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[QRPS] - QSZ-92G Chinese 9x19mm Pistol - Redux

[QRPS] - QSZ-92G Chinese 9x19mm Pistol - Redux 1.0.0

Created by ItsReaperGirl, Qwertyalex


SPT 3.9.8 Compatible

The main PLA service pistol, now brought back to life with updated textures courtesy of Substance Painter!

The main PLA service pistol, now brought back to life with updated textures courtesy of Substance Painter.

Sold by Skier at LL1, this 9mm pistol can be upgraded with 9mm muzzle attachments, and the M9 Picatinny Sight mount for if you want to use a red-dot. Also included a Realism Patch so it works with Realism.

This was my first attempt at using Substance Painter, so there's a few things I'm unhappy with on my end. I think the chipping on the trigger/hammer might be a bit too much, and I wish I could do the polymer a bit better. Also, the weapon container bricks if you jam, so I've turned jamming off since I'm not entirely sure how to fix that without rebuilding the entire container.


Where buy? Skier LL1.

Realism? Yes

This isn't the QSZ-92! The QSZ-92 is chambered in 5.8x21mm! Technically correct, also not a question. This is technically the NP42, the redesigned 9x19mm export version, but hey, it's close enough.

Where original? Oddba

What QRPS? Qwerty-Reaper Porting Service (Turns out there's a bunch of old bundles on Oddba that never got updated, and we decided to port some of them, also I like acronyms.)

3.10 Compatible? No mongos, will go boom. Will fix when I upgrade to 3.10/when it comes out

Credits to the original author Xuansu! We wouldn't have this now if you didn't originally make it!


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Version 1.0.0


Created Nov 22nd, 2024 Updated Nov 22nd, 2024

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