Place any item in raid and it will persist across multiple raids until you pick it back up!
Drop any item in raid, interact with it, and select Place Item to make it persist in that location between raids!
If the item is searchable like a backpack or other container, you can also Search it without needing to pick it up.
There is a "Cost" system. Every single item will have a cost, determined like this
- If the item is a container, it's cost will = the amount of inventory cells it holds
- If not, it's cost will = the amount of inventory cells it takes up (yes folding rifles will reduce the cost)
- This is also the case for item cases (weapon cases, junkbox, etc.), making them the most cost efficient way to store items on the map!
- If it's cost is less than 3 (configurable) it will cost 3 instead. Smaller items are more cost-efficient when placed inside containers for this reason.
Each map will then have a maximum amount of "Points" you are allowed to spend on placement.
If this sounds annoying and you'd rather it not be limited, or you want to tweak the numbers, check the F12 config menu. You can change just about all of this.
Also note that changes to the config are not destructive, meaning if you place a bunch of items and then reduce the cost for the map, those items will not be un-placed or anything, the new cost just won't apply to them until they are reclaimed and placed again.
This mod also removes all in raid restrictions, all discard restrictions, and all backpack restrictions by default. See the 'Config' tab for info on how to disable those things if you'd like.
Now with options to move your items wherever you want!
I know this is cheesable, just don't abuse it if that bothers you.
If you'd like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee!
Drop an item on the ground, look at it, and select 'Place Item'
It will change colors slightly to indicate it is placed (color can be configured in the F12 menu). It will now remain in this location until you select 'Reclaim'. All states of the item (it's contents, attachements, whether a light is on, etc.) will persist through multiple raids.
Note that if the placed item itself is a container, you can access it without needing to reclaim it:
All of the F12 menu config options have explanations, mouse over them to see what everything does. Make sure to read about the cost system on the 'Overview' tab as well to understand how it works.
user/mods/LeaveItThere-Server/config.json - all of this is self explanatory
"remove_in_raid_restrictions": true,
"everything_is_discardable": true,
"remove_backpack_restrictions": true,
This setting when set to true will cause all profiles to use the same item data profile, rather than it being separate.
"global_item_data_profile": false
Set either the WhitelistEnabled or BlacklistEnabled to true (using both would be pretty pointless)
Fill the proper list with item id's to either whitelist or blacklist them. Use to find Item ids
Example that makes only junkboxes and pistol cases place-able:
"WhitelistEnabled": true,
"BlacklistEnabled": false,
"Whitelist": ["5b7c710788a4506dec015957", "567143bf4bdc2d1a0f8b4567"],
"Blacklist": []
- This will require a game restart to take affect
- Currently using parent ids / baseclass ids is not supported, but I may add that in the future
Console Commands:
Lists all placed items, a number identifier for each one to use in lit_teleport_item_to_player as well as how far from you they are and what direction to travel to get to them
lit_unplace_all_items_below_cost cost_amount
'Reclaims' all items on the map with a cost lower than the number you give the command in place of cost_amount
Set cost_amount to something like 999 to Reclaim ALL items on the map
lit_teleport_all_placed_items_to_player cost_amount "IAMSURE"
Teleports all items under cost_amount to you
Set cost_amount to something like 999 to teleport ALL items on the map
lit_teleport_item_to_player item_number "IAMSURE" Teleports item by its item_number to you
All of the item data is stored in the user/mods/LeaveItThere-Server/item_data folder. Delete files in that folder to manually clear them of placed items.
Check out Queenie's little in raid hideout in Reserve!
Planned Features:
- None atm
- This mod would very likely not have been possible without Fika by LacyWay as a learning resource. Thanks Lacy!
- Thanks Drakia, Lacy, and Cj for helping me squash the initial few release bugs!
For SPT 3.10.X Only
- BIG code cleanup in preparation for some future projects..
- Should also mean better syncing with Fika, and generally just less jankiness (hopefully, maybe, probably...).
- Move Mode menu no longer flickers when you look at other interactable objects.
