Keep your flea prices up to date with data processed from
A very simple mod that pulls live flea data from a GitHub mirror of processed flea data, this mirror is updated once an hour. The mod will re-download the flea data every hour while your server is active, or if it's been over an hour since the last update when you launch your server.
The flea prices are processed using approximately the same method as SPT utilizes for flea prices, just updated every hour.
1) Open the downloaded zip file in 7-zip
2) Select the folder in the zip file in 7-zip
3) Drag the selected folder from 7-zip into your SPT folder
Demonstration Video:
Configuration is handled via the config/config.json and config/blacklist.json files
- maxIncreaseMult - This is used to provide a multiplier above SPTs base flea price that an item is allowed to go (Default: 10, meaning prices are capped at 10x the base SPT flea price)
- pvePrices - Whether to enable PvE prices instead of PvP prices (Default: false)
- nextUpdate - This can be ignored and is just used for keeping track of when the plugin should next pull an updated price file
The blacklist.json file is just an array of item IDs to exclude from Live Flea Prices. You can find item IDs using
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The mod folder name has been changed, DELETE ANY PREVIOUS DrakiaXYZ-LiveFleaPrices folder from user/mods/
prior to installing 1.3.1 or later
- Rename mod directory to zzDrakiaXYZ-LiveFleaPrices to make sure we load after custom traders
- Allow switching to PvE prices by setting pvePrices to true in config.json
- Make sure flea prices are never below vendor prices if useTraderPriceForOffersIfHigher is enabled in SPT settings
- Resolves the inability to sell keycards at the average price shown in the flea UI
- Switch to using 24-hour average from instead of trying to build from historic prices, as the historic prices API has been unstable recently
- Price update schedule has been lowered to every 6 hours, as we're using the less precise 24-hour average
- Update for 3.9.0
- Add blacklist support, thanks @Rsslone !
- Properly refresh the ragfair price service cache on price update
- Better handling of original prices for overprice checks
- Update for 3.8.0
- Make sure we don't set the price of non-existing items
- Allow capping item prices, for when live flea goes crazy. Default to 10x base flea price
New setting in config/config.json, "maxIncreaseMult". This is the maximum multiplier that can be applied to the base flea price of an item. Default: 10
For example, if the backend has calculated live has a flea price of 500,000 for an item with a base SPT flea price of 10,000, the new price will be capped at 100,000 by default.
Not quite yet...