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Mod Details

Questing Bots

Questing Bots 0.9.0

Created by DanW


SPT 3.10.5 Compatible

You're no longer the only PMC running around placing markers and collecting quest items. The bots have transcended and are coming for you...

SAIN 3.2.0 or later and Looting Bots 1.4.0 or later are highly recommended!

This mod may have a performance impact, but it should be minimal starting with the 0.5.0 release. If you notice performance problems, please try using the built-in AI limiter.

Mod Compatibility:

REQUIREDBigBrain (1.2.0 or later)
Waypoints (1.6.2 or later)
Highly Recommended
SAIN (3.2.0 or later recommended)
Looting Bots (1.4.0 or later recommended)
NOT Compatible
AI Limit or any other mods that disable AI in a similar manner. This mod relies on the AI being active throughout the entire map. Starting with 0.2.10, Questing Bots has its own AI Limiter feature. Please see the tab below for more information.

Guiding Light (it has invalid quests that cause the game to freeze while loading into raids)
Partially Compatible
Traveler, Entry Point Selector, and similar mods that significantly reduce spawn points (You MUST use another mod like SWAG + DONUTS to manage bot spawning when using this mod. Otherwise, bots will spawn right in front of you.)

Realism (You must disable Realism's bot-spawning changes when using the Questing Bots spawning system)

Please Just Fight (This mod should only be used if you're not using the Questing Bots spawning system)CompatibleSWAG + DONUTS (Bot spawning in this mod will be automatically disabled)
Late to the Party
Performance Improvements (Must be version 0.2.4 or newer)
Fika (Requires client version 0.9.8962.33287 or later) NOTE: Please disable the bot-spawning system in this mod if you're using other mods that manage spawning! Otherwise, there will be too many bots on the map. The bot-spawning system in this quest will be automatically disabled if any of the following mods are detected:

  1. Open the ZIP file you downloaded for this mod
  2. Extract the "BepInEx" and "user" folders into your SPT install directory, and overwrite any existing files

Example from another mod (thanks, DrakiaXYZ!):


Instead of simply patrolling their spawn areas, bots will now move around the map to perform randomly-selected quest objectives. By default this system is only active for PMC's and player Scavs, but it can be enabled for normal Scavs and bosses if you want an extra challenge.

After spawning (regardless of when this occurs during the raid), bots will immediately begin questing, and there are only a few conditions that will cause them to stop questing:

  • They got stuck too many times
  • Their health is too low and they're unable to heal
  • They're over-encumbered
  • They're trying to extract (using SAIN)

Otherwise, they will only temporarily stop questing for the following reasons:

  • They're currently or were just recently in combat
  • They heard a suspicious noise
  • They recently completed an objective
  • They're checking for or have found loot
  • Their health is too low or they have blacked limbs (besides arms)
  • Their energy or hydration is too low
  • They have followers that are too far from them

There are several types of quests available to each bot:

  • EFT Quests: Bots will go to locations specified in EFT quests for placing markers, collecting/placing items, killing other bots, etc. Bots can also use quests added by other mods.
  • Spawn Rush: At the beginning of the raid, bots that are within a certain distance of you will run to your spawn point. Only a certain number of bots are allowed to perform this quest, and they won't always select it. This makes PVP-focused maps like Factory even more challenging.
  • Boss Hunter: Bots will search zones in which bosses are known to spawn. They will only be allowed to select this quest at the beginning of the raid (within the first 5 minutes by default) and if they're a high enough level.
  • Airdrop Chaser: Bots will run to the most recent airdrop if it's close to them (within 500m by default). They will be allowed to select this quest within questing.bot_quests.airdrop_bot_interest_time seconds (420s by default) of the airdrop crate landing.
  • Spawn Point Wandering: Bots will wander to different spawn points around the map. This is used as a last resort in case the bot doesn't select any other quests. This quest is currently disabled by default because it should no longer be needed with the quest variety offered in the 0.4.0 and later releases.
  • "Standard" Quests: Bots will go to specified locations around the map. They will prioritize more desirable locations for loot and locations that are closer to them. These also include some sniping and camping quests on all maps, so be careful!
  • "Custom" Quests: You can create your own quests for bots using the templates for "standard" quests. None are provided by default.

---------- Bot Quest-Selection Algorithm Overview ----------

When each bot spawns, this mod finds the furthest extract from them and references it when selecting new quests for the bot. If the bot ever comes close enough to that extract while traversing the map, this happens again; a new extract is selected for it that is the furthest one from its current location. This continues until the bot extracts or dies. This extract is NOT used when bots extract via SAIN; it is only used when this mod selects new quests for the bot.

Before selecting a quest for a bot, all quests are first filtered to ensure they have at least one valid location on the map and the bot is able to accept the quest (it's not blocked by player level, etc.). Then, the following metrics are generated for every valid quest:

  1. The distance between the bot and each objective for the quest with some randomness applied (by questing.bot_quests.distance_randomness). This value is then normalized based on the furthest objective from the bot (for any valid quest), and finally it's multiplied by a weighting factor defined by questing.bot_quests.distance_weighting (1 by default).
  2. A "desirability" rating for each quest, which is the desirability rating
    assigned to the quest but with some randomness applied (by questing.bot_quests.desirability_randomness). This value is divided by 100 and then multiplied by a weighting factor defined by questing.bot_quests.desirability_weighting (1 by default). There are modifiers that can be applied to the desirability ratings of quests including questing.bot_quests.desirability_camping_multiplier, questing.bot_quests.desirability_sniping_multiplier, and questing.bot_quests.desirability_active_quest_multiplier. More information about these settings can be found in the README or GitHub repo for this mod.
  3. The angle between two vectors: the vector between the bot and its selected extract (described above), and the vector between the bot and each objective for the quest. If the quest objective is in the same direction as the bot's selected extract, this angle will be small. If the bot has to move further from its selected extract, this angle will be large. Angles that are below a certain threshold (90 deg by default) are reduced down to 0 deg. This value is divided by 180 deg minus the threshold just described (90 deg by default), and finally it's multiplied by a weighting factor defined by questing.bot_quests.exfil_direction_weighting, which is different for every map.

These three metrics are then added together, and the result is the overall score for the corresponding quest. The quest with the highest score is assigned to the bot. If for some reason the bot is unable to perform that quest, it selects the one with the next-highest score, and so on. If no quests are available for the bot to select, this mod will first try allowing the bot to perform repeatable quests early (before the questing.bot_questing_requirements.repeat_quest_delay delay expires). If there are no available repeatable quests, this mod will then attempt to make the bot extract via SAIN. Finally, this mod will stop assigning new quests to the bot.

At the beginning of the raid, PMC's will spawn around the map at actual EFT PMC spawn points. The spawning system will try to separate spawn points as much as possible, but spawn killing is still entirely possible just like it is in live Tarkov. The total number of PMC's that can spawn is a random number between the minimum and maximum player count for the map (other mods can change these values). However, you count as one of those PMC's for PMC raids. That number will be reduced if you spawn into the map late for a Scav run. The PMC difficulty is set by your raid settings in EFT.

Starting with the 0.4.0 release, player Scavs will also spawn throughout the raid. Each group of player Scavs will be assigned a minimum spawn time that is generated using SPT's raid-time-reduction settings for Scav raids. This mod will use SPT's weighting settings for choosing when player Scavs will spawn into each location, it will add some randomness, and then it will generate a spawn schedule for all player-Scav spawns. Effectively, this means that player Scavs are most likely to spawn toward the middle and last third of raids. They're unlikely to spawn toward the very beginning or very end of them. Player Scavs can spawn at any EFT PMC or player-Scav spawn point on the map, and player-Scav bot difficulty is set by your raid settings in EFT.

