Seasonal weather has arrived....but not really.
Once you are in winter raids, there is no going back to non-snow raids until you reboot the server.
To install: Open the 7z archive and drag the userand BepInExfolder into your SPT Directory.
Configuration fields found at user/mods/ragingbeardo-swah/config/config.jsonc :
- shutErDown - this will as you may expect, will turn off the mod
- surpriseMe - determine if you want to know before-raid if its going to be snow raids via logs output on the server console.
- initialWinterChancePercentage - the configurable percentage that determines your odds at server start
- rollingWinterChancePercentage - the configurable percentage that determines your odds at the start of each raid
Shout out to Dj for the probability idea itself that I saw them post in discord.
SPT 3.8.X
Just in case, please remove previous installs.
Bug Fix
- No functional changes
- simplified certain parts of the code to hopefully prevent errors during the rolling winter chance
Thanks to Ken for testing!
SPT 3.8.X
Client mod now included! please drag both the user and bepinex folder into your spt directory
Winter Chances Change
- There are now two chance stats: initialWinterChancePercentage and rollingWinterChancePercentage
- The initialWinterChancePercentage will only effect how likely it is for snow when you first start the server
- The rollingWinterChancePercentage happens at the start of every raid. If you roll winter, it should be snow on the next raid.
Things Unchanged
- shutErDown flag in the config
- surpriseMe flag in the config
Bug Fix
enable/disable switch for the log output was reported as not working. This should should be fixed.
minor adjustments to mod config that could have led to issues reading the config file.
Minor Update. I brain farted and forgot to actually make the mod disable toggle do its job. If you weren't trying to disable the mod, there is no functional difference from the initial release.
Hotfix applied: folder structure inside user/mods
was not properly matching last release and has been updated
Not quite yet...