to tier 3
"questUnlockedItemsShifted": true,
// This is much the same as the above, this shifts traded items
// For example if you could trade for some armor at tier 2, it would be shifted to tier 3
// In general, turning the above on can make bots create meta builds earlier and in general makes pmcs better equipped sooner.
"tradedItemsShifted": true,
// Allows bots to use items from custom traders like Priscillu
// Enable this by setting it to: true
"addCustomTraders": false,
// This is a blacklist for when you multiple traders installed and the "addCustomTraders" set to true.
"customTradersToExclude": [
// Feel free to add any item id's you don't want pmcs to use here:
"customBlacklist": [
"get id's from here",
// This dictates at what level bots obtain trader tiers.
// 1 - 14 for example are for tier 1 traders
// NOTE: These cannot overlap or have gaps: 1-14, 15-24, 25-39, 40-100
"levelRange": {
"1": {
"min": 1,
"max": 14
"2": {
"min": 15,
"max": 24
"3": {
"min": 25,
"max": 39
"4": {
"min": 40,
"max": 54
"5": {
"min": 55,
"max": 100
// This is the ratioed weighting of bot tiers per your level.
// For example, if you were level 5, as per above, between 1 - 14, would put you at tier "1"
// therefor you would have a weighting of pmcs of:10,5,2,1
// In this example, it is far more likely to have low tier 1 bots (10x) then tier 4 for example
"botRangeAtLevel": {
"1": [
"2": [
"3": [
"4": [
"5": [
// This sets the randomness for each specified piece of equpment.
// 0 is meta, 1 is completely random, 2 will make pmcs prioritize the worst gear.
"randomness": {
"Ammo": 0.3,
"Holster": 0.3,
"Headwear": 0.1,
"FirstPrimaryWeapon": 0.4,
"Earpiece": 0.3,
"Backpack": 0.3,
"Eyewear": 0.2,
"TacticalVest": 0.1,
"ArmorVest": 0.1,
"FaceCover": 0.2
Imagine a pmc can wear a usec hat, or a Ulach helmet, at 0, the weighting may look like this:
Hat > 5, Ulach > 150,
Resulting in the pmc almost always choosing a ulach over a hat.
At 0.5, the top and bottom chances are smoothed around a median, like so
Hat > 35, Ulach > 100,
And at 1, all items within that category will have equal chances:
Hat > 54, Ulach > 54
// Just keep this off
"debug": false
**==== nonPmcBotsConfig ==== Below explains the configuration options for the nonPmcConfig.json found in the config folder of this mod. This may seem complex, feel free to leave this file as is for a vanilla plus experience.
// This adds all usable keys to the loot pool for scavs (low random chance)
"addRandomizedKeysToScavs": true,
// The disparity between super rare and common items
// Increase this to make rare loot more rare, vice versa to make rare loot more common.
// Recommended settings: 0.2 - 3
"lootDisparityMultiplier": 1,
// Size of the key pool (randomized on game start) 0.5 === 50%
"percentageOfKeysInSpawnPool": 0.5,
// Add ids of items you'd like the scavs NOT to have in their loot pool
"scavLootBlacklist": [ ],
// Add additional items to the scavs loot pool via the item ID, automatically weights the item for balance.
"additionalScavLoot": ["5c94bbff86f7747ee735c08f"],
// These values increase the randomness of the ammo or equipment used by bots
// (1 = 100% randomness, 0.5 = 80% randomness... it's confusing)
// Basically be careful here, this is highly sensitive
// Even slightly increasing this will produce dramatic effects
// I recommend to keep it off, or below 0.2, try increments of 0.05
"botAmmoRandomness": 0,
"botEquipmentRandomness": 0,
// This is the configuration for nonPmcBots
"nonPmcBots": [
// Name of the bot, or bot group (see below for bot group explanation)
"name": "assault",
// These are this bots tiers
"tiers": [
[1, 14],
[15, 30],
[31, 45],
[46, 100]
// These values add equipment to bots, this can be best explained like so.
// There is a "Constants" folder with lists of items, prioritized from worst > best
// The numbers below specify how much and which portion of that list is added to a bot.
// 0,0.3 > would result in the bottom 30% of that equipment type being added to that bot.
// 0.5,1 > the same but the top 50% of that equipment type.
// 0,1 > All of that equipment type that exists (largely) will be added to that bots spawn pool.
