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Mod Details

Stash Search

Stash Search 1.3.4

Created by Arys, DrakiaXYZ, Dirtbikercj, mpstark


SPT 3.9.8 Compatible

Search your stash with ease.

Adds a search bar to your stash. Supports strict and loosely typed searches. Also supports searching multiple items at once, just separate each search term with a comma example: Dollars, 7.62, ifak. When the stash is in a searched state it becomes locked to prevent potential data loss. You can drag items out, but cannot drag items back into it until you clear the search. This is a technical limitation and a safe guard. Also yes, you lost 1 row of stash view at a time.... Trade off, worth.

Huge thanks to Arys and DrakiaXYZ for all the help in creating this. It wouldn't have been possible without them!

If you would like to support me or my work you can do so here!

List of applicable item class searches

@weapon - matches any weapon in the inventory @magazine - matches any magazine in the inventory @ammo - matches any loose ammo or boxed ammo in the inventory @meds - matches any medical items in the inventory @food - matches any food item in the inventory @knife - matches any knives in the inventory @mod - matches any mod in the inventory, I.E scopes, grips etc. @grenade - matches any grenades in the inventory @barter - matches any barter items in the inventory @rig - matches any rigs in the inventory @goggles - matches any goggles in the inventory @container - matches any containers in the inventory @armor - matches any armor in the inventory @info - matches any info items in the inventory @keys - matches any keys in the inventory @fir - matches any found in raid item in the inventory Installation directions: Extract using 7zip to the root of your SPT directory as shown below

Demonstration Video

(Yes, it's SAIN, but the same concept applies to all of my mods, I'm not making mod-specific extraction example videos)


Version 1.3.4


Created Sep 05, 08:09 am Updated Sep 05, 08:09 am

- Prevents sorting of the stash while in a searched state due to potential item loss.

Version 1.3.3


Created Jul 29, 07:07 pm Updated Jul 29, 07:07 pm

- Fixes bad GClass update from 3.9.0 that prevented the search of @keys

Version 1.3.2


Created Jul 28, 05:07 pm Updated Jul 28, 05:07 pm

- Fixes a bug with Fika when entering the hideout, when going back to the stash screen the search bar would not be visible.

Version 1.3.1


Created Jul 07, 11:07 pm Updated Jul 07, 11:07 pm

3.9.0 Update

Version 1.3.0


Created Jun 29, 02:06 pm Updated Jun 29, 02:06 pm

I got annoyed looking for a setting, so this happened. Enjoy!

- Adds a search bar to the settings key bind page.

It has no fancy autocomplete or any of the other fancy features the other search bars have, It doesn't need it.

Version 1.1.1


Created May 05, 11:05 am Updated May 05, 11:05 am

New item class searches

- special

- money/cash

- lightbleed/bandage

- heavybleed/tourniquet

- fracture/splint

- concussion

- painkiller

- surgerykit

- food/energy

- drink/hydration


- Resolves the issue of selling items while searched not taking effect until game restart.

- Resolves the potential for item loss while purchasing items while in a searched state.

- Resolves screen flashing that could happen between active searches.

Version 1.1.0


Created Apr 23, 08:04 pm Updated Apr 23, 08:04 pm

This adds highlight-based autocomplete to all current search bars based on item short names, long names, and word fragments from both as well as all item classes search terms. Autocompletes are ordered first by number of items matching, then by the shortest match.


- Undesired behaviour when grids of items were open, but hidden.

Thanks mpstark for these contributions!

Version 1.0.5


Created Apr 10, 04:04 pm Updated Apr 10, 04:04 pm

- Actually fix search bar showing up on containers in raid.

- Fixes a case where the key binds would stop working.

Thanks mpstark for the PR!

Version 1.0.4


Created Apr 07, 02:04 am Updated Apr 07, 02:04 am

All these fixes/additions were contributed by mpstark, thank them not me!


- Fixes a null reference exception when clearing search on the trader screen when not in sell mode

- Fixes search hotkey not working on the inventory screen

- Fixes another source of potential item loss when control clicking items (quick move) while in a searched state.


- The search bar now stays interactable while in a searched state. Pressing control+F will highlight all text in the input field. The current search will be cleared upon pressing enter and your new search will take its place.

- Loosened up the search rules around class searching. See the main mod page for additional search terms once I get around to updating it.


- Some code has been refactored to allow for easier expansion of the search parser in the future.

Again, all these items were contributed by mpstark, Thank you!

Version 1.0.3


Created Apr 06, 08:04 am Updated Apr 06, 08:04 am

- Fixes search bar appearing on containers in raid

- Fixes losing items placed on the sorting table in a pre-searched state, searching then closing the sorting table. The user is shown a notification when trying to close the sorting table in a searched state.

- Fixes losing items when clearing the trading table while in a searched state. You can no longer clear the search with items on the trading table. The user is shown a notification when trying to clear the search with unsold items on the table.

- Fixes not being able to combine class searches "@fir" with normal search terms.

- Added key binds to focus the search bar and clear the search. Control+F will focus the search bar for typing. Control+C will clear the search. On the traders screen, the focus key bind will always prioritize searching the trader, if pressed again, it will act as an "alt-tab" and select the stash search bar instead. The clear bind on the trader screen will clear the last searched grid. These key binds are configurable in the F12 menu.

- Search actions and clear actions now put the searched grid to the very top automatically. No more having to scroll up if you weren't at the top to start with.

EDIT: Hotfix applied +48 mins after release. Fixes escape needed to be pressed more than 2 times to go back a screen.

Version 1.0.2


Created Apr 03, 12:04 pm Updated Apr 03, 12:04 pm

- Added the ability to search specific item classes. This works by prefixing a specific search term with @, see search reference sheet on the main mod page.

- Searches now return the results in descending alphabetical order by default. Previously it just returned results in the order it found them in. This was chaotic when used with multiple search terms. OCD people will thank me for this.

Version 1.0.1


Created Apr 02, 11:04 am Updated Apr 02, 11:04 am

- Add search bar on trader screen for both the trader assort and player stash.

- Add version checker.

Version 1.0.0


Created Apr 01, 09:04 pm Updated Apr 01, 09:04 pm

The comments go here.