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Mod Details


Valkyrie 0.0.3

Created by PenOkOh


SPT 3.9.8 Compatible

A trader image activator - a mod that selects realistic looking images over those aged ones that's been in the game for as long as I can remember.

Next Update: Even more images. Will include an older version on Therapist. The images that are there now I feel represent each character well.

A huge thanks jbs4bmx for all the help and for the okay to use their files to create this. I mostly built it myself apart from obvious lines I had to use in order for it to work.

For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4 / 3.9.5 - does not replace files within SPT.


PS, if you have Lightkeeper unlocked, kindly screenshot your full screen and send me the image so I can replace the one above. I will credit you of course, if you so wish.

What is Valkyrie?

- Valkyrie is a mod that activates my images over the vanilla trader images found within SPT. These have all been generated using an AI and very detailed descriptions of each trader.

What does Valkyrie add?

- Valkyrie currently "replaces" every single trader, with that being Prapor, Therapist, Fence, Skier, Peacekeeper, Mechanic, Ragman, Jaeger, Ref and Lightkeeper.


Will you support modded traders?

- Sure, if I get permission to, I will. Let me know which trader(s) and I'll look into it.

Why did you make Valkyrie?

- I wanted to replace my own trader images with something I found visually appealing, and I also wanna share what I made with the community just in case someone else likes this style.

What's in the future of Valkyrie?

- Current trader images might change if I manage to generate something better. All the valid tries will be included as optional replacements for you all.

- Please drag and drop the user folder into your main SPT directory then do what the 4 images below showcase.

- Sally

- Unicorn

1.a What do I do if it doesn't work?

- Make sure it's installed properly - Drop the user folder inside of your SPT Directory.

- When the launcher is open. Press [Settings] > [Clean Temp Files] > [Go back] > [Start Game]

- If it still didn't work, message me here on the hub or Discord by finding me on the SPT Pub Discord.

1.b How do I report an issue?

- You can either find me on the Spt Discord and message me regarding which map it is and be as detailed as possible. Or comment here by being as detailed as possible.

I want an image added that I made?

- Send it my way and if I think it fits, I'll include it as an optional replacement.

Which version is it for?

- 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4- it might work on 3.8.X, but I haven't tested it and I can't test it.

Why do you make modifications?

- Because I like to help other people to improve their games. The beautiful thing with the human brain is that a lot of us share the same ideas and wishes. What I want in a game, others want as well.



Version 0.0.3


Created Aug 12th, 2024 Updated Dec 16th, 3:58 PM

For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4 / 3.9.5


1a. added a few images of some of the traders.

- Fence x2

- Jaeger x2

- Lightkeeper x1

- Mechanic x1

- Peacekeeper x1

- Prapor x3

- Ragman x5

- Ref x1

- Skier x1

- Therapist x5

- check the "DRAG AND DROP into user,mods,valkyrie,res" folder

- Credit to The3215 for their work.

Version 0.0.2


Created Aug 8th, 2024 Updated Dec 9th, 8:38 PM

For version 3.9.0 / 3.9.1 / 3.9.2 / 3.9.3 / 3.9.4


- changed the trader preview image in the Overview tab to reflect the new trader(s).


- switched Jaeger to a new image.

- placed the original Jaeger in the optional folder.

- switched Peacekeeper to a new image.

- placed the original Peacekeeper in the optional folder.

- added several Peacekeeper variations in the optional folder.

- added a few Mechanic variations in the optional folder, gender: female

Clean your Temp Files in order for this update to take effect. View the tab HOW TO INSTALL for a guide.

Version 0.0.1


Created Jul 29th, 2024 Updated Dec 11th, 9:31 PM

Not quite yet...