APBS - Acid's Progressive Bot System 1.7.1
Created by acidphantasm
SPT 3.10.5 Compatible
Fully customizable progression system. By default, all AI will level with you, have appropriate gear for their level, and might be a tad more dangerous due to their progression. Everyone has something worth stealing or scavenging!
Are you tired of scavs being utterly pointless after level 20? This mod is probably for you then.
Because all of the AI will level with you, they'll all start wearing gearing that gets better as you get better. Bosses and their guards will always have decent loadouts. Scavs will actually wear the gear they have been scavenging (sometimes). What the hell is the purpose of scavs outside the early game? Now they have a purpose. Maybe they'll spawn with armour worth yoinking the plates out of? Maybe they'll spawn with weapons that have useful attachments for you! Who knows! That's for you to try this mod and find out!
This gives you a reason to actually check your kills and maybe you'll find something shiny.
All AI have their loadouts adjusted with this mod. Not just scavs. Not just PMCs. All of them.
Bosses still use their vanilla equipment, but have had tweaks to their ammo pools, and available attachments on weapon/gear.
Please review all of the mod page!
Do not use this with another progression mod.
This mod is still in active development. It may be missing features or configuration options you may want.
- Download APBS - Acid's Progressive Bot System
- Open the downloaded .zip file in 7-zip
- Select the user folder in the .zip file in 7-zip
- Drag the user folder from 7-zip into your SPT folder
Demonstration Video (yoink):
This list is not even close to encompassing everything that APBS can do, or what you can change!
- Configuration app (available on Windows only) that has 125+ settings.
- Chances are, if you want to change something - it's available. If not, ask for it and maybe it'll be added.
- Please, actually look at the config - it covers so much more than the features listed here.
- All AI will level with you.
- All AI have a tiering system.
- All AI weapons have individual attachment chances in each tier.
- Snipers, Marksman Rifles, and Carbines have scopes more often.
- Assault Rifles have foregrips, stocks, muzzles more often. (etc etc etc)
- All AI will use MODDED weapons, equipment, and clothing that you have installed.
- Must be enabled in the config - Not all mods are compatible, no support granted
- If you have Pack'N'Strap - AI will have the belts in their Armband slot!
- If you have Realism - You can enable adding gas masks to Bots if you play with Hazard Zones
- All PMCs will use weapons/equipment for kill quests that require specific things (v1.7.0+)
- 20 quests are currently available for them to choose from, they must be on an available map and within level range to being "assigned" a quest .
- Questing Bots is not required for this feature, it's completely independent.
- All AI pocket/rig/backpack loot has been adjusted.
- Balancing - no more ammo box spam on PMCs.
- Whitelists - nobody can use impact grenades except PMCs, and they must be of a higher level to use them.
- All AI Weapon Durability has been adjusted and balanced.
- All AI medical/food/drink items may appear to be used.
- All AI will randomly choose to use different ammunition in their additional mags.
- Maybe that SR-25 spawned with M80, but perhaps one of their mags has M62 in it...or BCP. Who knows!
- All AI can use different size magazines based on your configuration.
- If they spawn with 60 rounders, they won't have like 5 of them - they are limited to 2.
- Your Player Scav will have gear generated based on your PMC level. Maybe you'll get a decent gun.
- USEC spawn with weapons that you would expect from non-Russian forces.
- BEAR spawn with weapons that you would expect from Russian forces.
- Per map weapon choices for AI? You got it! Factory is mostly short range, but Woods is mostly long range!
- AI will used NVGs if it's night, and they have a helmet supporting NVGs. They will not wear them during the day.
- Scavs have a low chance to use weapons and equipment from the same tier PMC (or lower) as them.
- Scavs weapon attachments and ammo will always be more basic, never meta.
- Guards/Raiders/Rogues are beefed up a bit, they should be dangerous instead of a cake-walk.
- All tiering and item weights are handmade and subject to change.
- What is tiered?
- Weapons!
- Equipment!
- PMC Clothing!
- Attachments!
- Ammo!
- This is not based on "loadouts" or "kits", nor traders, nor anything else other progression mods do.
- It's just based on tiers (by level), and completely random within those tiers.
- What is tiered?
- Custom Presets (v1.1.0+) can be created, and shared between users. Make your own progression!
- Please see "Presets" tab for information.
- EVERYTHING that APBS does with AI loadouts and equipment, you can also do.
- Change their equipment pools? Check!
- Change their ammo pools? Check!
- Change the CHANCE of a specific attachment on a specific class of weapons? Check!
- APBS is yours to create and customize. Share your preset with users. Laugh at them getting wiped by your gigachad scavs. Do what you want.
Tiering System
- All tiers are based on YOUR PMC level.
- All of these deltas can be changed in the configuration. If you want more variance, then configure it! If you want less, configure it!
- You can also configure custom level deltas for Scavs separately, if you so wanted.
- The configuration values for custom deltas are done per tier, so you need to set each of them - the "Tier" is based on YOUR PMC level.
- If you want AI to be any level possible, set each custom level delta in the config to 79 levels below you and 79 levels above you.
- Min Level Delta: The number of levels BELOW your player level the AI can spawn
- Max Level Delta: The number of levels ABOVE your player level the AI can spawn
- Example #2: Player Level 27. Tier 3. AI will spawn between level 12 & level 34.
