Tired of running the same quests every time you start a new playthrough? This mod might spice things up. Changes kill quests and handover quests. LOOKING FOR TRANSLATORS. For all Tarkov languages: SEE https://crowdin.com/project/spt-questrandomizer
LOOKING FOR TRANSLATORS. For all Tarkov languages: SEE https://crowdin.com/project/spt-questrandomizer
[BETA] This is still in development stage and while I've worked hard to ensure each release is stable. Updates might brick mostly everything.
Quest randomizer
Tired of running the same quests every time you start a new playthrough? This mod might spice things up. Change the kill requirements for quests so you fight new enemies with new weapons in new places. Also changes the hand over item quests to require new items. Perhaps some items will be more useful now. You wont know until you encounter each quest.
Will change the following:
- Randomize the item hand over of quests.
- Uses a list of items in tiers similar to my Barter Economy mod. See the confg/itemtierlist.jsonc file for more details.
- Randomize kill quests in the following ways (configurable in the config)
- Add kill objectives to quests that dont have them.
- Add/Randomize gear requirements.
- See the config/gearlist.jsonc file for more details.
- Add/Randomize the kill targets.
- Add/Randomize the distance requirement.
- Add/Randomize the required location.
- Add/Randomize the required time of day.
- Add/Randomize the required weapons. Using both a bunch of tailor-made categories, and individual weapons.
- See the config/weaponcategories.jsonc file for more details
- Once the server has started once with this mod. You can find an auto-generated category list in all supported languages in the categories/ folder of this mod.
- Add/Randomize the body part requirement.
Here's is the config file to give some insight in how this mod can be configured. (There is a lot more you can chance too in the previously mentioned files.
"questBlacklist": //These quests wont be edited
"5c0d190cd09282029f5390d8", //Grenadier
"60e729cf5698ee7b05057439"//Swift one
"chanceToAddLocations": 0.15, //Chance to add a location requirement to kill quests.
"locationCount": 2, //Total locations that the quest will be valid on.
"chanceToAddTimeOfDay": 0.05, //CHance to add a time of day requirement to kill quests.
"chanceToAddBodypart": 0.05, //Chance to add having to target specific body parts to kill quests.
"chanceToAddDistance": 0.05, //Chance to add a distance requirement to kill quests. (Currently >=/<= 20-100m, Might add options for this later)
"chanceToAddWeapon": 0.5, //Chance to add weapon requirement to kill quests. Will do a weighted selection from the weaponcategories.jsonc file.
"chanceToAddGear": 0.05, //Chance to add gear requirement to kill quest. Will do a weighted selection from the gearlist.jsonc file.
"addGearCount": 3, //How many different gear pieces will be selected. Every gear piece is an alternative. You only ever need to wear 1 of them.
"chanceForSpecificWeapon": 0.15, //Chance to instead of a weapon group, select a specific weapon from the "SpecificWeapon" array in weaponcategories.jsonc
"adjustKillCountFactorsUpDown": [0.2,0.2], //How many kills a quest will need. It's randomly increased/decreased by a multiplier between the factors. So default settings makes the multiplier between 0.8-1.2
"addKillObjectiveToQuestChance": 0.5, //Chance to add a kill objective to quests that dont naturally have them.
"addKillObjectiveKillCount": 5, //Base kill count to added objectives. Then multiplied by the factors above.
"handoverItemUnknownItemValueDivider": 15000, //The divisor that determines the tier of an item. Rounded to nearest tier. An item worth 34000 rubles with be 34000/15000 ~ 2.
"adjustHandoverCountFactorsUpDown": [0.2,0.2], //Adjusts how many items are needed for a handover quest. See how it works above.
"handoverItemBlacklist": //Any quest that requires you to handover an item from this list will be skipped entierly and left alone.
"5696686a4bdc2da3298b456a", //Dollars
"5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f", //Roubles
- Fix filepath in linux (capitalization)
- Fix missing locale for usec/bear in kill quests (name changed in 3.10)
- Fix easy quests with weapon requirements becoming invisible.
Can be applied to existing profile. Will not fix the locale for invisible quests requirement. (Should only be stirrup in default settings(use pistols to complete the quest))
- 3.10.0 Release
- Cleaned up output to be neater.