"Headwear": [0, 0.3],
"ArmorVest": [0, 0.3],
"TacticalVest": [0, 0.3],
"Backpack": [0, 0.3],
"Ammo": [0, 0.5]
Bot groups are lists of bots that can have the same nonPmcBot configurations.
If you understand JSON than the examples are quite obvious.
allBossFollowers is under nonPmcBots, and is comprised of a list of that type.
If you wanted to add a custom setting for "bosssanitar", you would first remove him from the
"allBosses" list, then add him to the "nonPmcBots" list, with his own custom config.
Creating your own groups is easy, create a new list similar to "allBosses" but named "whatever"
Then move the bottype names over that you want your new configuration to effect.
When done add your "whatever" config to the "nonPmcBots" list.
Bug fix
- Should fix armor vest usage
- added some support for blacklist
That's all for now.
The "REVERT!" update
- Reverted a few changes to pmc types that was likely causing errors for those using any modded weapons/ammo.
- Removed a LOT of items from PMCS secure containers to reduce data bloat.
That's all for now, HIGHLY recommend update if on versions 5.1.X, previous versions contained a bug.
Minor update
- Fixes a bug with high level Ground Zero being broken
- Removes the new dogtags from scavs loot pool.
- Fixed issue with magazine bullet association on certain magazines.
This might fix an issue with some mod introduced extended mags not having ammo.
That's all for now!
Have fun
Update to version 3.9.4!
- Added "Ammo" randomness option in the "randomness" config.
- Updated a few cursed scopes, should see far less scope mounts without primary scopes now.
- Added new values for scav loot in the NonPmcBotConfig:
This is the size of the key pool that Scavs have access to (randomized on game start)
I'd recommend leaving this alone
Add ids of items you'd like scavs NOT to have, does not effect weapons
- A few other minor changes, and a few small bugs (one around night/daytime introduced in the new patch).
That's all for now, this is a bit experimental so do let me know if you find any weirdness.
Have fun!
Major release - Alp Recombobulated
ALP now runs after DB Load, like most server mods; this means you can now use the load order.json to resolve many issues previously seen.
Simply place mods you suspect are conflicting AFTER ALP in the load order.json.
This includes custom traders that may have previously been incompatible with ALP!
To test newly added mod compatibility one can now simply move custom weapon/equipment mods BEFORE ALP And test.**
** I do not guarantee compatibility with any custom weapon/equipment mods, it's up to you debug issues yourself! -
The quest to rid ALP of cursed guns continues...
- Fixed a number of issues with scopes not spawning on higher tier 30/34mm scope mounts
- Removed a few strange/ugly scope mounts (Hydra Mounts) -
Scav loot is now configurable
- Added all useful keys to loot pool (nonPmcBotConfig > addRandomizedKeysToScavs to disable)
- Added method to increase the weighting difference between good/bad loot (nonPmcBotConfig > lootDisparityMultiplier)
- Added the ability to add item ids to the scav loot pool (nonPmcBotConfig > additionalScavLoot)
Any added items will be automatically weighted for balance. -
Boring stuff
- Massive code refactor
- Added Error handling
- Added automated use of "forceCached" if ALP detects bad items or other errors.
- A ton of small balance changes -
ALP now uses the standard USER > MODS > AlgorithmicLevelProgression folder structure.
Old folder name: DewardianDev-AlgorithmicLevelProgression
New folder name: AlgorithmicLevelProgression
That's all for now!
Have fun!
Minor Release
- Significant refactor
- One very large bug, and 2 small ones fixed
- ALP now completely overhaulsScav loot, feels much closer to live. <<< FEEDBACK NEEDED HERE.
Can be turned off in the config file.
Small Fix
- Fixes a bug where custom trader items would appear on bots when disabled.
That's all for now!
Major Update (3.8.3)
Fixed med spawns, they were broken for 3.8.0
Automated Looting bots detection, no config option needed anymore.
Ammo tweaked heavily
Added "higherTierAmmoChance": 0.3, new config option to tweak how often a lower tier bot will receive the next tier ups ammo. (values are 0.1 - 0.99)
This dramatically helps the game feel more live like. -
Made guns more meta as pmcs level.
Set PMC loot to be largely determined by SPT, only quantity (not quality) scales with ALP.