Only a certain (configurable) number of initial PMC's will spawn at the beginning of the raid, and the rest will spawn as the existing ones die. PMC's that spawn after the initial wave can spawn anywhere that is far enough from you and other bots (at any EFT spawn point for PMC's or player Scavs). After all PMC's have spawned, player Scavs will be allowed to spawn. The maximum total number of PMC's and player Scavs on the map cannot exceed the number of initial PMC's (determined by bot_spawns.max_alive_bots). For example, Customs allows 10-12 players, but Questing Bots only allows 7 to be on the map at the same time by default. That means 7 PMC's will spawn immediately as the raid starts, and as some of them die others will spawn to replace them. After all PMC's have spawned and less than 7 are remaining, player Scavs will be allowed to spawn. If there are 5 PMC's left on the map, 2 player Scavs will be allowed to spawn. If there are 3 PMC's left on the map, 4 player Scavs will be allowed to spawn, and so on. Even if most total PMC's have died, player Scavs will not be allowed to spawn earlier than their scheduled spawn times.

A new feature of the 0.4.0 and later releases is an advanced spawning system that tricks EFT into thinking that PMC's and player Scavs are human players. This makes PMC's and player Scavs not count toward the bot cap for the map, so they shouldn't impede normal EFT bot spawns for normal Scavs and bosses. It also prevents PMC's and player Scavs from counting toward the maximum bot counts for each zone on the map, and this allows normal Scavs to spawn like they would in live EFT. Without this system, all initial bosses must be configured to spawn first (which is a config option in this mod) or EFT may suppress them due to the high number of bots on the map. To accomodate the large initial PMC wave and still allow Scavs and bosses to spawn, the bot cap can be optionally increased (which is also a config option in this mod) if you're not using the advanced spawning system.

---------- PMC Group Spawning System ----------

  • Spawn chances for various group sizes are configurable. By default, solo spawns are most likely, but 2-man and 3-man groups will be commonly seen. 4-man and 5-man groups are rare but possible.
  • EFT will assign one bot in the group to be a "boss", and the boss will select the quest to perform. All other bots in the group will follow the boss.
  • If any group members stray too far from the boss, the boss will stop questing and attempt to regroup
  • If any member of the group engages in combat or hears a suspicious noise, all other members will stop questing (or following) and engage in combat too.
  • If the boss is allowed to sprint, so are its followers and vice versa.
  • If the boss of a bot group dies, EFT will automatically assign a new one from the remaining members
  • Followers are only allowed to loot if they remain within a certain distance from the boss

Since normal AI Limit mods will disable bots that are questing (which will prevent them from exploring the map), this mod has its own AI Limiter with the following features:

  • AI Limiting must be explicitly enabled in the F12 menu.
  • AI Limiting must be explicitly enabled for bots that are questing for each map. By default, questing bots will only be disabled on Streets.
  • Bots will only be allowed to be disabled if they are beyond a certain distance (200m by default) from human players. There are individual map-specific distances that can be adjusted by enabling advanced settings in the F12 menu, but the global setting will take priority. In other words, the actual limiting distance is the minimum of the two (the map-specific value and the global value). By default, all map-specific distances are set to 1000m to avoid confusion when only the global setting is adjusted.
  • Bots will only be allowed to be disabled if they are beyond a certain distance (75m by default) from other bots that are questing (and not disabled)

Objective System:

  • Mods that add a lot of new quests may cause latency issues that may result in game stability problems and stuttering
  • Bots tend to get trapped in certain areas. Known areas:
    • Customs between Warehouse 4 and New Gas
    • Customs in some Dorms rooms
    • Lighthouse in the mountains near the Resort spawn
    • Lighthouse on the rocks near the helicopter crash
  • Bots blindly run to their objective (unless they're in combat) even if it's certain death (i.e. running into the Sawmill when Shturman is there).
  • Bots take the most direct path to their objectives, which may involve running in the middle of an open area without any cover.
  • Certain bot "brains" stay in a combat state for a long time, during which they're unable to continue their quests.
  • Certain bot "brains" are blacklisted because they cause the bot to always be in a combat state and therefore never quest (i.e. exUSEC's when they're near a stationary weapon)
  • Bots sometimes unlock doors for no reason if they can't properly resolve their quest locations.
  • A "Destroying GameObjects immediately is not permitted during physics trigger/contact, animation event callbacks or OnValidate. You must use Destroy instead." error will sometimes appear in the game console after a bot unlocks a door. This can be ignored.
  • Player-level ranges for some quests are not reasonable, so bots may do late-game quests at low player levels and vice versa. This is because EFT has no minimum level defined for several quest lines.

PMC and Player-Scav Spawning System:

  • If there is a lot of PMC action at the beginning of the raid, the rest of the raid will feel dead. However, this isn't so different from live Tarkov.

  • If advanced_eft_bot_count_management=false, not all PMC's or player Scavs spawn into Streets because too many Scavs spawn into the map first

  • In maps with a high number of max players, Scavs don't always spawn when the game generates them if your max_alive_bots setting is high and advanced_eft_bot_count_management=false

  • In maps with a high number of max players, performance can be pretty bad if your max_alive_bots setting is high

  • Noticeable stuttering for (possibly) several seconds when the initial PMC wave spawns if your max_alive_bots setting is high

  • Performance may be worse if advanced_eft_bot_count_management=true because EFT will be allowed to spawn more Scavs than with previous versions of this mod.

  • Thanks to Props for sharing the code DONUTS uses to spawn bots. This was the inspiration to create this mod.

  • Thanks to DrakiaXYZ for creating BigBrain and Waypoints and for all of your help with developing this mod.

  • Thanks to nooky for lots of help with testing and ensuring this mod remains compatible with SWAG + DONUTS.

  • Thanks to Skwizzy for help with adding interop capability to Looting Bots.

  • Thanks to Solarint for help with improving interop capability to SAIN and working with me to balance bot questing vs. combat behavior.

  • Thanks to everyone else on Discord who helped to test the many alpha releases of this mod and provided feedback to make it better. There are too many people to name, but you're all awesome.

  • Of course, thanks to the SPT development team who made this possible in the first place.

Please see the README or for information about the configuration options in config.json and how to add custom quests.