LOOKING FOR TRANSLATORS. SEE https://crowdin.com/project/spt-questrandomizer
Check for missing properties more. (Adds compat with AQM)
Enabled quest whitelist by default (Which by default includes all vanilla quests)
Changed quest whitelist location to be it's own folder. This is to make it easy to enable/disable whitelists from other mods. You might not want to randomize AQM, but maybe you've played a ton of other quests mods before, and want them randomized.
Add a trader whitelist, letting you decide what traders to randomize and not. This is in addition to all previously mentioned whitelisting stuff.
XP multiplier for quests. In case you want to have more or less xp from quests. Useful for ensuring the quest progression matches level and trader progression.
Added first iteration of generated quests. (They're still quite bare-bones, but will be improved upon in the future.)
- Added generated weapon quests.
- Added generated sniper quests.
- Added generated handover quests.
Fixed bug that made "hard" locations sometimes appear on "easy" quests.
Added multiple options for compatibility with mods that add new weapons to work with quests. (See readme.md for more info)
LOOKING FOR TRANSLATORS. SEE https://crowdin.com/project/spt-questrandomizer
- Major rework. Quests are now on a per-profile basis. I have tried to test this as extensively as possible. But consider this even more of a beta than previous releases.
- Add localization for weapon groups. (Uses locale, then en, and lastly the weapon group name string)
- Cleaned up console spam if Debug isn't enabled.
- Unload profiles if they've been inactive for a while.
LOOKING FOR TRANSLATORS. SEE https://crowdin.com/project/spt-questrandomizer
LOOKING FOR TRANSLATORS. SEE https://crowdin.com/project/spt-questrandomizer
- Fix issue with quests handover-tasks sometimes not being randomized.
- Show found in raid requirements (oops)
- Safeguard against other mods adding broken items to quests.
LOOKING FOR TRANSLATORS. For all Tarkov languages: SEE https://crowdin.com/project/spt-questrandomizer
- Massive reworks of behind the scenes. (Quest generation coming soon)
- Remove ZONE requirements for now. (This might have bricked quests in earlier versions, for that I sincerely apologize.)
- Added ratios between scavs/pmcs/any so that quests that convert to other things will have their kill counts adjusted.
LOOKING FOR TRANSLATORS. For all Tarkov languages: SEE https://crowdin.com/project/spt-questrandomizer
- Added weapon- and mod-category items into the handbook so you can see them in-game.
- Portuguese translation - Many thanks to SoundBlaster1998
- Chinese translation - Many thanks to Echo
- Added mod categories, and reworked the whole weapon categories file. You can now add weapon mod categories to other categories. Example adding silencer mod category to AKM-series weapon category.
- Added more weapon and mod-categories to the default config.
- Added missing "Bloodhound" to name list.
- Updated RU translation
- Allow parents to be used in the handoverItemBlacklist and added "Ammo" parent to that list as a default.
- Added ES-MX Translation - Many thanks to ``UralreadyDead`
- Added chanceHandoverNeedsFIR property to decide if handover quest items needs to be found in raid.
- Added chanceToEditHandoverCondition property to decide if we even want to edit handover stuff.
- Added chanceToEditKillConditions property to decide if we even want to edit kill stuff.
- Easy quests now also don't randomize as much for kill quests. (renamed config property to easierQuestList)
- Uses Easier map list
- Does not ADD body part requirements
- Does not ADD time of day requirements
- Does not ADD distance requirements
- Does not ADD/EDIT gear requirements
- Does not EDIT weapon requirements
- Added chance and config for handover quests requiring from categories rather than individual items.
- Added chanceToAddHandoverCondition which is a chance to add a handover condition to quests.
- Localization for handover categories. (Working on doing the same for weapon categories.)
- Korean Translation - Many thanks to Rising_Star
- Spanish Translation - Many thanks to Strungerman
- Add a list of quests that can't get "harder" maps. Configurable in config.
- Quest whitelist toggle in config, in case other mods get angy. (Default OFF)
- Fix incompatibility with TRAP Custom Quests (Technically the issue is with their mod. But whatever.)
Fix whitelist preventing quests from generating when turned off. rofl.
Fix crash on startup.
Not quite yet...