This mod provides enhanced camera controls and capabilities, allowing you to create dynamic and cinematic shots. Free-flight camera movement, time dilation, camera attachment to objects, smooth zooming, customisable lighting, and camera pathing
What is this mod about?
This mod is a fork of Kobracon Camera Unsnap. designed to provide a more advanced camera controls scheme and cinematic tools for SPTarkov, catering primarily to editors and video creators.
At its core, the mod enables free-flight camera movement, allowing users to freely navigate the world. You can also adjust the camera's speed, FOV, smoothing values and sensitivity to suit your needs.
# Other amazing mods to pair with KappaCam (I will not be adding the features shown in these mods to KappaCam, please go support the other devs)
- Unity Explorer ( This is basically a MUST. Move and manipulate everything in the scene(s) )
- Time & Weather Changer ( Updated by CJ )
Path recording:
"Lights Menu" that you can use to spawn and customise lights within the game world
And many, many more controls..
- Updated to latest version of SPT
- Moved attach type to F12 menu "locked" is now called "parented"
- fixed grass culling issue when playing along path when unsnapped with mouse control enabled.
- you can now pause and loop path playback
- time has increase for paths from 60s to 3600s
- Set the default camera mouse behavior from locked to unlocked when unsnapping
Not quite yet...