Moderate Update
- Fixed a few cyclic depth errors on server start for those 20+ mod pack enthusiasts.
More weapon mods should now be compatible... - Updated a number of spawning issues around scav gear to more closely emulate live (CONFIRM 3M is finally fixed)
- Fixed a few errors around pmc plate loading that would cause lag at the start of raids.
- Made a few changes to around medkit spawning to make it more similar to live.
That is all for now.
Have fun
Compatibility Update
- Added new "forceCached" config option (set to false by default):
This basically sets pmcs to use a hardcoded precached version of the mod to help compatibility for those non-technical folks that can't be bothered to cull their mod folder.
TLDR:If you use a ton of weapon/mod/equipment mods, and you see errors after install set this to true. You won't get bots using custom items, but you can still use ALP. - Set "strictEquipmentTiering" to true by default, turn this off to see a larger variance of gear use.
NOTE: IF YOUR CPU IS A POTATO, DO NOT TURN THIS OFF. - Tweaked med spawning a bit.
Have fun
Minor Update
- Fixed too many stims spawning on pmcs, also balanced their spawning so rare ones spawn less often.
- Updated scav equipment balance a bit
- Added new "strictEquipmentTiering" option to the config, this basically makes it so that bots will not spawn with items beyond their tier.
In the past, ALP would have this on by default, meaning that a tier 1 bot would have no chance to have killa armor or an ash12.
Turning this off now (by default) allows for such random occurrences to happen.
Functionally you shouldn't see much change, but occasionally a lowby may use some gear they didn't previously have access to.
That's all for now.
Have fun
- Rewrote all armor based balance
- Rewrote nonPmcBots balance (should see more cowboy hats/3ms etc...)
- Added armor plate integration for all bots.
Bots' Plate armor usage levels with the player - Removed adding additional armor/rigs/helmets to nonPMCBots temporarily
- Fixed silencer/muzzle usage issues
- A lot of other things...
I need sleep
The "3m/toz Patch"
- Fixed a minor issue with reduced 3m/TOZ spawn chances on scavs.
The "Bugfix Patch"
Fixed a number of bugs causing errors with Swag/Looting bots
Apparently removing the IDEA rig from PMCS is not allowed... - Fixed Scavs not spawning with TOZ shotguns/3m armor!
That is all.
Minor Update
- Buffed base gear weighting for nonPmcBots.
This should help with quest related items spawning more consistently (3m armor, toz shotguns, rashala's pistol, etc.).
As bots level these items will slowly be used less as better gear weightings take over. - Bumped base scav equipment chances slightly (chance of wearing armor/backpacks etc...)
- Increased muzzle device mod usage for PMC bots.
Have fun
Minor Update
**"enableNonPMCBotChanges": true is now the default setting in the "config.json"
Turn the above setting to false if you only want PMCS to level with the player
Or delete all the configurations you don't want from the "nonPmcBots" list in the nonPmcBotConfig.json -
Added a nonPmcBotConfig.json to dramatically increase configurability
See the bottom of the README for a deeper explanation, but...Only want bosses to be affected by progression? Only scavs?
Want Rashala to wear some of the cheap scav armor?
Do you want the goons to start with scav gear and eventually use better stuff?
This is all now possible with the new "nonPmcBotConfig.json" -
Added all backpacks to nonPmcBots equipment options
Fixed facemasks being overly prioritized (this was preventing some helmet usage at high level)
Major Update!!
Added Experimental Level progression for ALL BOT TYPES
- Scavs, Snipers, bosses, rogues, raiders, etc...
every bot in the game now levels with the player. - Basically, when you are low level, all enemies are more likely to use lower tier gear and ammo, and as you level, they will start using better gear.
- EXAMPLE 1: You are level 1, and come across a rogue, good chances are they will not have good ammo in the gun they are spraying you with.
That scav? Probably has buckshot, and is more likely to use shotguns. - EXAMPLE 2: You are level 45, you come across scavs now that have a higher chance of wearing armor, they are wearing ghzel on occasion, and you are coming across some with AP-M and BT ammo. They also wear helmets sometimes?
Rogues, bosses, boss guards now usually have very good gear, and expect them to use high-tier ammo. - Highly configurable (see the botAmmoRandomness, botEquipmentRandomness, and botsToUpdate options at the bottom of the "advancedConfig")
enableNonPMCBotChanges: true
in the config.json
- Scavs, Snipers, bosses, rogues, raiders, etc...
