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Mod Details

Container-Onyx (Re-upload)

Container-Onyx (Re-upload) 1.3.3

Created by Dsnyder, rozerma, DJLang


SPT 3.9.8 Compatible

Ever wanted a bigger butt to stuff things in? This is the mod for you!

The original release of this mod has been updated to SPT 3.10. I have it linked in the mod description!

If you are a person who doesn't think that the Kappa case and the new Theta case is big enough, well then here is the perfect case for you! The Onyx Container ported to SPT 3.9!

All credit goes to rozerma for the original release (found here) and DJLANG for maintaining their mods while they aren't around. If either of them ask for this mod to be removed, It will be done so immediately.

REQUIRED MODS: SARIA SHOP - Please load this mod AFTER Saria Shop!

The container can be obtained by bartering the Kappa Case and 10 Million Roubles.****

Here is size of case for everyone asking.

**There are no item restrictions for this case!**

Install the "OnyxContainer" folder into your user/mods.

Version 1.3.3


Created Aug 11th, 2024 Updated Aug 11th, 2024

Updated Link

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