Version 0.9.0


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Jan 26th, 4:54 PM Updated Jan 26th, 4:54 PM
  • Updated to SPT 3.10.x (#39)
  • Increased required version of Waypoints from 1.5.2 to 1.6.2
  • Increased required version of BigBrain from 1.0.1 to 1.2.0
  • Updates for the new Factory map:
    • Updated standard quests
    • Prevent bots from spawning outside of the building where the transit is located
    • Increased max_alive_bots from 5 to 7
  • Updated management of bots on Lightkeeper Island:
    • Use EFT's LighthouseTraderZone class for tracking which bots are allowed on the island and currently on the island
    • Use the collider in LighthouseTraderZone to determine the boundary of Lightkeeper Island for changing bot hostilities instead of hardcoding corner locations (but keep the hardcoded points as a failsafe in case the collider is null)
    • Force Zryachiy and his followers to become hostile toward you if your DSP encoding is removed
    • Force your DSP encoding to be disabled and Lighkeeper trader rep to be reduced if you kill another player on Lightkeeper Island, unless that player is also an aggressor on the island
  • Added (configurable) overrides for EFT's new bot hostility settings:
    • Added override to force all PMC groups to be hostile toward each other
    • Added override to force PMC groups to be hostile toward Scavs (and vice versa)
  • If the spawning system in this mod is used, remove all PMC waves in BSG's PvE settings
  • If Performance Improvements versions 0.2.1 - 0.2.3 is loaded, show a constant error in the game, and write an error to the server and game consoles.
  • If Please Just Fight is loaded with the Questing Bots spawning system enabled, show an error in the game, game console, and server console.
  • Automatically disable this mod's spawning system if Reality is loaded
  • Hardcoded some quest locations on various maps
  • Slightly reduced the chances that PMC and PScav groups of 3 or more members will spawn
  • Prevented PMC's and Partisan from being included in Boss Hunter quests
  • Wait for EFT's "bot preset" bot generation to finish before starting this mod's bot generation
  • Ensure the server's PMC conversion chance is 0% before EFT's "bot preset" bot generation begins
  • Adjust PMC conversion chances when the /client/game/start endpoint is called instead of when the plugin loads. The endpoint might be changed in the future to improve compatibility with Realism.
  • Improved the robustness of the code that verifies PMC-conversion chances haven't been changed by another mod, and write warning messages to the server to explain what changed if the verification fails
  • Create a "fake stash" for keys before transferring them to bots that are about to unlock doors
  • Only show warning messages about null quest templates once when loading into a raid instead of when processing each quest
  • Removed many debug options and moved them to a separate mod
  • Changed the logging level for many client messages (mostly from Info to Debug)
  • Some refactoring but much more is needed
  • Removed obsolete methods from the client and server code
  • Bug fixes for problems introduced in SPT 3.10:
    • Bug fix for remaining members of a bot group generated by this mod not becoming followers after a boss is set
    • Bug fix for a new boss of a PMC group generated by this mod not being set when the initial one dies
    • Bug fix for a new boss not being selected if the current one is separated from its group (due to being stuck for too long)
    • Bug fix for bot paths not avoiding airdrop crates (EFT issue)
    • Bug fix for initial raid setup failing when WorldInteractiveObjects with the same ID are found on the map (EFT issue)
    • Bug fix for exceptions when sounds fail to play while bots perform certain actions if you're using a third-person view
  • Bug fixes for remaining problems from previous SPT releases:
    • Bug fix for door and switch interactions not working for all clients when using Fika
    • Bug fix for PScav groups generated by this mod allowing Scavs who spawned earlier to join
    • Bug fix for bots generated by this mod being allowed to join other bot groups
    • Bug fix for PMC spawn points being too restricted when spawning at the beginning of a Scav raid
    • Bug fix for 0 bots being infinitely generated for bot groups. Ensure at least 1 PMC and 1 PScav is generated (if those generators are enabled).
    • Bug fix for StackOverflowException when finding the required level for a quest added by a custom trader that has circular references in its prerequisites. When this happens, show an error in the game console and server console, and set the required level for that quest to 1.
    • Bug fix for exception when airdrops land for Fika client machines

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.8.1


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Nov 18th, 2024 Updated Nov 18th, 2024

SAIN 3.1.0 or later and Looting Bots 1.3.5 or later are highly recommended!

  • Renamed the "Distance from PMCs (m)" F12 menu option to "Distance from Bots That Are Questing (m)"
  • Instead of showing a warning message when QuestManiac is detected, make it incompatible. Quests take far too long to process, and the performance impact is too significant to tolerate.
  • Simplified the code needed to create custom bot generators using this mod's spawn system (a patch is no longer needed)
  • Disabled logging messages when bots are forced to be hostile toward bosses
  • Disabled server messages showing BotSpawnPeriodCheck values
  • Use the SPT method for getting members of a bot group
  • Made all Unity methods protected instead of private because the recent Visual Studio update is dumb and forces them to be faded out
  • Removed unused OnGameStarted patch
  • Bug fix for PMC spawns being too close together when using other mods that allow more than one human player (#38)
  • Bug fix for bots incorrectly being prevented from grouping together
  • Bug fix for Zryachiy and his followers not able to be excluded from the AI limiter
  • Bug fix for followers of bots with quests on Lightkeeper Island setting off the mines on the bridge

config.json files from the 0.8.0 release are compatible.

Version 0.8.0


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Oct 26th, 2024 Updated Oct 26th, 2024

SAIN 3.1.0 or later and Looting Bots 1.3.5 or later are highly recommended!

  • Increased required version of SPT from 3.9.0 to 3.9.6
  • Increased required version of Waypoints from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
  • Added support for bots doing quests on Lightkeeper Island:
    • If a bot selects a quest on Lightkeeper Island, it will become allied with Zryachiy and his followers
    • Once a bot passes through the gate on the bridge leading to Lightkeeper Island, it will become temporarily allied with all bots beyond that point on the bridge or anywhere on the island. After the bot returns back through the gate going in the opposite direction, it will end its temporary alliances.
    • Bots that select a quest on Lightkeeper Island will be able to pass through the claymores on the bridge without setting them off even if you can't
    • Any player that kills a bot beyond the gate leading to Lightkeeper Island or anywhere on the island will receive negative Lightkeeper rep and have their DSP encoding disabled
    • Added Lightkeeper Island quests (only allowed for PMC's level 35 or higher)
    • If SAIN is detected, it must be at least a certain version for Lightkeeper Island quests to be enabled. This is currently set to SAIN 3.1.2, which has not been released! Previous versions of SAIN do not allow enemy bots to become allies during the raid.
  • Significantly improved bot path-finding to quest objectives in the command bunker and around D2 in Reserve
  • Added D2 camping quests to Reserve
  • Added remedies for bots getting stuck while questing:
    • If a bot becomes stuck for >6 seconds (configurable) while doing a quest, it will try jumping over the obstacle in front of it. It will retry this every 4 seconds (configurable) until it gives up.
    • If a bot becomes stuck for >8 seconds (configurable) while doing a quest, it will try vaulting over the obstacle in front of it. It will retry this every 4 seconds (configurable) until it gives up.
    • If either remedy is used, bots will recalculate their paths to their objectives after they land back on the ground
  • Added setting to F12 menu to only enable the AI limiter if there are at least a certain number of bots on the map (15 by default)
  • Added optional forbiddenWeapons field to quests to prevent bots from using weapons that are not appropriate for the quest. If the types of all of the bot's weapons are in the array, it will not be allowed to select the quest. This is mostly used to prevent bots from using pistols and shotguns for sniping quests and using sniper rifles for ambush quests.
  • Separated boss hunter quests into individual quests for each boss instead of a single quest for all of them. The name of each quest will now contain the boss's name, so it's easier to understand what bots are doing using the bot debug overlays.
  • Blacklisted Zryachiy and his followers, "skier", and "peacemaker" from Boss Hunter quests
  • Changed the min/max number of EFT quests a bot needs to complete before trying to extract from 2/5 to 2/4
  • Changed the min/max number of non-EFT quests a bot needs to complete before trying to extract from 6/12 to 3/8
  • Changed the default bot-cap adjustment for Factory Day from 13 to 0 because the SPT location data for it has been fixed
  • Use SPT's USEC chance when generating PMC's instead of having a fixed 50% chance
  • Changed the way bot-generation requests are intercepted so a custom endpoint is no longer needed
  • Show an error when the game starts if this mod's spawning system and nVidia reflex are both enabled
  • Prevent PMC's and PScavs spawned by this mod from being forced to be hostile with Zryachiy and his followers, the BTR, or Santa
  • Always allow bots to join boss bot groups
  • If a bot's state is not EBotState.Active, show its state in its bot overlay instead of any other information
  • Added debug setting to make all PMC's friendly
  • Simplified the method used to generate bot groups
  • Stop trying to find static paths to invalid quest objectives
  • Removed the patch that fixed a bug with bot Standby logic because it's no longer needed
  • Use the SPT method for getting members of a bot group
  • Ensure private fields are arguments in patches, not accessed via reflection while the patch runs
  • Ensure private fields that cannot be arguments in patches are cached when the patch is created
  • Added unused method to prevent a bot from sprinting for a certain amount of time
  • Added unused method to delete all static-path data
  • Fixed typo in message when bots are ready to extract after completing a certain number of quests
  • Added warning messages when processing EFT quests if any of their templates are null
  • Bug fix for the AI limiter not working on Ground Zero when you are level 21 or higher
  • Bug fix for errors when bots try unlocking doors that no longer exist (namely because they were destroyed by Backdoor Bandit)
  • Bug fix for bots trying to unlock the same door multiple times
  • Bug fix for error when multiple waypoints for a quest are connected with a static path
  • Bug fix for redundant static paths being generated (where one is the reverse of another)
  • Bug fix for error spam if a questing bot's path data is null
  • Bug fix for respawns of Zryachiy's followers not being able to join his bot group
  • Bug fix for the members of the wrong bot group being used to check if a bot can join a bot group
  • Bug fix for not being able to override properties of quests that are private, arrays, or reference types via eftQuestSettings.json
  • Bug fix for quest zone positions not able to be changed via zoneAndItemQuestPositions.json