- Fixed PMCs running out of ammo (they now have unlimited ammo).
- Fixed the customBlacklist not removing ammo from PMCs
The "I rebalanced everything" Update:
Rebalanced a great number of things to work with the new randomization system.
- Hats will be used less in general.
- Helmets used more
- Face coverings will also be used more regularly
- Armor is now properly prioritized over most armor rigs
- Better vest choices should now be made
- Slightly adjusted tier 2 and 3 bot levels so that mid-game is a bit more spread out.
The result of these changes should be that pmcs with more "complete" and logical kits at all levels.
Have fun!
Major Update
- Fixed a major issue with tier 5 bots causing crashes with large mod lists.
- Rebalanced gear, higher level players should wear more suitable chad-like items.
- Rebalanced level progression.
- Rewrote Equipment weighting randomization, see an explanation of the new config below.*
- Fixed a number of issues with low capacity magazine usage that would lead to pmcs running out of ammo.
- Fixed night raid balance, particularly nerfed nvg use, namely night raids for labs/factory.
- Fixed a huge number of issues with "cursed" gun type spawning.
- Fixed an issue with high damage low pen bullets getting low ammo weightings.
The new randomness options:
"randomness": {
"Holster": 0.3,
"Headwear": 0.1,
"FirstPrimaryWeapon": 0.4,
"Earpiece": 0.3,
"Backpack": 0.3,
"Eyewear": 0.2,
"TacticalVest": 0.1,
"ArmorVest": 0.1,
"FaceCover": 0.2
0 is meta, 1 is completely random, 2 will make pmcs prioritize the worst gear.
Imagine a pmc can wear a usec hat, or a Ulach helmet, at 0, the weighting may look like this:
Hat > 5, Ulach > 150,
Resulting in the pmc almost always choosing a ulach over a hat.
At 0.5, the top and bottom chances are smoothed around a median, like so:
Hat > 35, Ulach > 100,
And at 1, all items within that category will have equal chances:
Hat > 54, Ulach > 54,
As always, have fun!
Small Patch
- Fix Night/Day time loadouts hopefully
That is all
**Major Version Update!! Woot!
**Complete gear/weapon weighting Rebalance/Rewrite Lower tiered gear is given a much higher weight penalty to higher levels
This means that any given bot is much more likely to use the "correct" tiered item. -
New config option "increaseTierStrictness" By default this is off, this basically adds a greater penalty to lower tiered gear.
Effectively increasing "meta-ness", and the effect of the above rebalance.
This can be combined with the "equipmentRandomness" to create different levels of meta. -
The config option "equipmentRandomness" is now much stronger. Increase it to see dramatically less "meta" gear, more hats, more random stuff.
Keep values between 0 - 100 for sensical gameplay. -
Fixed a number of issues around certain ammo being unlocked too early for bots.
Fixed issues with g-36 variants not spawning with live-like sights.
Fixed a number of issues with med kits
Increased backup ammo in bot secure containers.
Ensured bots have backup meds in their secure containers.
New config value for Pettan "applyInternalPMCBlacklist"
This is basically just to stop him bugging me about it. -
About a hundred other things I've forgotten or don't care about enough to mention
Still to come: Re-introducing large magazines now that 3.7.0 handles magazine mixing so elegantly.
Small Update
- Fixes smgs using optics
- Helps prevent sniper/marksman rifles to use more appropriate scopes.
Major Release
New features:
- Night/Day loadout changes
- Map specific weapon weightings
- Map specific scope weightings
- First pass at Labs specific loadout changes
- Lots and lots of balancing changes
New Install Order Recommendation!!!!:
- When installing ALP, Add it near the top of your load order
- BE SELECTIVE of mods you add before ALP in the load order, mods that add weapons/attachments are the most likely cause of errors with ALP.
Feedback needed
- On new balance weightings, night-time loadouts, labs EVERYTHING!
There may be bugs.. This is a brand new release!
Tell me if you see them and you're sure it's ALP (not the other 100 mods you installed).
As always, have fun!
Minor update:
- Rewrote how clothing leveling is tiered so that there is a higher likely hood of "Sets" being worn together.
- Confirmed that DRIP is still fully supported!
- Added Sanitar's medkit to internal blacklist.
That's all for now.