- Example #1: Player Level 32. Tier 4. AI will spawn between level 12 & level 42.
- Example #3: Player Level 48. Tier 5. AI will spawn between level 18 & level 63.
Player Level Min Level Delta Max Level Delta Tier 1 1-10 10 5 Tier 2 11-20 10 5 Tier 3 21-30 15 7 Tier 4 31-40 20 10 Tier 5 41-50 30 15 Tier 6 51-60 40 20 Tier 7 61-79 50 20 Configuration
If you are on Windows, use the APBSConfig.exe application in the \user\mods\acidphantasm-progressivebotsystem folder.
Otherwise, you need to use the config.json located in \user\mods\acidphantasm-progressivebotsystem\config\
{ "usePreset": false, "presetName": "example", "compatibilityConfig": { "enableModdedWeapons": false, "enableModdedEquipment": false, "enableModdedClothing": false, "enableModdedAttachments": false, "initalTierAppearance": 3, "pmcWeaponWeights": 8, "scavWeaponWeights": 1, "followerWeaponWeights": 6, "enableSafeGuard": true, "enableMPRSafeGuard": true, "PackNStrap_UnlootablePMCArmbandBelts": true, "Realism_AddGasMasksToBots": false }, "normalizedHealthPool": { "enable": false, "healthHead": 35, "healthChest": 85, "healthStomach": 70, "healthLeftArm": 60, "healthRightArm": 60, "healthLeftLeg": 65, "healthRightLeg": 65, "excludedBots": [] }, "generalConfig": { "enableBotsToRollAmmoAgain": true, "chanceToRollAmmoAgain": 50, "enablePerWeaponTypeAttachmentChances": true, "enableLargeCapacityMagazineLimit": true, "largeCapacityMagazineCount": 2, "forceStock": false, "stockButtpadChance": 50, "forceDustCover": false, "forceScopeSlot": false, "forceMuzzle": false, "muzzleChance": [ 10, 25, 40, 55, 65, 75, 75 ], "forceChildrenMuzzle": false, "forceWeaponModLimits": true, "scopeLimit": 2, "tacticalLimit": 1, "onlyChads": false, "tarkovAndChill": false, "blickyMode": false, "enableT7Thermals": false, "startTier": 6, "plateChances": { "enable": false, "pmcMainPlateChance": [ 65, 75, 90, 90, 95, 100, 100 ], "pmcSidePlateChance": [ 15, 25, 35, 55, 75, 95, 100 ], "scavMainPlateChance": [ 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25 ], "scavSidePlateChance": [ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ], "bossMainPlateChance": [ 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90 ], "bossSidePlateChance": [ 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75 ], "followerMainPlateChance": [ 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75 ], "followerSidePlateChance": [ 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50 ], "specialMainPlateChance": [ 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75, 75 ], "specialSidePlateChance": [ 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50 ] } }, "pmcBots": { "enable": true, "resourceRandomization": { "enable": true, "foodRateMaxChance": 10, "foodRateUsagePercent": 33, "medRateMaxChance": 10, "medRateUsagePercent": 33 }, "weaponDurability": { "enable": true, "min": 95, "max": 100, "minDelta": 0, "maxDelta": 5, "minLimitPercent": 90, "enhancementChance": 10 }, "lootConfig": { "enable": false, "blacklist": [ "6711039f9e648049e50b3307" ] }, "questConfig": { "enable": true, "chance": 10 }, "additionalOptions": { "seasonalPmcAppearance": true, "ammoTierSliding": { "enable": false, "slideAmount": 1, "slideChance": 33 }, "gameVersionWeighting": { "enable": false, "standard": 20, "leftBehind": 10, "prepareForEscape": 10, "edgeOfDarkness": 40, "unheardEdition": 20 } }, "secrets": { "developerSettings": { "devNames": { "enable": true, "nameList": [ "Chomp", "Dirtbikercj", "Clodan", "CWX", "DrakiaXYZ", "Kaeno", "Refringe", "Waffle", "AcidPhantasm", "Archangel" ] }, "devLevels": { "enable": false, "min": 30, "max": 79 } } } }, "scavBots": { "enable": true, "resourceRandomization": { "enable": true, "foodRateMaxChance": 10, "foodRateUsagePercent": 10, "medRateMaxChance": 10, "medRateUsagePercent": 10 }, "weaponDurability": { "enable": true, "min": 70, "max": 90, "minDelta": 5, "maxDelta": 20, "minLimitPercent": 50, "enhancementChance": 1 }, "lootConfig": { "enable": true, "blacklist": [] }, "keyConfig": { "addAllKeysToScavs": false, "addOnlyMechanicalKeysToScavs": false, "addOnlyKeyCardsToScavs": false }, "additionalOptions": { "enableScavAttachmentTiering": false, "enableScavEqualEquipmentTiering": false } }, "bossBots": { "enable": true, "resourceRandomization": { "enable": true, "foodRateMaxChance": 50, "foodRateUsagePercent": 50, "medRateMaxChance": 50, "medRateUsagePercent": 50 }, "weaponDurability": { "enable": true, "min": 90, "max": 100, "minDelta": 0, "maxDelta": 5, "minLimitPercent": 85, "enhancementChance": 0 }, "lootConfig": { "enable": true, "blacklist": [] } }, "followerBots": { "enable": true, "resourceRandomization": { "enable": true, "foodRateMaxChance": 