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.7.0


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Jul 20th, 2024 Updated Jul 20th, 2024

SAIN 3.0.4 or later and Looting Bots 1.3.5 or later are highly recommended!

  • Updated to SPT 3.9.x
  • Increased required version of Waypoints from 1.4.3 to 1.5.1
  • Increased required version of BigBrain from 0.4.0 to 1.0.1
  • Improved the interaction between Questing Bots and SAIN:
    • Reduced brain-layer priorities of questing and boss-following to be less than SAIN's brain-layer priorities. This fixes issues where bots would prematurely end combat and run away, and bots will generally be much more alert, patient, and effective in combat. However, they will also tend to perform significantly fewer quests throughout the raid.
    • Added a new brain layer (with a higher priority than SAIN's) to make bots retreat and support their boss if their group is in combat and they're not in immediate danger. This prevents bot groups from becoming too spread out and running around the same general area chasing each other between engagements. The distance thresholds are configurable, but by default they will use this layer if they're more than 35m away from their boss, and they will stop using the layer once they are within 15m of their boss.
    • Only prevent followers from following or regrouping with their bosses if they need to heal, and ignore other "able-bodied" checks. This prevents bot followers from running away and ignoring their bosses for a while instead of healing.
    • Added separate min/max pairs to questing.bot_questing_requirements.search_time_after_combat that are automatically selected based on Questing Bots's brain-layer priorities vs. SAIN's. If SAIN is prioritized, questing.bot_questing_requirements.search_time_after_combat will be 5/20 s. Otherwise, it will be 20/45 s.
  • Changed the raid-start delay to occur before the final countdown until the raid starts instead of being in parallel with it
  • Added a config option to override the radius around the BTR within which questing bots will "avoid danger" (reduced EFT's 40m setting to 10m by default).
  • Added config options to change priorities of all Questing Bots brain layers
  • Updated bot-overlay information to include the new brain layer and to hide some information when one of SAIN's brain layers is active
  • Added an Advanced F12 menu option to show your current coordinates on the screen
  • Bug fix for bots ignoring their hearing (using SAIN) when sniping
  • Bug fix for not using the "default" Scav raid-time reduction settings to generate the player-Scav spawn schedule if the location ID cannot be found in the server data

Please use my AI Hostility Fix mod if you're using SAIN 3.0.3 (or below) or SPT 3.9.1 (or below).

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.6.1


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Jul 7th, 2024 Updated Jul 7th, 2024

If you're using Fika, you must set bot_spawns.delay_game_start_until_bot_gen_finishes=false in config.json or bosses may not spawn. Setting bot_spawns.spawn_initial_bosses_first=true may also help to ensure there are no long delays before bosses spawn.

SAIN 2.3.3 or later and Looting Bots 1.3.3 or later are highly recommended!

  • Added map-specific distances for the AI limiter. These can be accessed via the "Advanced" F12 menu settings, and the actual distance used is the lesser of the map-specific distance and the global limiting distance for human players.
  • Increased default min/max values of questing.bot_questing_requirements.search_time_after_combat from 10/30 to 20/45 seconds to dissuade bots from leaving combat as quickly
  • Updated the algorithm used to find locations of EFT quests. All EFT quests can now be located, which fixes problems in previous releases with finding positions for the following quests:
    • Capturing Outposts on all locations (Customs, Woods, and Shoreline)
    • Background Check on Customs
    • Return the Favor on Woods
    • Overpopulation on Lighthouse
    • Knock-knock on Lighthouse
    • Seaside Vacation on Lighthouse
    • Safe Corridor on Reserve
    • No Place for Renegades on Reserve
    • One location for Bunker Part 2 on Reserve
    • All locations for Long Line on Interchange
    • No Swiping on Shoreline
    • Multiple locations for Scrap Metal on Shoreline
    • One location for Spa Tour Part 2 on Shoreline
    • One location for Eagle Eye on Shoreline
    • Gendarmerie Mall Cop on Streets
  • Added the ability for bots to open car doors and trunks. Added/updated the following quests to use this feature:
    • Merin Car on Lighthouse
    • Truck that spawns a violet card by the Sawmill Checkpoint on Woods
    • Giving Trunk on Customs
    • Car trunk that spawns the OLI Logistics key on Customs
    • Car trunk with the medbag in the Storage area on Customs
  • Added a config option to increase the desirability of quests that are currently active for you. Desirability is increased by 1.2X by default.
  • Added config option to scale the value of BotSpawnPeriodCheck to reduce the feeling of Scavs "swarming" you. The period is 3X longer by default.
  • Added the ability to override EFT quest properties using the new config/eftQuestSettings.json file. None are changed by default.
  • Added the ability to specify target positions for bots to collect EFT quest items and doors that must be unlocked to reach them using the new config/zoneAndItemQuestPositions.json file.
  • After each objective that a bot completes for an EFT quest requiring you to place a marker, it will wait for the "protect objective" time before selecting another quest.
  • After each objective that a bot completes for an EFT elimination quest, it will wait a configurable amount of time (60s by default) before selecting another quest.
  • Implemented SAIN interop method to instruct bots to ignore their hearing when in an ambush position defined by a quest. This is needed if questing.brain_layer_priority is reduced to be a lower priority than SAIN's brain layers.
  • Stop treating assaultGroup Scavs as bosses
  • Added debug option in the advanced F12 menu to write more information about bot spawning to the game console
  • Added unused method to find the bot's weapon with the longest sighting range
  • Bug fix for CloseNearbyDoors action not working
  • Bug fix for allowing SPT 3.9.0

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.6.0


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Jun 2nd, 2024 Updated Jun 2nd, 2024

Because the file structure has changed with this release, files from all previous versions of this mod must be removed before installing this version!

If you're using Fika, you must set bot_spawns.delay_game_start_until_bot_gen_finishes=false in config.json or bosses may not spawn. Setting bot_spawns.spawn_initial_bosses_first=true may also help to ensure there are no long delays before bosses spawn.

SAIN 2.1.12 or later and Looting Bots 1.3.0 or later are highly recommended!

