A simple mod to make water easier to use.
This mod slightly increases the amount of hydration water items give you and makes it easier and faster to drink the right amount of water you need.
Increase hydration value of water items. 60 -> 100 for 0.6L Bottle. (Drinking one water bottle will will give you a full 100 points of hydration at Metabolism level 1). 100 ->110 for Aquamari Bottle and 50 ->75 for EWR.
Reduce the Max Resource of both water bottles to 10, allowing you to drink the bottles in 1/10 increments instead of 1/60th. This makes for easy math when needing to hydrate. Are you at 50 hydration? Use 5 water to get to 100. (at Metabolism level 1)
Increase the food use time to make drinking take a little longer. (call it balance/immersion)
I find this gives water a nice value boost over other drinks. You will still need to drink as often as normal, but you won't need to bring multiple bottles.
All values can be tweaked in the config. Remember, nothing quenches you like water.
*The first time you install this mod, any water bottles already in your inventory will say 60/10. It is safe to use these as normal.
Updated for 3.10
- Added EWR
- Updated default drink time value.
3.9.0 support
Reduced hydration value for water bottles. Still higher than vanilla, but nothing crazy.
- 100 for 0.6L Bottle. This will give you 100 points of hydration at Metabolism level 1.
- 110 for Aquamari Bottle.
Reduced the Max Resource of both water bottles to 10, allowing you to drink the bottles in 1/10 increments instead of 1/60th.
Increased the foodUseTime of both water bottles from 3 to 15. It now takes a slightly longer time to drink. For example, drinking 1/10th of a water bottle will play the drinking animation for roughly the length of two "gulp" sound fx. (i.e. It takes two gulps to drink a tenth of a bottle).
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