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Mod Details

TarkovIRL - Weapons Handling Mod

TarkovIRL - Weapons Handling Mod 0.5.2

Created by adishee


SPT 3.9.8 Compatible

Ever wish that different weapons handled differently in Tarkov? That your meta SR-25 did not feel 95% like your unmodded Glock? Me too!

\\ ATTENTION // This mod is tuned to be played with Fontaine's REALISM MOD (at default settings). It can work without it just fine, but you'll have to tune it differently yourself with the value sliders in the config menu.

The overarching theme of any future mods to be released under my 'TarkovIRL' moniker is generally to slow down Tarkov gameplay; more survival shooter, less deathmatch-with-extra-steps.

Within that scope, the Weapons Handling Mod has three general goals:

1) Make weapons feel very different depending on their size and ergo, thus encouraging the player to select specific weapons for specific tasks. Larger and more modded weapons are going to feel squishy, so you really have to think about how to set up your kit.

2) Make aiming harder generally, with a weapon deadzone, with added weapon sway, with my 'parallax' (aiming mis-alignment) feature, and with various visual effects which impede the player's ability to aim depending on the condition of his character.*

3) Generally improve the aesthetic fidelity of how the player's character handles the weapons, to what I imagine is more authentic.

* (Enter long screed about how recoil is the only lever BSG had to pull to change the dynamic of firefights, because aiming is too easy.)


- There is a known bug that causes the player camera to 'stutter' occasionally, quickly twisting in an awkward manner. It is annoying but for me personally not game-breaking. Currently researching the problem.

Important mods I use:

- Path to Tarkov

- Fontaine Realism
- Fontaine FOV fix
- SWAG + Donuts
- Looting bots
- Questing bots
- Backdoor Bandit
- Amands's gfx
- Better Bullet Cracks
- That's Lit
- Louder Suppressors
- Realistic Combat Overhaul - Unicorn
- BatterySystem


Version 0.5.2


Created Oct 02, 04:10 pm Updated Oct 02, 04:10 pm


Small iterative update

  • Fixed bug where weapon weight smoothing was not being applied to deadzone (causing issues when holding something very heavy).
  • Changed throw animation values to be more pronounced.
  • Lowered default parallax value.
  • Lowered default sway value.
  • Added slider to modify how much impact negative conditions have on player efficiency (which affects sway, parallax, footstep visual effect, etc).
Version 0.5.1


Created Sep 27, 10:09 pm Updated Sep 27, 10:09 pm



Small update to tune some values:

  • Efficiency max penalty from health loss reduced from 100% to 50%
  • Increased default sway value
  • Slightly decreased base parallax value
  • Slightly decreased base deadzone value
  • Removed and disconnected a debug slider that shouldn't have been there
Version 0.5


Created Sep 27, 06:09 am Updated Sep 27, 06:09 am


This is an important updated, it's a huge polish pass on existing features. The main overhaul is to the 'efficiency' system:

  • Did a big refactor of my internal 'efficiency' calculation. This stat governs many aspects of the mod's features, most notably the intensity of the sway and parallax (sight alignment) calculations. Many things will cause you to be less efficient and handle your gear with less control. The exact values are as follows (everything stacks).
    • General health: at zero health you will have a 100% penalty (and also be dead).
    • Being overweight between the YELLOW and RED status adds up to 50%
      penalty (so 50% at red).
    • Concussion adds 20% penalty for its duration.
    • Broken bones: each broken bone will give you 15% penalty.
    • Tremor adds 5% penalty for its duration.
    • Stamina and arm stamina each give a 20% penalty at zero.
    • Light bleeding anywhere will give 5% penalty.
    • Heavy bleeding anywhere will give 15% penalty.
    • Being poisoned / infected will give a 10% penalty. This feature is represented well in the Realism mod, where the risk of poison is not just from cultists but also somewhat likely from eating junk food.
    • Hydration and nutrition deficit each add 5% penalty when at zero.
  • Speed and stance: slower speed and lower stance each buff efficiency by up to 50%. (So at minimum walking speed and a full crouch, these stack to a 75% efficiency buff.) Going prone gives another 50% buff (that would be a 87.5% total efficiency buff). *
  • Sprinting will apply a 50% penalty. Astute readers will say, "but your weapon is not up whilst running anyway". But the change in efficency is not immediate...
  • Change in efficiency: the changing status of efficiency is not immediately reflected in your player, but is FLUID. The rate of change itself is ALSO GOVERNED by your efficiency. For example, if your efficiency is very poor (you are heavy, injured, and starving), decreasing efficiency will be reflected to the player MORE QUICKLY and increase MORE SLOWLY (for example, going in and out of a sprint). Vice versa, if your efficiency stat is good in general (uninjured, good stam, good nutrition), a momentary decrease in efficiency (again, the easiest example is sprinting) will result in a slower reflected loss of efficiency and a faster return to base efficiency after the sprint.

