De-Clutterer - Updated by CJ 1.2.5
Created by Tyrian, Dirtbikercj
Unknown SPT Version
Ever get tired of seeing a bunch of clutter around the map? Mistake these clutter items for actual loot? Want some more performance? Then get sweeping boys! De-Clutterer removes map clutter as much as possible.
Taking over maintenance for Tyrian. I have permission from Tyrian to take this over for now. They are listed as an additional author. Will hand it back to them if they ever come back to SPT and would like to take it back over.
See information for the mod here on the original page: De-Clutterer
SPT 3.10.0
Removed lighting and shadow changes as they cause issues with the new fog system. Performance gains were negligible (I saw no change) so it was kind of irrelevant to start with.
3.9.0 Update
If you're coming from version 1.1.6 you MUST delete the old version before installing this.
- removes unscrutinised declutter option as it was causing many objects never intended to be touched to disappear.
- This fixes the missing Goshan roof problem
- This also fixes a-lot of other things being gone that were never intended to be removed. Doors in some cases, cars, etc.
If you're coming from version 1.1.6 you MUST delete the old version before installing this. If you're coming from 1.2.0 read below.
- This update fixes an edge case where the white trees could still happen. If it wasn't happening for you on 1.2.0 you don't need to update for now, but I strongly advise that you do. Enjoy!
This update REQUIRES you uninstall the previous version 1.1.6 before installing as the mod structure has changed. It now lives in its own subdirectory.
- Fixed white tree bug when using high textures. The texture divider no longer does anything when "High" textures are selected in the graphics settings. It will work for all other level of graphics. This is a compromise for those who want to clean up trash and use the mods other features who still have good enough computers to play with high textures.
- Refactored a good portion of the mod
- Removed redundant code
- Litter, debris, etc can now be selectively ignored in bepinex/plugins/Declutterer/CleanUpNames.json
Note: Do not attempt to add or delete anything from this list. Only change from true to false or vise versa to ignore objects in clean up.
Not quite yet...