- Rotation mode now locks the player camera's rotation, should feel way better to use now (thanks for the help on this Drakia!)
- See F12 config for rotation speed and direction inversion things.
For SPT 3.10.X Only
HOPEFULLY fixed insurance issues.. yell at me if it's still broke broke
For SPT 3.10.X Only
IMPORTANT: If you are updating from 1.2.1, the next profile you load the game with will have all of your currently placed items applied to it!
Fika Compatibility
- Read the wiki page here for more info:
Per-Profile Item Data
- Item data is no longer global by default, but instead will save and load to user/profiles/LeaveItThere-ItemData/[your_profile_id].
- If you are updating from an 1.2.1, the next time you open the game your item data will be applied to the profile that you were logged in to.
- Set global_item_data_profile to true in the server config.json file if you still want to have your item data globally accessible to all profiles.
Immersive Physics and Collision
Note: all of this is configurable in the F12 menu
- Placed items at or above a total size in-inventory of 12 cells will collide with the player and will block bot pathing.
- Be careful with this, you can block doorways and such with items preventing bots from entering a room (for better or worse haha).
- Immersive Physics option (defaulted on) that prevents items from floating. They instead will fall once you are finished moving them.
New Console Command
- lit_list_placed_items will now list a number identifier for each placed item, use that number with command lit_teleport_item_to_player to teleport it to your player. Useful if a specific item is lost or glitched under the map or something.
General Improvements
- Cases where an item is teleported to the player will teleport it in front of them, instead of in the floor below their feet.
- Move mode now has both a save and a cancel option.
- Buffed default cost allotments for every map.
- Optimizations to remove or at least reduce lambda closures.
- Misc. code cleanup and refactoring (it could really use more of this, tbh)
If you have any issues, let me know!
For SPT 3.10.X
- Fixed rotation of placed items not saving if you use 'MOVE' mode
Feature additions:
- Balancing features for 'MOVE' mode:
- Sprinting cancels the move mode menu
- If your inventory cannot hold the item, you cannot use move mode
- Both of these things are configurable (defaulted on) if you don't like them
For SPT 3.10.X
New placement feature!
Yes.. it is cheesable. There *may* be some things in the future that I add to try and make it more balanced, but for now just don't abuse it unless you enjoy the cheese.
Be careful not to clip your item into the floor and activate physics for.. obvious reasons lol.
For SPT 3.10.X Only
Bug fixes:
- Fixed Issue with certain maps (like Woods) being entirely broken and not allowing you to loot anything.
- Removed "Place Item" interaction from dead bodies.
- Fixed issue that caused placed insured items to duplicate.
Sorry about this, you'll be receiving an insurance return for every single raid you did on a map with an insured item placed LOL.
There is still small a bug related to insurance. If you: place an insured item > leave the raid > start a new raid > "Reclaim" and pick up the item, it will not be insured again until you exit the raid. If you die with it, insurance won't apply. Once you DO exit, though, the insured status will return. This is not a priority for me to fix right now, so call it a T.A.R.K.O.V. Anomaly.
- Altered how I'm patching EFT interaction code to fix incompatibility issues with other mods like Use Loose Loot.
- Server mod now does these things (configurable, see the config tab)
- remove_in_raid_restrictions
- everything_is_discardable
- remove_backpack_restrictions
- BepInEx/plugins/LeaveItThere/placeable_items_filter.json config created. This is really only for advanced users who want to be very specific about what is place-able. See config tab for how to use.
- I discovered in testing that item cases do not qualify for the check I'm doing that checks whether an item is a "container" or not for calculating item costs. I find it really cool, so I'm not fixing it! What does this mean? It's a feature, Not a bug!
- Item cases like weapon cases, junkboxes, etc. will be MUCH cheaper to place than other items with inventories like backpacks. This should encourage you to use them as caches, and make obtaining them feel way more rewarding!
- They will instead cost their outer size like any non-container item would (a junkbox costs 16, for reference).
I Have been made aware of a few different issues with the mod, I will get to resolving them ASAP. Don't install right now unless you are willing to experience bugs!
Not quite yet...
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