Adds crafts for progressively crafting containers.
Adds crafts for progressively getting a bigger container.
The recipes are quite expensive by default. It's simply the way I prefer things. Can be changed in the config file.
the crafts are as following by default.
pouch: 4xbolts, 4xnuts, pistol case, 2xduct tape, 2xblue tape alpha: 2xpouch, 4xmetal parts, 2xkektape, magazine case, 2xpoexeram beta: 2xalpha, 4xscrews, 4xnails, ammo case, bit coin epsi: 2xbeta, virtex, scav junk box, key tool, 2xgraphics card, shturman key, golden tt, sledge hammer gamma: 2xepsi, Tagilla cap, Sanitar Bag, Killa Helmet, 1xweapon case, 2xAESA, yellow keycard, tank battery kappa: 2xgamma, 4xbig pipe pipe, 2xaspect company key, 2 x far foward, red keycard, violet keycard, blue keycard I personally run with these container sizes.
pouch: 2x3 alpha: 3x3 beta: 3x4 epsi: 3x5 gamma: 3x6 kappa: 3x7 You need another mod (like SVM) to edit container sizes.
Inspired by part of Trap's progressive stash, but no code has been copied. Still, huge thanks for the amazing idea!
- Allow for changing where the crafts are being done.
- Updated name and folders to match package.json standards.
- Updated for 3.9.0
Updated version for 3.8.0
Adjusted the config file to new format that allows comments for easier editing.
Fixed a bug where crafts that were left going after shutting the server down could cause the craft to disappear. also fixed the issue of favorite crafts disappearing.
Also added a feature that allow you to remove the alpha/beta containers from peacekeeper. (Disabled by default, enable in the config.)
If you have messages like Could not find recipe: <ID> for area type they are caused by the aforementioned bug. It is completely harmless, but if you want to remove the messages. remove crafting entries in the profile.json matching the ID the message is outputting. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU NOT TO DO THAT BECAUSE IF DONE IMPROPERLY YOU CAN AND WILL PERMANENTLY BRICK YOUR PROFILE.
Not quite yet...