USEC Additional Gear
Some retextures of gear in Multicam, A-Tacs U|CON, Multitarn, Flecktarn, Pencott Badlands. These items are available on Flea and will be unlocked by Trader when their respective base item is unlocked. Requires BMWCore1.0.0 found here.
*3.8.** bot generation issues are fixed*
Blackjack Backpack (Pencott Badlands)
Switchblade (Pencott Badlands)
Switchblade (Multicam)
Paratus (Multitarn)
Paratus (A-Tacs U|CON)
Trooper 35 (Flecktarn)
Trooper 35 (Multicam)
RBAV Tactical Rig (Pencott Badlands) - Same Layout as Crye AVS, level 4
RBAV Tactical Rig (Multicam) - Same Layout as Crye AVS, level 4
Crye AVS (Multicam)
Crye AVS (Pencott Badlands)
Crye AVS (Multitarn)
TacTec (Multicam) - Same Layout as Bagary Rig, level 5
TacTec (Flecktarn) - Same Layout as Bagary Rig, level 5
TacTec (A-Tacs U|CON) - Same Layout as Bagary Rig, level 5
Halfmask (Pencott Badlands)
Halfmask (Multicam)
Cold Fear Balaclava (Flecktarn)
Cold Fear Balaclava (A-Tacs U|CON)
Ops-Core Fast MT (Multicam)
Ops-Core Fast MT (Pencott Badlands)
Ops-Core Fast MT (A-Tacs U|CON)
TC-800 (Multitarn)
TC-800 (Flecktarn)
Backwards Hat (A-Tacs U|CON)
Backwards Hat (Multicam)
No new items, bot generation issues fixed- set to true by default in config file.
*Requires BMWCore 1.0.0 found here.
*Fixed Doge icon on Fast multicam helm.
*Add to bots feature is turned off by default. Seems to be causing issue with bot generation.*
Updated to 3.7.1
Access updated
*Fixed the Switchblade backpacks.
Not quite yet...