Overall, the system will always respond more favourably if you are in a good condition, and it's up to you to maintain that condition, through your health, nutrition, and movement.

* The buffs actually are division operations of the total, applied after all the penalties, so perhaps that seems confusing but it looks like: 1 * 0.5 = 0.5; 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25; 0.25 * 0.5 = 0.125, in other words a 87.5% buff. This should illustrate how powerful your speed and stance are.

Other changes:

  • More tweaking to parallax feature.
  • Added fluctuation period in sway calculation, where previously the effect was immediate. This became noticeable going in and out of ads rapidly, you could see the polarity reversing in an awkward manner (stocked weapons in ads will lag behind the player camera, whereas out of ads they will lead). Now the change is fluid.
  • Added new animations to your head camera movement when throwing grenades. Unique animations for over- and under-handed throws. Inspired by Squad.
  • Redid the arm shake visual effect and tweaked values.
  • Updated footstep visual effect, effect is now present when out of ADS.
  • Changed how parallax works specifically for pistols. Since the points of control contact are so few (thanks to beta tester for pointing this out), they're especially hard to aim. So in the mod the sights become more easily misaligned when you're rotating, but they have a uniquely faster recenter time when not rotating. The point is you can practice on the range with a particular pistol and get good at aiming it during movement even when the sights are not perfectly aligned, and make better use of lasers etc.
  • Along the same lines, pistols are debuffed with 2x more hand shake effect than other weapons.
  • Added a weight attenuation curve: since the weapon weight acutely affects weapon handling, I've added a smooth curve for the factored weight to max out at 6.5 kgs to avoid cartoonish levels of weapon sway and deadzone.
  • Fixed speed-efficiency calculation to reflect non-movement.
  • Fixed blindfire to work with my mechanics.

Version 0.4.6


Created Sep 18, 12:09 pm Updated Sep 18, 12:09 pm

- Fixed bugs from 0.4.6

- I may have fixed the legendary head-snapping bug in the course of fixing the above ones -- initial testing suggests so fml

Version 0.4.6


Created Sep 16, 10:09 pm Updated Sep 16, 10:09 pm

Further (and very likely final) tuning of new aiming misalignment/'parallax' feature. Reworked a couple things and tweaked it again and I'm very happy with where it is.


Version 0.4.5


Created Sep 13, 02:09 pm Updated Sep 13, 02:09 pm

This is basically a hotfix -- I noticed that really heavy weapons got comical and removed a bit of code that was overtuning the effect.

Version 0.4.5


Created Sep 13, 11:09 am Updated Sep 13, 11:09 am

Big thank you to purplenamelol for his feedback and testing!