  • Allow the server and client to run on different machines. To accomplish this, the following changes were made:
    • Check the positions of all non-AI players, not only the main player, when determining which bots to disable in the AI limiter
    • Check the positions of all non-AI players, not only the main player, to determine where to spawn bots
    • Added interop support that provides a method to obtain the current bot-generation progress
    • Moved the client DLL into its own folder ("DanW-SPTQuestingBots")
    • Moved the "quests" folder from the server directory to the new client directory for this mod
    • Log files will now be stored within the new client directory for this mod
    • Removed the basic quest-file validation script that runs as the server starts
    • Added a basic quest-file validation script that runs as the game starts. If quests are missing or cannot be validated, a warning message will be written to the server console, but the mod will still function.
    • Added server and client checks for an older client DLL still remaining in the "BepInEx\plugins" directory. If so, show an error when the server or game starts and disable this mod.
    • If "quests" and "log" directories from older versions of the server files still exist, write warning messages in the server console, but still allow the mod to function
    • Bug fix for boss-spawn limiting not working when there are multiple non-AI players in the raid
    • Bug fix for multiple instances of components trying to be added when using certain types of mods (thanks to @belettee)
    • Bug fix for the raid-start delay-code running multiple times if multiple non-AI players are in the raid (thanks to @belettee)
  • Added config option to replace SPT's bot caps with EFT's when using the advanced spawning system. There are also options to only change the bot cap if EFT's is lower (enabled by default) and to apply additional map-specific adjustments.
  • If "As Online" difficulty is selected for a raid, random difficulties will be assigned to bots spawned by Questing Bots. The weighting of the difficulties is defined by the bot_difficulty_as_online array for each bot type in config.json.
  • Added AI-limiter option to keep certain bot types always active (accessible in the F12 menu). By default, Rogues and sniper Scavs will always be active.
  • Added a setting in the F12 menu to prevent bots from sprinting when they're within a certain distance of any quest objective (3m by default)
  • Disable BotStandby logic for all bots because it was causing problems and the AI limiter basically serves the same purpose
  • Reduced questing.bot_search_distances.objective_reached_navmesh_path_error from 20m to 2m because bots should be able to reach all quest positions now. This also prevents bots from trying to reach all steps for an inaccessible quest objective.
  • Added a configuration option to only reset a bot's decisions before looting if SAIN is a older than a specified version ( by default). Additional improvements for switching between Questing Bots's and SAIN's logic will be included in future releases.
  • Added min_raid_time_remaining config option (180s by default) to prevent bots from spawning too late in the raid
  • Blacklist quest objectives on Scav island on Shoreline because Unity struggles to find complete paths to it (thanks to @MonstraG)
  • Ensure quest objectives on Lightkeeper Island on Lighthouse are blacklisted even if the first step is not on the island
  • If bots cannot form a valid path and are not on the NavMesh, teleport them to a valid NavMesh position (WIP)
  • Automatically disable the bot spawning system if Better Spawns Plus is detected (thanks to @xuvvy and @artofsound)
  • Added an error message when using DONUTS but not SWAG when EFT loads, but still allow the mod to function
  • Added null checks in case doors no longer exist (namely because they were destroyed by Backdoor Bandit)
  • Added bot difficulties to the "assignments" log file written at the end of each raid
  • Added rows for bots that were generated by Questing Bots but never spawned in the "assignments" log file written at the end of each raid
  • Removed the Questing Bots endpoint for writing error messages to the server console and will now use the SPT one
  • Changed the server message about the advanced spawning system ignoring bot caps for PMC's and PScavs from a warning to an info message
  • Bug fix for bots sprinting after completing objectives when they're still within maxRunDistance of them
  • Bug fix for Scavs not spawning later in the raid
  • Bug fix for bots unlocking doors requiring power (before it's turned on) when other mods are used that add context-menu actions
  • Bug fix for bots unlocking the inner KIBA door before the outer door
  • Bug fix for the AI limiter preventing bots from achieving the EBotState.PreActive state
  • Bug fix for bot and quest overlays not rendering properly when DLSS is enabled (thanks to Solarint)

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.5.0


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Apr 29th, 2024 Updated Apr 29th, 2024

SAIN 2.1.12 or later and Looting Bots 1.3.0 or later are highly recommended!

  • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.8.0
  • Increased required version of Waypoints from 1.3.4 to 1.4.3
  • Increased required version of BigBrain from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0
  • Changed required version of SPT-AKI to 3.8.x for client DLL and server files
  • Added standard quests for Ground Zero
  • Updated quests for Shoreline including expansion area
  • Added quests for new Streets locations
  • Implemented a bot pathing controller with the following features:
    • Paths are cached and only recalculated when needed.
    • Added the ability to create waypoints for quests. When the raid starts, static paths will be calculated from each of the quest's objectives to each waypoint defined for the quest. If a bot cannot find a complete path to its objective, it will check if a complete path can be formed to any of the quest's waypoints. If so, it will use that waypoint to get to the objective. This will help bots to navigate to quests locations that are difficult for Unity to calculate a path to them.
    • Quest waypoints and target positions for bot paths can be visualized by enabling debug options in the F12 menu. Bot-path target overlays are an advanced option.
    • The status of each bot's current path will be shown in the bot overlays enabled in the F12 menu
  • Added Ground Zero to AI-limiter options and config.json options
  • Reduced desirability of Boss Hunter quest type from 65 to 40
  • Added options for exporting custom quest locations in the F12 menu (requires advanced options to be checked)
  • Allow Kollontay and his followers to quest if questing.allowed_bot_types_for_questing.boss=true
  • Added a 20ms delay between each bot-generation task to attempt to reduce server retries
  • When making bots hostile toward bosses, excludes ones in questing.bot_quests.blacklisted_boss_hunter_bosses
  • Changed the text color of the bot's brain layer from yellow to magenta in the bot overlays enabled in the F12 menu
  • If a bot gets stuck, show a warning message in the game console instead of an info message
  • Only show a warning message about the Boss Hunter quest not being used if more than one bot zone exists on the map
  • Added shooterBTR to blacklisted bot brains for PMC's
  • Ensure LocationData component is destroyed before adding it to a GameWorld instance
  • Made "Show Quest Info for Spawn-Search Quests" F12-menu option an advanced option
  • Bug fix for bots trying to regroup with dead followers
  • Bug fix for failed bot paths not being drawn unless debug.show_zone_outlines=true
  • Bug fix for failed bot paths and zone outlines persisting across multiple raids (even if the map changes)
  • Bug fix for possible NRE's when trying to show bot overlays for despawned bots

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.4.2


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Apr 1st, 2024 Updated Apr 1st, 2024

This will be the final version for SPT-AKI 3.7.x. All future work will be for SPT-AKI 3.8.x. Limited support will be provided for this version.

Only compatible with SPT-AKI 3.7.6

SAIN 2.1.9 or later and Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later are highly recommended!

