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Mod Details

Realistic Bot Names

Realistic Bot Names 0.0.2

Created by PenOkOh


SPT 3.10.5 Compatible

Are you tired of getting smashed by Nugz? Annihilated by PenOkOh? Destroyed by LightBringerII? Worry no more. Now you can get owned by Andy Ellies, John McKenna, Thomas O'Shea, and so on.

*Realistic Bot Names activates over SPT and gets rid of SPT community member names. Instead they'll be "replaced" with realistic names that could, and does exist within our world - meaning first and last names that I think would fit very well in the game.

Together with members from the community, we crafted western names from the United States of America, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Norway, Denmark, France and Spain - with opportunity to add more in the future once community feedback has been collected.

Realistic Bot Names also include a wide variety of Russian names in both Cyrillic and Russian-American. The Cyrillic letters are only for BEAR operatives, and the Russian-American ones, like Ivan Petrov, is for USEC because when Ivan was a child, his family moved to a western country.*

As of right now, Realistic Bot Names will add 1360 western names and 809 Cyrillic names. Meaning that the odds to run into the same name again is rather low.

Realistic Bot Names work across all of SPT, with that being Dogtags, Flea Market, and others. You'll get immersed in the world of Tarkov as you discover who you killed and where they might be from. Of course we had to have some fun with it. Realistic Bot Names include easter egg names. If you die by one, let me know in the comment section.

*This was primarily made for myself, and for those that might not run Realism - or those that do but don't like Realism's names. In that case this will suit you just fine.

PS, don't lose your mind over this okay. USEC are primarily American and English. They speak American English in game so that should be an indication.*

Do you use Realism's bot names? Make sure your Realism looks like the one at the red bracket before installing Realistic Bot Names.


Do you have any other mods that change bot names?

- Please make sure do disable those before installing Realistic Bot Names.

Realistic Bot Names as a whole is fully compatible with

- Realism

How to install Realistic Bot Names



Why are names overlapping on the Flea Market?

- This is because they're too long. It only happens on the Flea Market and not in game.

Can you add more names?

- Leave a comment with names you want added and they will be taken into consideration. If it's something outrageous like Africa, India, China, etc, you can add it yourself by doing this:

1. Use Chat GPT and giveit this line "Give me 100 [NATION HERE] male names consisting of first and last name within speech marks. Don't use the same first name more than ONE TIME."

2. Copy and paste that into a Notepad document. Then add a comma after the last quotation mark for each line, but not the last one. Example;

"Captain America",
"Iron Man",
"Rocket Racoon",
"Bucky Barnes",

The last line ever should not have a comma after the quotation mark.

3. Then go to [YOUR DRIVE]:\[FOLDER IF YOU HAVE IT]\SPT\user\mods\PenOkOh-Realistic_Bot_Names\cfg - open the USEC or BEAR json file and paste in your list. Make sure that it follows the same format.

Nugz - for helping out with names

LightBringerII - for helping out with names

We're like dominoes, push one and we all fall..



Version 0.0.2


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Jan 3rd, 1:31 PM Updated Jan 3rd, 1:31 PM

- updated for 3.10.x

Version 0.0.1


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created Aug 26th, 2024 Updated Aug 26th, 2024

- fixed the user/mods not being a thing

Not quite yet...