Just some small tweaks I like to use.
Some small tweaks I like to use, I wanted to use the same sort of version control for this as everything else I do, as I have had to rewrite this a couple of times. Loot multi is from Eresh AIO (just smaller)
No support, this is more here for me than you, but some people may find this useful so may as well publish
removeInraidRestriction = removes inraid restrictions ie amount of money etc.
fastDeploy = removes the 5 second deploy timer.
fleaLevel = set your flea access level here.
openExtracts = opens all extracts.
colourAmmo = colours ammo based on its penetration statistic.
removeContainerRestrictions = removes inraid
backpack and container restrictions.
giveKeysUnlimitedUses = gives keys unlimited uses.
raidLength = length of raid in minutes.
setStrength = Sets the PMC's strength experience to be the same as it's endurance at raid end. (if you are running something that makes things weightless, it is impossible to level strength)
loot config =
globalsMul global loot multiplier
then loot multiplier in each map.
1 is standard, 0.5 half 2 double.
If you love what I do, why not buy me a coffee?
Open the zip with winzip/winrar/7zip etc, and drag the containing folder into the main folder of your AKI install.
Added a config!
Added a load of settings full list below.
removeInraidRestriction = removes inraid restrictions ie amount of money etc.
fastDeploy = removes the 5 second deploy timer.
fleaLevel = set your flea access level here.
openExtracts = opens all extracts.
colourAmmo = colours ammo based on its penetration statistic.
removeContainerRestrictions = removes inraid
backpack and container restrictions.
giveKeysUnlimitedUses = gives keys unlimited uses.
raidLength = length of raid in minutes.
setStrength = Sets the PMC's strength experience to be the same as it's endurance at raid end. (if you are running something that makes things weightless, it is impossible to level strength)
loot config =
globalsMul global loot multiplier
then loot multiplier in each map.
1 is standard, 0.5 half 2 double.
Updated package.
updated for 3.6.
Updated for AKI 3.4.0
Tidy of code.
Sets fleamarket unlock to level 99.
Updated for AKI 3.3.0.
Updated to typescript for AKI 3.2.4
added readme as follows.
Adds option to change loose loot amount.
Sets raid time to 2 hours.
Sets the 5 second raid start timer to 1 second.
Opens all extracts available, and removes conditions (ie price, scav co-operation).
Sets background colour for ammo, depending on it's penetration stat.
Updated to AKI 2.3.0 ++.
I have given all my mods a sizeable refactor which should make the code a fair bit easier to follow. I have also added most of my todo list (any specific changes below), and want to release everything before things get hectic in my life again ^^.
Not quite yet...