25, "foodRateUsagePercent": 25, "medRateMaxChance": 25, "medRateUsagePercent": 25 }, "weaponDurability": { "enable": true, "min": 90, "max": 100, "minDelta": 0, "maxDelta": 15, "minLimitPercent": 75, "enhancementChance": 0 }, "lootConfig": { "enable": true, "blacklist": [] } }, "specialBots": { "enable": true, "resourceRandomization": { "enable": true, "foodRateMaxChance": 15, "foodRateUsagePercent": 25, "medRateMaxChance": 15, "medRateUsagePercent": 25 }, "weaponDurability": { "enable": true, "min": 90, "max": 100, "minDelta": 0, "maxDelta": 10, "minLimitPercent": 80, "enhancementChance": 0 }, "lootConfig": { "enable": true, "blacklist": [] } }, "weaponBlacklist": { "tier1Blacklist": [], "tier2Blacklist": [], "tier3Blacklist": [], "tier4Blacklist": [], "tier5Blacklist": [], "tier6Blacklist": [], "tier7Blacklist": [] }, "equipmentBlacklist": { "tier1Blacklist": [], "tier2Blacklist": [], "tier3Blacklist": [], "tier4Blacklist": [], "tier5Blacklist": [], "tier6Blacklist": [], "tier7Blacklist": [] }, "ammoBlacklist": { "tier1Blacklist": [], "tier2Blacklist": [], "tier3Blacklist": [], "tier4Blacklist": [], "tier5Blacklist": [], "tier6Blacklist": [], "tier7Blacklist": [] }, "attachmentBlacklist": { "tier1Blacklist": [], "tier2Blacklist": [], "tier3Blacklist": [], "tier4Blacklist": [], "tier5Blacklist": [], "tier6Blacklist": [], "tier7Blacklist": [] }, "clothingBlacklist": { "tier1Blacklist": [], "tier2Blacklist": [], "tier3Blacklist": [], "tier4Blacklist": [], "tier5Blacklist": [], "tier6Blacklist": [], "tier7Blacklist": [] }, "customLevelDeltas": { "enable": false, "tier1": { "min": 10, "max": 5 }, "tier2": { "min": 10, "max": 5 }, "tier3": { "min": 15, "max": 7 }, "tier4": { "min": 20, "max": 10 }, "tier5": { "min": 30, "max": 15 }, "tier6": { "min": 40, "max": 20 }, "tier7": { "min": 50, "max": 20 } }, "customScavLevelDeltas": { "enable": false, "tier1": { "min": 10, "max": 0 }, "tier2": { "min": 10, "max": -10 }, "tier3": { "min": 15, "max": -10 }, "tier4": { "min": 20, "max": -10 }, "tier5": { "min": 30, "max": -10 }, "tier6": { "min": 40, "max": -10 }, "tier7": { "min": 50, "max": -10 } }, "enableDebugLog": false, "configAppSettings": { "showUndo": true, "showDefault": false, "disableAnimations": false } }
Walkthrough for creating your own preset
Helpful Things:
Visual Studio Code SPT ID Highlighter Extension
- Copy the example preset
- Rename the preset folder
- Edit the config to use your preset
- Edit your preset
Preset Guidelines
- They can be a lot of work if you want to fully customize your progression.
- The biggest gameplay impact you can make is editing the TierX_equipment.json files, as that controls what equipment and weapons AI spawns with.
- The second biggest gameplay impact would be editing the TierX_ammo.json files, as those control what ammunition AI can use in specific tiers.
- Presets are version agnostic unless a structure change needs to happen.
- I will let people know if this happens on the Version tab for each release.
- This basically means, once you spend time making a preset, you can use it forever even if APBS updates.
Getting Started
- Navigate to the \user\mods\acidphantasm-progressivebotsystem\presets\ folder.
- Copy the example folder.
- Paste the folder you copied in this directory.
- Rename the copied folder to your preset name (Example: acidphantasm_first_preset)
- Do not use special characters. Underscores are acceptable.
- Edit the APBS config to use your preset.
Editing Your Preset
Inside your preset folder that you copied and renamed earlier, you will see 35 .json files. There are 5 files per tier.
File Rules
- You MUST not rename these files. You are not required to edit all of them, only what you see fit to edit.
- You MUST not delete these. Your preset will not work without these 35 files.
In order of easier to toughest files to edit (time & effort) see the below table. This table is subjective. I've been editing these files for weeks now, and I'm very quick at it (even the mods JSON) but the expectation for time spent is how much you will have to spend to understand the structure, and figure out your own method for editing these quicker. If you are just editing minor changes in each of the JSONs, it's fairly quick. The mods.json is the exception - unless you're doing 1-2 changes on a specific gun, expect to spend hours.
Level of Effort Time tierX_appearance.json Low 5-10 minutes per tier tierX_ammo.json Low 10-20 minutes per tier tierX_equipment.json Medium 1-2 hours per tier tierX_chances.json Medium 1-2 hours per tier tierX_mods.json Difficult 10-60 hours per tier Appearance:
Remember not to edit the STRUCTURE of the json. Only edit the IDs and Weights.
