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Mod Details

Airdrop Config Options

Airdrop Config Options 1.1.0

Created by RagingBeardo


SPT 3.10.5 Compatible

Manage airdrop related settings such as timing and general loot inside.

Airdrop Config Options

This mod allows you to customize the configuration of airdrops in Escape from Tarkov using the config.json5 file. You can adjust various parameters such as the timing, type weightings, and loot content of airdrops.


1. Download the 7z file and extract it.

2. Copy the user folder into your SPT directory.

3. Ensure the config.json5 file is located in the config folder of ragingbeardo-airdropconfig in your user/mods directory.



debugLogsEnabled: true/false (default false)


- airDropTimingEnabled: true/false (default false)

- airDropTypeWeightingEnabled: true/false (default false)

- airDropPercentChanceByLocationEnabled: true/false (default false)

- airDropLootConfigEnabled: true/false (default false)

Airdrop Timing

- planeAirdropStartMin: Minimum time (in seconds) before the airdrop plane appears.

- planeAirdropStartMax: Maximum time (in seconds) before the airdrop plane appears.

Airdrop Type Weighting

I'm gonna keep it 100 and say I can't tell you how exactly the weightings work, but the default ratings are the same as base SPTarkov settings.

- mixed: number

- weaponArmor: number

- foodMedical: number

- barter: number

Airdrop Percent Chance by Location

Set the chance (out of 100) for an airdrop to occur at each location:

- customs: number

- interchange: number

- woods: number

- shoreline`: number

- reserve: number

- groundzero: number (affects both normal and "high" ground zero)

- streets: number

- lighthouse: number

Airdrop Loot Configuration

This setting has a large amount of configuration to do. The default state is the same as base SPTarkov. Some fields like armorWHitelist are still unknown as to how it actually works to me.

Airdrop Types:

- mixed

- weaponArmor

- foodMedical

- barter

Each loot configuration can include the following parameters:

- icon: NO TOUCHY, this exists to match default config but you shouldn't need to change this

- weaponPresetCount: number range

- armorPresetCount: number range

- itemCount: number range

- weaponCrateCount: number range

- itemBlacklist: blacklist using id

- itemTypeWhiteList: whitelist using id

- itemLimits: set limit based on item id

- itemStackLimits: set limit based on item id

- armorWhiteList: still trying to figure out the explanation for this one

- allowBossItems: true/false

Version 1.1.0


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created 22 hours ago Updated 22 hours ago

Come on down to toggle town!

No base configuration changes, just an additional toggle section to turn on/off each high level section.


Version 1.0.0


SPT 3.10.5 Virus Total Results
Created 23 hours ago Updated 23 hours ago

JSON5 config file to manage settings related to airdrops.

  • timing of when airdrop shows up
  • weightings for which type of airdrop
  • airdrop chance per location
  • loot config for each airdrop type

HOTFIX: changed default chance to 25% instead of 100%

**HOTFIX #2: added a safety check to not change loot settings if you touch the no touchy

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