Feature Changes:

  • Increased required SPT version to 3.7.6
  • Revised spawn-location selection algorithm for PMC's and PScav's that spawn after the beginning of the raid
  • Separate bots from their groups if they take too long to heal (>120s by default) or get stuck too many times (8 by default). If the boss of a group is separated, a new boss for the group will be selected. The timer for determining if bots take too long to heal will be paused when bots hear suspicious noises or are in combat.
  • Added new Snipe quest step type that operates the same as Ambush but allows bots to be interrupted by suspicious noises
  • Increased bot_spawns.max_alive_bots for Labs from 8 to 9
  • Updated SPT-version check when the game starts
  • Use raid-time-adjustment properties provided in SPT 3.7.6
  • If bots stop questing or following because they got stuck, show "IsStuck" for the reason why they stopped instead of "CannotQuest"
  • Bug fix for constant exceptions when the game starts that "break" bots and cause them to shuffle and not engage enemies
  • Bug fix for bots continuing to perform quests with maxBotsInGroup limits below their group size if followers are assigned to them after they started doing the quest
  • Bug fix for bots being able to unlock or open doors that would have no interaction options for human players (i.e. the Saferoom door in Interchange when the power is off)
  • Bug fix (for broken bug fix) for bots being able to join other bot groups (for real this time?)
  • Bug fix for player Scavs spawning next to each other during the raid
  • Added debug messages to help troubleshoot spawn issues
  • If a PMC or PScav spawn was prevented because it would be too close to another bot, show the distance to that bot in the game console

Quest Changes:

  • Updated all sniping quests to use the new Snipe quest step type instead of Ambush
  • Changed "Bridge Sniping" on Customs from being considered a camping quest to a sniping quest

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.4.1


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Mar 16th, 2024 Updated Mar 16th, 2024

Requires at least SPT-AKI 3.7.4 with the 2023/12/06 hotfix or newer!

SAIN 2.1.9 or later and Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later are highly recommended!

New Features:

  • Implemented bot hearing sensor to make them less oblivious and more proficient in CBQ. This system has the following features:
    • If bots hear enemy footsteps or gunfire within a certain range, they will stop questing for some time between 5s and 20s (configurable). By default, the threshold for them to detect enemy footsteps is 20m, and the threshold for gunfire (including suppressed gunfire) is 50m.
    • If they continue hearing suspicious noises (described above), they will keep being prevented from questing until a maximum time is reached, which is configurable for each map. By default, the maximum time for all maps is 120s except Labs (60s) and Factory (30s Day, 45s Night). The more PVP-focused maps have lower maximum times to discourage bots from staying in one location for a long time. After this maximum time is reached, bots will ignore suspicious noises for a certain time, which is 7s by default.
    • The hearing sensitivity for bots is higher if they're wearing headsets and lower if they're wearing helmets that block sound.
    • If the loudness of the sound is below a certain configurable level, bots will ignore it. Currently, bots will ignore you crouch-walking at the slowest speed even if they're wearing headsets. That way, you can still sneak up on them. In contrast, bots that are wearing helmets that block noise and not wearing headsets will likely not hear you walking at all. All bots will hear you sprint, and all bots will hear gunfire regardless of their loadouts.
    • When bots first hear suspicious noises, they will not be allowed to loot for some time between 5s and 20s (same as the setting above). This requires Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later.
    • Bots will ignore suspicious noises if they're closing doors, planting items, toggling switches, or in an ambush position
    • If a bot in a group stops questing to investigate a suspicious noise, all other group members will stop questing
    • SAIN is highly recommended to complement this system
    • This system can be disabled if desired
  • Adjusted default configuration to make bots in groups travel closer together:
    • Reduced questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.target_range.min from 10m to 7m
    • Reduced questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.target_range.max from 20m to 12m
    • Reduced questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.nearest from 25m to 15m
    • Reduced questing.bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.furthest from 40m to 25m
    • Reduced questing.bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting.max_distance_from_boss from 75m to 50m
  • Removed legacy code that doubled the number of bots allowed to do a quest if it was for an EFT quest in a large area (i.e. locations for Capturing Outposts)
  • Increased questing.bot_questing_requirements.repeat_quest_delay from 300s to 360s so bots are less likely to bounce between nearby quests that have many objectives
  • Allow bots to loot after completing EFT quests if there is a non-EFT quest objective within a certain distance (5m by default) that allows looting. However, bots will never be able to loot at quest objectives requiring them to plant items.
  • Allow bosses of bot groups to wander around and patrol if they're regrouping and they've reached their nearest follower. Previously they would stand still after reaching their nearest follower, making them easy sniping targets.
  • Added configuration options to adjust the desirabilities of quests that are marked as camping quests or sniping quests
  • Reduced the minimum distance above which bots can be disabled by the AI limiter if they're near other questing bots from 50m to 25m
  • Added new fields to bot overlays to show why they are not questing or following their bosses. Logic checks for determining if bots can quest or follow bots were reorganized so the most severe reasons are shown in this field.
  • Relocated search_time_after_combat in config.json but did not change its values
  • Removed the F12 option to disable time-gating because there's no benefit
  • Fixed special quests like "Boss Hunter" have unnamed quest objectives
  • Bug fix for slow bot generation (and related lag spikes) compared to the 0.3.5 release
  • Bug fix for not all members of a Scav group being converted to PScavs when using another spawning mod like SWAG + DONUTS and having adjust_pscav_chance.enabled=true
  • Bug fix for bots attacking other bots that are disabled by the AI limiter
  • Bug fix (for broken bug fix) for bots being able to join other bot groups
  • Bug fix for pausing of questing brain layers not working. This mainly affected the transition between bots unlocking and opening doors.
  • Disabled old debug messages
  • Refactoring and removal of unused code

Quest Changes:

  • Reduced desirability of EFT quests from 65 to 60
  • Increased min_distance of "Boss Hunter" quests from 25m to 50m
  • Reduced max_distance of Airdrop Chaser quests from 500m to 400m
  • Changed "3rd Floor Office Rush" quest in Factory to have an ambush step instead of a hold-position step
  • Reduced desirability of "3rd Floor Bridge" in Factory from 35 to 25
  • Increased desirability of "Gate 3" in Factory from 10 to 15
  • Increased desirability of "Gate 3 Entrance" in Factory from 10 to 15
  • Increased desirability of "Gate 3 Camping" in Factory from 10 to 15
  • Separated ambush objective in "Cafeteria" quest in Labs into a new quest
  • Reduced desirability of "Medical Block Elevator Stairwell" in Labs from 30 to 25
  • Reduced desirability of "Ventilation Shaft Stairwell" in Labs from 20 to 10
  • Reduced desirability of "Parking Stairwell" in Labs from 20 to 10
  • Reduced desirability of "NE Stairwell" in Labs from 20 to 10
  • Reduced desirability of "Central Stairwell 1" in Labs from 20 to 15
  • Reduced desirability of "Central Stairwell 2" in Labs from 20 to 15
  • Reduced desirability of "Server Room SW Stairs" in Labs from 30 to 25
  • Reduced desirability of "Server Room NW Stairs" in Labs from 30 to 25

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.4.0


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Mar 5th, 2024 Updated Mar 5th, 2024

Requires at least SPT-AKI 3.7.4 with the 2023/12/06 hotfix or newer!

SAIN 2.1.9 or later and Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later are highly recommended!

Huge update!


  • Added and updated quests on every map, including new ones for the 0.13.5 Streets expansion
  • Added new questing features that instruct bots to loot, snipe, and camp. Requires SAIN 2.1.9 or later and Looting Bots 1.2.1 or later.
  • Implemented a new quest-selection algorithm that makes bots travel more naturally through the map
  • Implemented player-Scav spawning system. If the player-Scav spawning system is disabled (i.e. if you're using SWAG + DONUTS), the SPT player-Scav-conversion chance will adjust throughout the raid.
  • Allow player Scavs to quest without making all Scavs quest
  • Implemented advanced spawning system that tricks EFT into thinking bots spawned by Questing Bots are human players. This makes them not count toward the bot cap, and all other EFT spawns will work like they do in live Tarkov. This only applies to bots spawned by Questing Bots; it will not apply to bots spawned by mods like SWAG + DONUTS.
  • Added a system to wait for all PMC's and player Scavs to be generated before the raid starts. PMC's will now spawn immediately on all maps.