Remember not to edit the STRUCTURE of the json. Only edit the IDs and Weights.
Remember not to edit the STRUCTURE of the json. ONLY edit the chances (numbers).
Remember not to edit the STRUCTURE of the json. ONLY edit the IDs & weights.
If you want a Tier1 USEC PMC to use a AXMC, just add the ID ("627e14b21713922ded6f2c15") for the AXMC to the "FirstPrimaryWeapon" - "LongRange" object, right after the other weapons, then set the weight you want it to spawn at. Higher values = more likely, lower values = less likely.
Remember not to edit the STRUCTURE of the json.
This is the toughest to edit correctly. The structure is laid out with each individual attachment, as well as each weapon, equipment, helmet, etc if it has slots.
You must remember to never remove a PARENT, you should only be editing the children of the mount point, or removing the mount point in the parent.
Honestly, if you can help it - I really advise against trying to change the mods.json drastically. Each JSON is 18k+ lines of just items and attachments.
Known Current Issues:
- No known current issues that are not load order related
Load Order Issues:
If you use SVM, it's suggested - as usual to make sure SVM loads *first* in your load order.
- Do not enable the AI PMC tab of SVM unless you ensure that SVM loads first. May still break though.
Mods that allow any attachment in any slot or on any weapon may be completely incompatible.
- You can attempt to adjust your load order to have it load after APBS. If that works, you may also have to disable Quest Loadouts on PMCs.
If you use SPT-Realism by Fontaine, you must disable Bot Changes in the Realism Config.
- I personally suggest not using another progression mod with Realism, instead just use the progression that is built in. It's made to work seamlessly with Realism and will work with the other changes in that mod - no other progression mod will be balanced with Realism.
This mod was only tested with SAIN, SWAG+Donuts, LootingBots, QuestingBots, and few WTT Custom Weapons. I have had no issues with those mods.
- If you have a mod conflict, ensure the mod in question loads after APBS - or try loading it before.
- If you still have a mod conflict, you can report it in the SPT DISCORD on my thread in #mods-development
- I make no guarantees this will work with any other mods.
This mod will work but will completely ignore any settings in mods that add/remove/change the following:
- Changes to the pools for Equipment, Weapon, Pocket, Rig, Backpack, Headset, Headphones, or Ammo on any bot.
- Non-PMC pocket, rig, backpack loot is unaffected and will be manipulated by any other mods you have.
Some mod weapons will not load on bots and will throw a 'No Preset' found error.
- This isn't my responsibility.
- Make it load after APBS or disable the mod weapon importing in the config.
Do not report problems with any of the above.
Alternative Mods
I know this mod won't be for everyone, and the intention is to provide an alternative progression mod. It's a type of mod that I wanted to take on because progression mods are a different type of hell to develop and implement.
The scope and end-goal of this mod is my vision of progression for SPT. It may not match what you want or enjoy.
If you don't like it - I won't be offended and you don't have to use it.
I would suggest trying any of the following alternative progression mods if you do not like APBS:
If you enjoy my work - you can buy me a coffee~
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.4+
- Added specific handling for WTT ACR both 7.62 & 5.56 variants will generate properly
- Added specific handling for WTT WA-2000 to ensure magazines and rounds are always accurate
- Adjusted PMC T4-T7 Ammo weights
- Adjusted various attachment chances on several bot types
- Updated example preset
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed dumb dumb mistake I made in mod import handling for attachment tiering
Presets created in 1.4.0 are still usable
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.4+
Major Version
New Features
- Config option for PMCs to use Quest Gear (kill X while wearing/using XYZ quests)
- Config option for PMC Poverty (They'll use gear from a lower tier)
- Config option for Large Capacity magazine limits
- Config option for Weapon Enhancement chances
- Config option for Clothing Blacklist
- Non-PMCs & non-Scavs now have their own plate class chances (non-configurable)
- Bot generation refactor to streamline supporting future features
- Adjusted PMC T4-T7 Ammo weights
- Adjusted PMC Plate Class chances
- Adjusted PMC Magazine count and weights
- Adjusted PMC Grenade count and weights
- Adjusted Scav Grenade count and weights
- Adjusted Boss/Follower/Guard T1-T7 Ammo weights
- Adjusted Pistol optic limit to 1
- Adjusted Pistol max extra magazines to be 0-2
- Rebalanced G17 & G19X magazines to support Large Capacity magazine configs
- Updated example preset
- [APBSConfig] Various tooltip enhancements
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed weighted ammo not being selected for malformed mod weapons - should resolve most instances of this happening
- Fixed various missing attachments in mod pool
- Fixed various weapon attachment chances for pmcBot & bossGluhar
- Fixed SR-2M not having a proper optic most of the time
- [APBSConfig] Fixed text being selectable
Supported Quests:
- Fishing Gear
- Humanitarian Supplies
- Setup
- Punisher Part 1
- Punisher Part 2
- Punisher Part 3
- Punisher Part 4
- Punisher Part 5
- Punisher Part 6
- Test Drive Part 1
- Test Drive Part 2
- Test Drive Part 3
- Test Drive Part 4
- Test Drive Part 5
- The Good Times Part 1
- Connections Up North
- Dangerous Props
- Peacekeeping Mission
- Dandies
- Decontamination Service
Presets created in 1.4.0 are still usable BUT... I HIGHLY SUGGEST CREATING NEW ONES FOR QUEST CONFIG
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.4+
Minor Hotfix
- APBSConfig is now resizeable, theme changes, and framework checks
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed ArmBand/Belt import code from breaking when importing "belts" that aren't actually belts (ie, don't have slots)
Presets created in 1.4.0 are still usable
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.4+
Minor Hotfix
(Sorry it's so quick from the prior hotfix, I view it as breaking because it's ugly and cursed)
New Features
- New config option to allow user control over mod import logic regarding weapons that can use MPR45 canted sights. Usually the MPR is only found on handguards/forward optic slots.