- Refined new parallax system:

  • Added faster recentering mechanic to parallax: if you are not rotating at all, your parallax will center faster, but if you are rotating at all the slower, main parallax layer will obtain, and you must center it yourself (by overshooting and pulling back)
  • Added much deeper shot logic: parallax reset per shot depends on weapon weight versus cartridge power
  • Generally tuned parallax system a LOT

- Added non-instant efficiency change: your change in character status (stam, movement speed) is no longer instantly reflected in your weapon handling; adds further depth to how you balance your movement versus your readiness

- Added footstep visual effect when ADSed

- Unified efficiency calcs across various effects for more consistent feel

Version 0.4


Created Sep 05, 10:09 pm Updated Sep 05, 10:09 pm

--- Version 0.4 ---

- New feature, aiming misalignment; when you move your weapon around, the sights will mis-align for a period of time. You can LEARN to align them yourself by overshooting the target a little and recentering it. (Hard to explain.) When you ADS with a stocked weapon, the effect is reduced by 80%. When you shoot in an ADS, the misalignment is momentarily reset. The upshot of all of this is that the longer you are focused on a target, the better your weapon control will be. The effect scales with the size and ergo of the weapon, the condition of your player (health), and your arm and body stam just like the weapon sway mechanic. This all may sound moronic but I promise if you already liked my mod, you will like this feature. And of course you can tweak it.

- Removed player strength from condition calculations. It's just bugged, I've got to refine it.

- Refined basically all previous features while rewriting most of the mod.

Version 0.31


Created Jun 26, 08:06 pm Updated Jun 26, 08:06 pm

Small update,

- adjust some values for new breathing feature

- added new feature, when change your stance (crouching and un-crouching), your weapon will oscillate a little in your hands

A config menu is the next priority.

Version 0.3.5


Created Jul 26, 10:07 am Updated Jul 26, 10:07 am

Sorry for the version spam, just trying to get the mod in a good place before some downtime. Trying to dump all the recent ideas for the mod while I can. Likely last update for a while. It's been fun :p

--- Version 0.3.5 ---

- Fixed stance-dependent visual not working (accidentally killed it).

- Lowered default sway value.

- Added more randomness to arm shake visual effect.

- Improved (greatly) breathing visual effect.

- Added effect, when player is turning he pulls the weapon in a bit because I like visual complexity.

- Added effect, when player is moving with unstocked weapon he lowers it a bit when ADSed (because I like visual complexity again).

Version 0.3.4


Created Jul 24, 12:07 pm Updated Jul 24, 12:07 pm

--- Version 0.3.4 ---

- Tweaked deadzone behavior again (removed the tapering experiment, was not really working out).

- Added increased arm shaking; effect intensity driven by arm stam, stance, health, and strength stat.

- Cleaned up some small things for SPT 3.9.x.

Version 0.3.3


Created Jul 22, 05:07 pm Updated Jul 22, 05:07 pm

I somehow broke the aiming deadzone between my testing on SPT 3.9.2 and release on 3.9.3. I've fixed it.

Version 0.3.3


Created Jul 22, 11:07 am Updated Jul 22, 11:07 am

Not a big update, mostly just for new SPT version.

--- Version 0.3.3 ---

- Updated for SPT 3.9.x.

- Retweaked sway and deadzone values for new Realism version.

- Reduced the influence of player's strength stat on sway: at max strength (50), sway is reduced up to 33%.

Version 0.3.2


Created Jul 10, 01:07 pm Updated Jul 10, 01:07 pm


- Added F12 config menu

- Tweaked animation curve and values for weapon sway, looks a bit more complex

- Tweaked animation curve for pose change visual effect

- Improved stuttering problem (something much smaller and less noticeable happens now)

Version 0.3


Created Jun 26, 11:06 am Updated Jun 26, 11:06 am

0.3 release features:

- When player kneels, his weapon is a bit closer to the chest, essentially cosmetic.

- Added another layer of breath effect: weapon visually oscillates in hand as stamina decreases

Version 0.2


Created Jun 06, 10:06 am Updated Jun 06, 10:06 am

- Big improvement to deadzone clipping issue : without going into a lengthy explanation, the deadzone works in relation to the player's foot positioning, and previously when the player rotated enough to change foot position there was an abrupt reset of the deadzone; now the effect smoothly blends between the foot reset animations.

- Improved efficiency of stat calculations used by the sway and deadzone algos.

- General code cleanup (who cares).

Version 0.1


Created Jun 04, 01:06 pm Updated Jun 04, 01:06 pm

The comments go here.