Full Release Notes (too long to include here):

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

IMPORTANT: If either the player-Scav spawning system or player-Scav conversion-chance adjustment system is active, the "/client/game/bot/generate" endpoint will be overwritten with a QuestingBots endpoint! This may affect compatibility with other mods!

Version 0.3.5


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Jan 2nd, 2:11 AM Updated Jan 2nd, 2:11 AM

Requires at least SPT-AKI 3.7.4 with the 2023/12/06 hotfix or newer!

  • Added "boss hunter" quest that instructs bots to search areas in which bosses may spawn. Bots must be level 15+ to select it.
  • Added "airdrop chaser" quest that instructs bots to go to airdrop crates within a certain time after they land (420s by default).
  • Instruct bots to extract based on raid time and the number of quests they complete. REQUIRES SAIN 2.1.7 or later. SAIN 2.1.8 or later is highly recommended.
  • Allow quests to instruct bots to extract immediately after completing them
  • Updated "Marked Room Rush" quest in Customs to instruct bots to extract after completing it
  • Display a notification in the EFT main-menu screen if SPT needs to be updated to support the current version of the mod
  • Abbreviate the ID's of doors being unlocked in the bot's "action reason" so they take up less space in BotDebug overlays
  • Added currently-unused method that can retrieve a CustomLayer object registered with BigBrain from another mod without adding it as a dependency
  • Changed inconsistent property name chanceOfHavingKeys to chance_of_having_keys in questing.bot_quests.eft_quests
  • Added debug option to force airdrops to occur at the beginning of every raid on applicable maps
  • Only show the "No custom quests found" server warning message if the user\mods\DanW-SPTQuestingBots\quests\custom directory exists but doesn't contain any quests
  • Added a server error message if no standard quests were found
  • Added more detail to the "/quests/standard/ directory is missing" server error message
  • Small performance improvement when initializing bots
  • Added more information to the message for exceptions thrown by LocationController.GetNearestSpawnPoint()
  • Bug fix for bots repeatedly trying to unlock or breach the same door
  • Bug fix for some properties not working when added to quests in questing.bot_quests
  • Bug fix for exceptions when loading quests added by mods that do not have any Conditions defined
  • Bug fix for exception thrown by LocationController.GetNearestSpawnPoint() saying that no spawn points are available, typically on Reserve
  • Bug fix for rare condition in which profile information is requested for a null bot
  • Bug fix for custom and standard quests being validated even if the mod is disabled

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.3.4


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Dec 10th, 2023 Updated Dec 10th, 2023
  • Increased required version of SPT-AKI to 3.7.4 (MUST have the 2023/12/06 hotfix or newer!)
  • Bots will now figure out how to unlock doors in locked rooms (i.e. the offices in Big Red)
  • Raid-time calculations changed to use methods in SPT 3.7.4
  • Added debug option to force Scav raids to always be full length
  • Minor performance improvement when multiple bots check if the same door can be unlocked
  • Replaced individual debug messages for locked doors that bots aren't allowed to unlock with one saying the total number of locked doors that bots are allowed to unlock
  • Added more details about bots in debug message written when a player kills another player
  • Removed "Initial PMC's remaining" part of the debug message written when a player kills another player if initial PMC spawns are disabled
  • Fail all objectives for killed bots after writing the debug message written when a player kills another player so reading the log makes more sense
  • Added null checks to be more flexible when processing quests added by other mods
  • Bug fix for exception thrown when bots try unlocking keycard doors that were just unlocked
  • Removed obsolete code
  • Refactoring for methods that can serve other purposes in the future

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.3.3


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Dec 5th, 2023 Updated Dec 5th, 2023

Hotfix 1:

  • Fixed incorrect version in package.json

Feature Changes:

  • Bots can now unlock doors
    • The ability for (questing) bots to unlock doors can be enabled independently for PMC's, Scavs, and bosses. Only PMC's are enabled by default.
    • If a bot cannot reach its objective location, it will automatically search for the nearest locked door to it within a certain radius (25m by default)
    • If the bot can reach the door, there is a configurable chance that the required key will be transferred to the bot (by default: 50% for EFT quests, 25% for all other quests)
    • If the bot is a PMC, the key will first be placed into its secure container if there is space. For Scavs and bosses (and PMC's will full secure containers), keys will be placed elsewhere in their inventories (backpack, rigs, or pockets) if possible. If there is absolutely nowhere to put the key, the bot will not be able to unlock the door. These keys are NOT found-in-raid (for now).
    • For debugging, the test positions used to determine locked-door accessibility can be outlined. See the README for more information.
  • Increased the required version of Waypoints from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3 to allow bots to interact with initially-locked doors
  • Prevented bots from doing any quest objectives on Lightkeeper island
  • When "planting" items, bots tend to aim toward the position where bots are most likely to be (based on averaging the positions of all alive bots on the map)
  • Reduced the search radius for valid NavMesh positions for quest items and quest zones from 2m to 1.5m to prevent locations from being incorrectly found on the floors above or below them
  • Added server warning message about known performance issues when using QuestManiac
  • Bug fix for "Boss xxx has not been added to the follower dictionary" exception when followers are initialized before their bosses
  • Bug fix for multiple quest objectives being failed at the same time
  • Bug fix for quest objectives being failed when the bot isn't actively questing
  • Bug fix for race condition that may cause questing brain layers to be infinitely suspended
  • Bug fix for the mod internally reporting that it was unable to delete a quest objective when it actually was
  • Bug fix for very unlikely condition causing bots to get stuck in the "Plant Item" action indefinitely
  • Bug fix for some spherical outlines drawn for debugging not appearing

Quest Changes:

  • Reduced the maximum number of bots simultaneously doing the same EFT quest from 4 to 3
  • Added "Marked Room Rush" quest for Customs
  • Added "Engineer's Office", "Gate 0", "Gate 3", "Med Tent Gate", and "Cellars" quests for Factory
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Scav Camp Area" quest on Interchange from 20 to 10
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Goshan Interior Tents" quest on Interchange from 30 to 15
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Goshan Lockers" quest on Interchange from 25 to 15
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Lexos Director's Office" quest on Streets from 15 to 5
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Lexos North Entry" quest on Streets from 30 to 15
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Lexos South Entry" quest on Streets from 30 to 15
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Lexos Center" quest on Streets from 30 to 15
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Lexos Garage" quest on Streets from 30 to 15
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Lexos Offices" quest on Streets from 30 to 15
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Checkannaya 15" quest on Streets from 15 to 10
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Checkannaya 15 Upstairs" quest on Streets from 20 to 10
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Sparja" quest on Streets from 30 to 15
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Pinewood Hotel Sparja" quest on Streets from 20 to 15
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting the "Sawmill Cabins" quest on Woods from 20 to 15

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Version 0.3.2


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Nov 19th, 2023 Updated Nov 19th, 2023

Feature Changes:

  • Bots will now toggle switches
  • Added prerequisites for some quests that require a switch to be in a certain position. For example, if the Hermetic extract switch is on in Reserve, don't allow bots to try and turn it on again (until it turns back off).
  • Automatically disable initial PMC spawns if MOAR is detected
  • Added logging message when a map has been loaded
  • Added logging message when quest data is being erased at the end of raids
  • Changed server message about PMC spawns being automatically disabled to a warning
  • Do not write a server message about PMC spawns being disabled if they're already disabled
  • Write a server message when the mod is completely disabled
  • Bug fix for dead bots still being assigned new quests
  • Bug fix for chanceForSelecting property for quests not working correctly (thanks, BSG...)
  • Bug fix for maxBots property for quests not actually being used
  • Bug fix for errors caused by rare condition where the mod searches for switches and doors in the map multiple times