Old Logic: Removed all attachments but the MPR45.
New Logic: Removes all optics, checks if user configured if it should remove tactical devices or not and does that.
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed import mod code not respecting filter changes to fix most double optic scenarios on weapons
Presets created in 1.4.0 are still usable
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.4+
APBS 1.6.0 and higher requires SPT 3.10.4 or higher
Minor Hotfix
- Adjusted FaceCover weights for T1-4 PMCs
- Blacklisted broken armband from Guiding Light
Bugs Squashed
- [APBSConfig] Fixed Scav Tier Delta field validation
- [APBSConfig] Fixed validation field in Secret configs
Presets created in 1.4.0 are still usable
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.4+
It is advisable to delete the old APBS mod folder before updating (backup your preset if you use one)
APBS now ships with an 'APBSConfig.exe' (Windows only)
This application must remain in your /user/mods/acidphantasm-progressivebotsystem/ folder to be able to edit and manager your config file.
Source code for the app is available on the GitHub.
New Features
- Configuration application!
- Pack'N'Strap compatibility - belts will now be added to the armband slots on bots (lootable toggle in config)
- Resource Randomization (enable/disable/values) is now available for each bot type classification
- Generated Bot Loot (enable/disable/blacklist) is now available for each bot type classification
- Weapon Durability (enable/disable/values) is now available for each bot type classification
- Added some secret config options related to in-game Developer icons
- Config is now .json and completely overhauled.
- Minor refactor to class handling majority of config changes
- Minor refactor to bot logging handling
- Added text indicating if bot was generated via APBS or Vanilla in APBS generation logs
- Added basic armbands to Scavs
- Added chance for Scavs to have armbands
- Removed PEQ from Sprut mount T1-3
- Removed tier appearance level from importing mod clothing
- Adjusted default Weapon Durability for most bots
- LICENSE updated to Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0
- Updated example preset
Bugs Squashed
- Nearly every config should now be respected during all aspects of generation and configuration if you disable APBS control over a bot type
- Fixed Bot Name validation in PMC Secret configs
Presets created in 1.4.0 are still usable
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed potential undefined reference caused by custom item mods in tiering modded attachments
Presets created in 1.4.0 or higher are still usable
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+
Major update. Thank you for all Discord testers
Epic's All in One is no longer incompatible - go wild!
New Features
- Config option to normalize all AI health values (default disabled - also has exclusion options and custom values)
- Config option for modded attachment importing (will add modded attachments to vanilla weapons)
- Added logic to begin tiering modded attachments (Magazines/Stocks/Receivers/Optics)
- Refactor of Bot enablement checks
- Refactor of Mod Import code (almost completely, it looks/feels better now)
- Added grenade whitelists for all enabled bot types - only PMCs will have impact nades at higher tiers now
- Added invalid itemID checks and logging for mod items
- Added JohnB & Gas Welder goggles to PMCs/Scavs/Default Generation
- Adjusted all AI mod_handguard slots to 100%
- Adjusted Backpack Loot filtering
- Adjusted Scav Eyewear/FaceCover/Headwear chances
- Adjusted default mod weapon import weights
- Adjusted SPT weapon generation warnings to display itemID instead of name
- Adjusted SVT/AVT weight in BEAR T3
- Removed SVT/AVT from BEAR T4
- Rebalanced various optics/stocks/handguards
- APBS Debug Logging is now disabled by default (debug messages in user\mods\apbs\logs\debug.log)
- Updated example preset
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed Backpack Loot Pool logic that was filtering some bots down to a single item and then spawning multiple of them
- Fixed APBSLogger.ts having incorrect capitalization (Linux issue)
- Fixed missing APB/TT/Saiga/Grach mods/slots
- Fixed various optic blocking attachments (vanilla)
Presets created in 1.4.0 or higher are still usable
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+
Special thank you to Chomp for some big brain updates to some custom logic I had
- Minor refactor for plate class level filter code
- Minor change to Med/Food/Drink randomization code
- Balance pass for T4-T7 PMC equipment
- Added missing headsets to PMCs T3-7
- Added missing Glorious-E facecover for Scavs T1-7
- Added missing Vertx Ready Pack for Scavs T1-7
- Adjusted Scav Backpack Weights
- Updated example preset
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed PMC Loot blacklist not actually working
- Fixed missing "mod_stock_002" value on PMCs at Tier7 (Thank you Foreiinas)
Presets created in 1.4.0 or higher are still usable
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+
Bugs Squashed
- Actually fixed HP Resource for some food/drink items from being changed which made them unusable but still spawning as loot on AI
Presets created in 1.4.0 or higher are still usable
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+
- Added additional weapons to low tier PMCs Long Range pools (lowers M700 chance a bit more)
- Removed front mount optic from M870 325mm barrel to prevent duplicate optics
- Adjusted weapon choice weights on Labs & Factory (slightly)
- Removed internal clothing blacklist as it is no longer necessary
- Updated preset
- Minor code cleanup