Have fun
Minor fix:
- Fix looting bots compatibility.
PMCs should have much less loot when removePMCLootForLootingBots is switched on now.
Bugfix (hopefully):
- Revert 1.2.4 error caused by increasing bullets in secure containers far too much .
- Fixed clothing level changes not being applied!
- Added a few more heads/hand options for usec/bears
- Fix high levels bots potentially spawning with golden balaclavas...
Small bug fix:
- Fixes weird pocket sizes on pmcs due to 5th tier bots having access to "pocket size items"...
That's it for now!
Have fun!
Major update
Added location specific weightings!!!! This is huge. Think, more smgs/shotguns/automatic weapons on factory, less sniper/markman rifles, reverse on woods.
This is controlled via multipliers seen in the AdvancedConfig. -
Added Uber chad tier 5 (level 55+) This tier bot can use any piece of equipment or weapon in the game (if not on the blacklist).
They could spawn with tagilla's Helmet, goon armor, anything. This is still weighted, so you will see a mix on this tier, but the chances are now there. -
A small fix around scav ammo
Overhauled weapon/ammo balance, should see a bit more variability, especially across maps.
Tiny patch:
- Nerfing medical item distribution a bit
Minor Update:
Pmc medical item distribution overhaul
Now PMCS won't just run off and die if you shoot them. -
Previous weapon tier balance tweak (makes it so that previous tiers aren't so penalized by bots)
Should help with the "Meta-ness" of certain tier weapon sets. -
Added new config:
addDangerousBulletsToTier4Bots: true, -
Updated forbiddenBullets in the advancedConfig to match bullets not sold on traders here.
Ensured scavs will have most quest keys in their loot pool
Added signal pistol/ammo to blacklist
Major bug fix
Fixed a number of mod compatibility issues
Previous versions would error, this is fixed. -
Fixed a number of weapon mod balance issues
Significantly improved weapon mod placement, ammo selection, and laser/light positioning
**Fixed a few issues around Scav attachments Fixing Scav weirdness is on-going.
TLDR: They appear to be using the Pmc gear weightings as a fall-through, meaning they will wear better gear than they otherwise would. I'm looking at fixing it, but for now you have a bit more dangerous Scavs on average. -
All level bots will choose far less META weapon mods, added quite a few overpowered ones to the internal blacklist
NOTE: If custom traders add items that break this mod, turn the trader off in the config! I can't chase every compatibility bug.
- Low level balance
- Some errors around custom items (likely poorly implemented scopes/mounts)
- Many issues with scopes!
- Ammo weightings
- Added a blacklist for the dumb over-powered ammos
- Added a custom blacklist with instructions to the config (see! I listen some times ).
- Fixed a ton of issues with weird mods
- Fixed nvg scope spawning
- Fixed armor/backpack/helmet weighting
- Balanced a ton of spawning around certain items like magazine quantity, headphone weighting, non protective headwear, and headwear that wouldn't allow headphones to be more like what you would find with live.
Major Update
Over 50 changes/adjustments too many to add here.
Complete rework of how scopes/sights/mods work!
Added support for custom traders via the configs:
// Turn on custom traders by setting "addCustomTraderItems" to true.
"addCustomTraderItems": false,// If you have more than one trader and want to prevent certain ones from being used by PMCs you can add them to the below list:
"customTradersToExclude": [
], -
Added experimental config for how "meta" the bots will be:
// Higher values will make them choose the best gear less often
// Lower values will make them more meta, choose the best gear more often.
"equipmentRandomness": 30 -
Added a link to the mods main overview in case anyone wants to fuel my caffeine addiction!
- Adds full support for mods that add clothing/traders with clothing.
This now fully supports DRIP!
Added support for custom traders items > NEW CONFIG OPTION "addCustomTraders"
// Set this to false to disable custom trader items
addCustomTraders: true -
Added some error checking for custom items, should help prevent incorrectly implemented items from blowing up the mod.
Can confirm this currently works with Priscilu (athough I'd suggest turning it off for until a higher level so you don't get constantly one tapped).
This appears to work with "y1305 items preview" as well, but as loyalty level hasn't been added yet, you'll find bots favour the new level 4 armor introduced by it.
FYI: With custom items I was occasionally seeing a red undefined error in the console on raid start, but this appeared to be non critical (at least in my case) and the raid continued without issue.
Not quite yet...