Removes the option to select a timezone before a raid for all us Night Time lovers.
A super simple mod that removes the option to select a timezone before a raid since it's what the founding fathers intended.
(Excluding Factory)
Progression. Having the option to change time zones eliminates a lot of the need for night time gameplay. This mod aims to make getting your hands on gear like night vision, flashlights, and IR-lasers during the early game just so much more important to survive and thrive in Tarkov. Not being able to skip to day time also introduces a lot more variety between raids and forces you to not run the same kit every raid.
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That's Lit
One step closer to fair gameplay, by giving AIs non-perfect vision and reactions. Because we too deserve grasses, bushes and nights.
Makes AIs respond to your surrounding light environment, which makes sticking to the shadows more encouraged, as you are more visible under lamps & moonlight. Bots with NVGs & Thermals are also a lot tougher.
Just way better looking nvgs that also let you see your surroundings through your peripheral. This mod also emulates tube generations which means you wont get nearly the same performance through a cheap Russian Gen 2 tube as a more expensive one. (Again, deeper progression)
- Now removes the second time zone in the panel instead of removing the whole panel (You can see the current time now)
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