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed HP Resource for some food/drink items from being changed which made them unusable but still spawning as loot on AI
- Fixed T3 Scav missing Pilgrim Backpack
- Fixed fallback generation for Cultists mod_pistolgrip_000
- Fixed Blacklist invalid item ID logging to not spam console for each tier
Presets created in 1.4.0 or higher are still usable
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+
Major update. Thank you for all Discord testers
New Features
- Implemented configuration option for enabled bots to roll ammunition choice again
- For external magazine fed weapons, this roll happens based on config chance for each magazine
- For internal magazine fed weapons, this rolls happens once based on config chance
- Implemented Bot Loot gen item whitelist w/ weighting system
- Implemented Bot Loot gen respecting item limits
- Added Pilgrim backpack for Scav Backpack equipment pre-T4
- Adjusted Pilgrim backpack weights for Scav
- Adjusted default level variance for tiers (tightened up slightly, it was too wide for my liking - you can still config this)
- Adjusted default food/med resource used chances and lower limit (you can still config this)
- Forced Bosses/Followers/Rogues/Raiders/Cultists to only use Tier4+ mod pools
- Removed Randomization options that were hardcoded (no longer needed)
- Refactored the mess of checks for if the bot is enabled/disabled via config
- Updated example preset
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed preset changes to Bot Loot gen weights and whitelist not functioning
- Fixed some changes taking effect even if bot is disabled in config
- Fixed Ultima variant of MP-155 never having correct stock due to misconfigured internal buttpad array
- Fixed various bot attachment chances for specific weapon types to prevent default weapon fallbacks
- Possibly fixed Realism Compatibility for gas masks not having filters installed (won't know until Realism is updated)
- Possibly fixed M700 w/ProMag Archangel chassis not getting correct mags in rig...maybe
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+
Thank you Lacyway for reporting an issue that created the need for a loot blacklist, and also for providing much appreciated feedback regarding some balancing!
New Features
- Configuration option for PMC Loot Blacklist (this default comes with the Residential Keycard due to a SPT bug)
- Updated Woods Weapon Range selection chances (now 60/40 long range instead of 90/10)
- Updated USEC Long Range weapon weights
- Updated example preset
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed PMC Appearance code for SPRING_EARLY
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+
New Features
- Configuration option for buttpad on stock spawn chance
- Per Season PMC clothing appearance, PMCs will now try to wear clothes that better blend into the seasonal environment
- (if enabled (default) then import mod clothing is automatically disabled)
- Updated PMC 4.6x30mm ammunition weights
- Updated example preset
- Moved T-5000 from USEC to BEAR as the T-5000 is a Russian made weapon
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+
New Features
- Configuration option to force muzzles
- Configuration option to force muzzle children
- Configuration option for muzzle chance that overrides preset/db
- Slightly adjusted Max Bot Level Variance for T1-4
- Slightly increased default muzzle chances for PMCs at all tiers
- Added Death Shadow Armoured Mask PMC T3+
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.2+
Thank you DrakiaXYZ for the assist!
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed sortModKeys as 3.10.2 has a new argument
- Fixed various non-user impacting errors
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.0 - 3.10.1
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed Zombies, they're still cringe but they work properly with APBS now
- Fixed Santa spawning with boss guard loadouts
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.0 - 3.10.1
Thank you Hazel for reporting the issue!
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed weapon mod chances
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.0 - 3.10.1
- Corrected APBS logging for infected & partisan
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed Partisan - woops
This version will only work for SPT 3.10.0 - 3.10.1
3.10 Update
- Added VSS/VAL handguards
- Added AUG A3 (T1+)
- Added Uzi variants (T2+)
- Added AA-12 variants (T4+)
- Added Desert Eagle variants (T4+)
- Added SR-3M (T4+)
- Added M60 variants (T5+)
- Added melee slot to APBS bot logging
- Updated example preset
- Removed the easy scav preset (less maintenance for me)
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
Major Major Update.
Thank you all SPT Discord testers!
New Features
- Individual Weapon Category Attachment Chances
- Config option for custom level deltas for Scavs
- Config option for Attachment Blacklisting
- Config option to set mod weapon importing weights
- Config option to disable adding Gas Masks to bots when Realism detected
- Config option to set min food/med resource value
- Implemented Presets (NO SUPPORT FOR THESE)
- These can be easy to create depending on what you want to be changing. The main mod page has a rough walkthrough on how to get started.
- Presets will always work between APBS versions going forward, unless any format changes are required. I will say on the release if they need to be fixed. (Make it once, use it forever)
- If you want to share these, you are required to post a link to your preset in the comments (or in my thread in the SPT Discord).
- I will aggregate these and put them on the main mod page & a pinned comment here and the SPT Discord.