Quest Changes:

  • Added intermediate point for the "D2 Switch" quest in Reserve to reduce bot pathing failures to it
  • Reduced the chance for selecting the Customs "Power Switch" quest from 50% to 30%, and reduced the max distance to select it from 500m to 200m.
  • Added quests for KIBA alarm panels on Interchange that become available when the power switch is turned on
  • Changed the priority of the "Hidden Panel" quest in the Interchange Burger Spot bathroom from 19 to 20, changed the chance of selecting it from 15% to 20%, don't allow it to be selected until 180s after the raid starts, and only allow it to be selected when the power switch is turned on
  • Changed the priority of the "Safe Room" quest in Interchange from 19 to 18, changed the chance of selecting it from 30% to 10%, and only allow it to be selected if the power switch is turned on and keycard has been swiped in the Burger Spot bathroom
  • Added "Sewage Conduit Pump Switch" quest in Labs
  • Reduced the chance of the "Medical Block Elevator Power Switch" quest in Labs being selected from 10% to 5%
  • Reduced the chance of the "Cargo Block Elevator Power Switch" quest in Labs being selected from 15% to 5%
  • Reduced the chance of the "Main Elevator Power Switch" quest in Labs being selected from 10% to 5%
  • Only allow the "Parking Gate Controls" quest in Labs to be selected after 420s has elapsed in the raid and the gate isn't already open
  • Changed the priority of the "Parking Gate Alarm Controls" quest in Labs from 19 to 18, the chance of it being selected from 5% to 10%, at least 420s has elapsed in the raid, and only allow it to be selected if the Parking Gate is open and the alarm hasn't already been turned off
  • Only allow the "Hangar Gate Controls" quest in Labs to be selected after 420s has elapsed in the raid and the gate isn't already open
  • Only allow the "Hermetic Door Switch" quest in Reserve to be selected after 300s has elapsed in the raid and the switch isn't already on
  • Added D2-switch objective to the "D2 Area" quest in Reserve
  • Reduced the chance of the "D2 Area" quest in Reserve being selected from 30% to 15%
  • Added "Hermetic Alarm Patrol" quest in Reserve that can only be selected while the Hermetic extract switch is on

config.json files from the 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 releases are fully compatible.

Version 0.3.1


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Nov 14th, 2023 Updated Nov 14th, 2023
  • Improved PMC group spawning system thanks to DrakiaXYZ
  • PMC's are no longer forced to be enemies with you
  • Removed the mod version number from the folder name
  • Removed obsolete code

config.json files from the 0.3.0 release are fully compatible.

Please make sure you delete previous versions of this mod from your \user\mods directory!

Version 0.3.0


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Nov 12th, 2023 Updated Nov 12th, 2023
  • Massive rewrite of the quest management system for bots. The quest-selection algorithm is about the same but will soon change too.
  • Added an option in the F12 menu to prevent bots from sprinting while questing (sprinting is enabled by default)
  • Bots will now crouch or go prone for a certain amount of time to simulate planting items for quests like Farming Part 1, Delivery from the Past, etc.
  • The limit for how many bots can do the same quest was moved from individual objectives to the parent quest itself
  • Make the wait time after a bot completes a quest unique for every quest instead of universal. Currently, this is still 10s for all quests.
  • Added minRaidET property for quests. The only quest currently using this is "Hermetic Door Switch" (300 s).
  • Added pmcsOnly property for quests. Now only PMC's can perform the Spawn-Rush and EFT quests.
  • If initial_PMC_spawns.enabled=true, force the PMC-conversion chance to be 0%. If it's >0%, it causes issues with PMC group spawns. Also removed server_pmc_conversion_factor from config.json.
  • If the PMC-conversion chance was set to 0% and it's not 0% when generating initial PMC's, write an error message in the server console.
  • Added units to the AI-Limiter distance options in the F12 menu
  • Added debug option to force initial PMC's to spawn (if initial_PMC_spawns.enabled=true) even when you select "None" for the amount of bots when entering a raid.
  • Added option to completely disable questing in config.json. I don't know why you'd want to do this, but it's there.
  • Revised debug messages to show more information about bots. This allows you to locate them more easily when using BotDebug.
  • Revised logging
    • Separate files are now generated for available quests and bot assignments
    • Removed quests from quest log if they aren't in the current map
    • Created new file showing all assignments for every questing bot along with their final status
    • Revised file naming
    • Remove commas from quest names, objective names, and bot names to prevent columns from being shifted in CSV files
  • Find switches on the map before generating quests (will be used in a future release)
  • Bug fix for constant "boss xxx has not been added to the follower dictionary" exceptions
  • Bug fix for you counting as an initial PMC in Scav runs
  • Bug fix for dead bots and boss followers counting toward max-bot limits for quests
  • Bug fix for questing logic running after a bot is dead
  • Bug fix for followers getting stuck when running to their boss and never trying to adjust their pathing
  • Bug fix for bot friendliness not being updated if EFT hasn't identified any enemies for its group. This mostly just affects the color of the bot text in BotDebug.
  • A LOT of refactoring (over 7000 lines of new/changed code)

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Breaking Changes for Custom Quest Files:

  • maxBots was moved from quest objectives to the parent quest. If you don't move it, the default value of 2 will be used.
Version 0.2.10


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Nov 4th, 2023 Updated Nov 4th, 2023
  • Added AI limiter accessible via the F12 menu thanks to Props. Please see the README or Overview tab for more information.
  • Added PMC group spawns. Please see the README or Overview tab for more information.
  • Initial PMC spawning is automatically disabled if SWAG + DONUTS is detected thanks to DrakiaXYZ
  • Fixed broken PMC's that spawn south of the cinema on Streets and in the SW corner of Interchange thanks to DrakiaXYZ, WolfGrey, and Cosm1c Gam3r
  • Increased required version of Waypoints from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2, which is required for the previously mentioned fix to work properly
  • If boss questing is enabled, bosses with followers will use the same logic as PMC groups, so they will more effectively travel around the map as a group.
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting "standard" Resort quests in Shoreline
  • Implemented time-gating of questing logic to provide a small performance improvement. This can be disabled in the F12 menu if needed.
  • Allow bots with Shturman-follower, Cultist-priest, and Bloodhound "brains" to quest (if applicable)
  • Prevented PMC's from using Knight's "brain" because he gets stuck in combat for long periods of time
  • Force all PMC's to be hostile to you (I may revisit this in the future)
  • Bug fix (hopefully) for "0 of # initial PMC's were generated" error. This needs more investigation, but the root cause for this might actually be using other mods that are not compatible with the version of SPT-AKI being used.
  • Bug fix for infinite loop (causing the game to freeze) when failing to find a valid spawn point for an initial PMC group
  • Lots of refactoring

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Huge thanks to nooky, Props, and DrakiaXYZ for help with developing and testing these changes. Also a huge thanks to everyone on Discord who tested the many alpha releases for this update. There are too many people to name, but you're all awesome.

Version 0.2.8


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Oct 15th, 2023 Updated Oct 15th, 2023
  • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.7.1

config.json files from the 0.2.7 release are fully compatible.

NOTE: Since SAIN hasn't been updated for SPT-AKI 3.7.1 yet, I'll ASSume it'll be compatible for now...

Version 0.2.7


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Oct 14th, 2023 Updated Oct 14th, 2023

Compatible with SPT-AKI 3.7.0 only

Not quite yet...