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Mod Details

Verbose Transits

Verbose Transits 1.0.0

Created by AcidMC


Unknown SPT Version

Do you believe transit descriptions are not fitting the Tarkov's exfil description style? Then this tiny mod is for you.

What is Verbose Transits precisely?

Verbose Transits is a very small mod that adjusts RU and EN locales for map transits based on BSG's approach to all the usual EXFIL's. Basically...

  • It changes EXFIL base text to destination location.
  • The description is more in line with usual descriptions.

Example of new transit descriptions for Streets of Tarkov below:


I did not do extensive testing of the mod. Presumably, I didn't miss anything, and every transit should be covered by it. Lab's transit description above must be the longest out of all. The exfil list wraps around text, so no clunky stuff here.

Make sure to let me know if you are facing any issues. Cheers.

Version 1.0.0


Unknown SPT Version Virus Total Results
Created Dec 1st, 11:25 PM Updated Jan 11th, 12:55 PM

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