- Please do NOT put mod items in your preset if you plan to share it. If you do you must specify what mods are required and the load order.
- Just make it easier, and don't put mod items in your preset.
- Improved mod import logic (MASSIVELY)
- Improved weapon mod_muzzle attachment logic (Less suppressor spam)
- Improved weapon mod_scope attachment logic (Less scope ring mounted top optics)
- Adjusted minLevelVariance for all tiers
- You will see a wider level range of AI.
- Adjusted all PMC chances for equipment / weapon attachments
- Adjusted all PMC weapon weights
- Adjusted all Scav chances for weapon attachments
- Adjusted all Scav armour weights
- Adjusted BEAR long range weapon weights
- Added "acidphantasm_easier_scavs" preset
- Removed "mod_muzzle" from required slots for PMCs
- Removed MP-155 Ultima attachments from T1 & T2
- Removed Valday optic from T1
- Removed the default M4A1 handguard (the OG looking one)
- Removed various top mount tacticals from weapons that block optics
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed missing FN Five-seveN RMR attachments
- Fixed missing MP-155 Ultima camera & mount
- Fixed missing VPO-215 scope rail
- Fixed missing OP-SKS scope rail
- Fixed various double optic handguards
- Fixed force stock, receivers, and scope configs to use per weapon chances format
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
Major Release. 1.0.0!!
Thank you all SPT Discord testers! Without you this release wouldn't be possible!
New Features
- Compatibility w/ Punisher & Raid Overhaul
- Config option to change PMC Game Version weights
- Config option to blacklist specific Weapons from AI
- Config option to allow AI to spawn with T-7 Thermal Goggles
- Config option to set AI scope & tactical attachment limits
- Config option to enable Scav Equipment Tier flattening
- Config option to enable Scavs Weapon/Equipment attachment tiering
- If disabled (default) they will always use Tier1 attachments unless any "challenge" modes are enabled
- Realism detection added
- When detected, it will add gas masks to all of the AI at roughly 30% chance
- Move mod importing logic from Tier7 scavs to dedicated list
- Added various optic spacers and mounts
- Added GLs to secondary short range slot for T1-7 Raiders & Rogues
- Adjusted T1-7 Raider & Rogue Weapon weights (weights change as they tier up)
- Adjusted T1-3 USEC Weapon weights
- Adjusted various PMC attachment slot chances
- Adjusted G19X & G18C to colour match magazines
- Adjusted MDR 5.56 & MDR 7.62 to colour match attachments
- Removed "mod_scope" tacticals from handguards
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed tiering for 30mm scope mounts...woops
- Fixed config weapon blacklist to accept melee IDs
- Fixed missing AUG receivers from attachment tiering
- Fixed missing SVDS attachments
- Fixed duplicate optic chance on M870
- Fixed Fika Dedicated Profile Generation (thanks Archangel)
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
Major Release.
Thank you to all testers on the SPT Discord, as always - this would not be possible without you
New Features
- PMCs that spawn with two primaries will now select one short & one long range weapon
- AI PMC Clothing is now tiered
- Config option to import Mod Clothing (No support if you enable this)
- Config option to disable Scav Loot
- Config options to add keys to Scav Backpack Loot
- Config options to enable PMC Ammo down-tiering
- Overhauled Scav Weapon/Equipment Weights
- Overhauled PMC "LongRange" weapons to only have marksman/snipers
- Adjusted PMC/Scav Holster chances/weights/pools
- Adjusted Scav Backpack Loot chances
- Adjusted BEAR T2-7 Weapon weights
- Adjusted PMC T3 Plate Class weights
- Adjusted Map Weapon Type Selection weights
- Adjusted M4A1/ADAR/TX-15 barrels at all tiers
- Removed some "LongRange" weapons from "ShortRange" pools
- Removed KS-23M from BEAR/Scav T1-3
- Removed HK416 & SCAR 5.56 from USEC/Scav T1-2
- Removed M1A, RSASS & SPEAR from USEC T3
- Removed some poop ammo from Bosses/Followers/Guards
- Removed some problematic weapon attachments (THANK YOU AYRE)
Bugs Squashed
- Blacklisted OS4x & NSX optics from being imported by modded weapons
- Fixed some modded weapon handguards creating the chance for the weapon to be generated with a front and rear optic
- Fixed some modded attachments being used when they shouldn't
- Fixed double optic chances on various Saiga-12k handguards
- Fixed minor spelling mistakes..
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
New Features
- Configuration option to disable debug logging
- Adjusted Scav MP-133 & TOZ T1-7 weights
- Adjusted PMC 5.56x45mm T1-4 weights
- Adjusted PMC SAG 5.45 AR T1-4 weights
- Adjusted PMC AUG & MDR T1-3 weights
- Removed NcSTAR MPR45 Canted Mount from T1-3
- Removed double optic chance on SKS SOCOM Rail Mount
Bugs Squashed
- Fixed potential pockets & secure container missing on PMCs
- Fixed APBS Logger from opening too many file threads (changed from async to sync)
- Thank you laptop spt (Sam/Sammy) on Discord for the initial report and testing fixes!
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
New Features
- Configuration option to set what Tier imported mod items start spawning in
- Configuration option for PMC pocket/rig/backpack loot
- Added config "blickyMode".. it's like a warzone.. but nobody dies.
- Adjusted PMC 7.62x51mm T1-3 weights
- Adjusted PMC T3-5 Armour/Headwear weights
- Adjusted non-Scav Plate Class weights
- Added additional pocket types for Guards/Followers
- Removed sawed off Mosin stock T2+
- Removed PKM, PKP, RPD, RPDN from Tier3 Bears & Scavs
- Removed dumb NPZ 1P78-1 optic dovetail mount
Bugs Squashed
- Fix modded equipment being added to the config blacklist actually blacklisting them (hopefully)
- Added internal attachment blacklist to prevent NVGs/Thermals from being imported via modded equipment (will stop AI from spawning with T-7 NVG)
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
Major Update.
Thank you all SPT Discord testers! Without you this release wouldn't be possible!
New Features
- Assault Rifles & Carbines can now have Sniper Optics (TAC30, Vudu, etc)
- Configurable Plate chances
- Configurable Weapon Durability
- Configurable Ammo & Equipment Blacklist
- Config option for importing modded equipment
- Config options for "onlyChads" or "tarkovAndChill" or...both? Chaos?
- Overhauled PMC Weapon/Equipment/Ammo weights at all tiers
- Adjusted PMC Weapon/Helmet mod chances
- Adjusted PMC Plate chances to be more realistic
- Adjusted Scav MP9 weights
- Adjusted Scav Front Plate chances
- Adjusted Scav Backpack loot chances
- Adjusted some Boss Plate chances to scale with level
- Adjusted Guards/Raiders/Rogues/Cultist Warriors Plate chances to scale with level
- Adjusted Mod Item importing weights
- Added missing AKS-74U Railed Dust Cover
- Added some missing equipment for PMCs & Scavs
- Removed problematic AK Dust Cover
- Removed .366 chambered weapons from Tier5+ pmcBEAR
Bugs Squashed
- Fix Unheard Edition bots not having Unheard Edition pockets. They paid their $200, let them have cake.
- Fix Raider/Rogue config option to actually disable properly
- Removed a few duplicate records
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
Major Update.
Thank you all SPT Discord testers! Without you this release wouldn't be possible!
New Features
- All weapon & helmet attachments are now tiered
- All AI now have their own equipment pools & chance rolls
- All AI will now have NVGs if it's night (if they can)
- New Config Options (forceScopeSlot, forceDustCover, enableConsumableResourceRandomization)
- Your player scav will now have AI tier around your PMC level
- Grenade count & NVG logging added to APBS Logs
- Removed some poop helmets from PMCs
- Removed a couple troublesome attachment slots
- Removed poop ammo from high level PMCs
- Removed meta ammo from low level PMCs
- Removed BEAR armband from USEC (also removed USEC armband from BEAR)
- Added vanilla-adjacent initial boss pools
- Added vanilla-adjacent initial goons pools
- Added vanilla-adjacent initial cultist pools
- Added vanilla-ish Raider & Rogue pools
- Added missing Fast MT (black) helmet
- Adjusted scav backpack loot count chances
- Adjusted weapon attachment chances for all AI
- Adjusted Toz spawn chance on Scavs Tier1-3
- Adjusted AI light/laser toggle chance during day/night
Bugs Squashed
- Bot Generation should be significantly less delayed
- Fixed forceStock config option not working properly
- Fixed equipment mod chances to be handled by APBS instead of vanilla
- Fixed NVG not being forced if possible & night
- Fixed catch for weapon attachment pools
- Fixed Knight being stupid cause I did a dumb
- Fixed plate selection loop improperly selecting and not escaping the loop when finding a valid armour class
- Fixed randomizing health/food/drink resource values for PMCs
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
New Config Options
- Option to disable Boss, Follower, Scav, PMC, Raider/Rogue generation (one or any)
- Option to adjust AI level deviation per tier
- Option to force stocks on AI Weapons
- Option to disable force weapon attachment limits on AI Weapons (cursing the guns if you want)
- Added a LOT of optic selection options on weapon generation - should no longer see Elcan all the time
- Adjusted Scav Weapon Durability
- Adjusted Scav Armour and Helmet weights
- Adjusted Boss Armour and Helmet weights
- Adjusted PMC Item Limits
- Adjusted map weights for weapon generation
- Split Scav armour plate weightings from the rest of the pools. Will now only get T5 & 6 plates if the armour can't take 2, 3, or 4.
- If botgen fails to place bot in a tier, will now generate Tier1 instead of 3 (this is very very rare anyway)
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
New Features
- Mod Weapon importing is disabled by default. Enable at your own risk - no support.
- Adjusted PMC NVG chances
- Adjusted Scav helmet & weapon attachment chances
- Adjusted Scav backpack loot quantities (slightly higher than vanilla to make up for PMCs not having backpack loot w/o Looting Bots)
- Completely overhauled Scav weapon weights
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
Bugs Squashed
- Helmet/Headphone issue should be 95% resolved now
- Slightly lowered helmet mod spawn chance on PMCs
- Scav Weapon Weights changed to allow people who run a million custom weapon mods not to always have them spawn
This version will only work for SPT 3.9.x
Initial Release
Not quite yet...