Makes the AI a little harder
This mod changes the AI, gear, and spawning patterns for scavs, PMCs, raiders and boss followers.
The AI changes make the AI more inclined to fire in bursts, act aggressively, and also tries to make their shooting patterns make more sense (eg. They're not very likely to randomly hit you with their first shots, but followup shots rapidly get more accurate, and when they fire in bursts, the bullets in that burst spread out instead of all hitting the exact same spot like a laser beam). There are a variety of configurable settings, from increasing their overall difficulty level to tweaking specifics like recoil or aiming / spotting speed.
The gear changes add more variety to AI loadouts, and have various options such as selecting minimum and maximum armor levels, altering the types of ammo they can use, and even a progressive gear system that syncs AI gear to both the class of bot, and the player level.
The spawning changes are designed to give the player some control over what kinds of bot appear in their raid. By default they greatly increase the number of bots in raids, and also the speed at which they appear. It also adds more varied cultist spawns to maps that can support them.
New as of version 1.21.1: If you have an error and need support, you must include the debug hash that appears in your server (It's also present in your user/logs/server.log file) when FAIT first loads, or your request will be ignored. The only exceptions are errors that prevent this debug hash from appearing.
A note on errors before raids, because I get this question a lot. TL;DR here, and the long explanation below:
TL;DR: The errors aren't harmful, and are just hiccups in weapon randomization where a flawed random weapon is being replaced with a weapon from Tarkov's presets.
If you're using the random weapon generation features of this mod, you'll most likely see errors when you load into a raid, saying things along the lines of "This part wasn't compatible with this part", or "This weapon was generated without a magazine". Due to weapon part interdependencies and conflicts, generating weapons without error from a limited selection of parts is difficult to do without significantly slowing the loading process. You can have a barrel that's compatible with only two out of twelve receivers, and only four out of twenty handguards, and each of those barrels is only compatible with three of those handguards, there are handguard / gas block combinations that aren't compatible.. And on and on. When every part is available there's pretty much always at least one combo that'll work no matter what you do, but if you start restricting weapon parts it gets much harder. Your choices for weapon generation boil down to trying to holistically generate the weapon, essentially looking at all the parts at once and making sure they all work with eachother.. Which in practice will basically involve a process very much like generating a few thousand versions of the weapon and then picking one from the list of weapons that don't have errors, or you can build it one part at a time. Upper receiver, barrel, gas block, handguard.. On and on, until you either hit a wall or get a working weapon -Doing it this way means you can run into errors and need to abort, but it also means you're only spending the computational resources to generate one weapon, as opposed to thousands (And I do mean thousands. The barrel / handguard / receiver combo for AR-15 type weapons has more than 400 possible combinations, never mind the gas blocks, stocks and buffer tubes that also have (admittedly lesser) compatibility issues). This is what AKI does, pretty much, and.. Because of this, in certain circumstances AKI's weapon generation code can paint itself into a corner, so to speak, and when it does it throws an error and assigns the bot a weapon from the presets list defined in AKI's globals file. -That's what you're seeing, and it's nothing to worry about.
One final note (for now): While I love and appreciate all your feedback in the comments, it had gotten to a point where there were so many it was slowing the page down, and the site mods had to disable comments for FAIT. -If you'd like to leave a positive comment, reviews are currently the best place for that. I'll try and field people's questions about the mod ion the help thread, but if possible that should remain mostly for technical support issues. Thank you all!
Version 1.25.2 for AKI 3.5.x
1.25.2 - (March 25, 2023)
- Fix for bots not spawning after the first raid
Version 1.24.4 for AKI 3.2.x
This will be FAIT's final update, at least in its current form (Barring any small hotfixes needed in the next couple of days). As its grown, and as AKI continues to change, FAIT has become harder and harder to maintain, and in under a week I will no longer have the time to do so. I intend to split the gear changes portion of the mod into a standalone mod that will hopefully require much less maintenance, and eventually extend the "Behaviour Changes" functionality of FAIT into FAIL. The spawn changes are, in my opinion, something mods like Lua's Spawn Rework can do better than FAIT can, and so they will not be moved into a standalone mod.
Anyone who wants to try and maintain the mod in its current form has my blessing to do so.
1.24.4 - (August 31, 2022)
- Compatibility update for AKI 3.2.2
- Fix for improper PMC spawning when spawn changes are disables
- Prevented other mods from spawning blacklisted items on bots
- Tweaks to progressive gear durability
- Small miscellaneous fixes
Version 1.23.1 for AKI 3.0.x
1.23.1 - (June 24, 2022)
- 'Hostility' adjustments
- Should fix the bug where AIs are fighting amongst themselves
- Should fix the bug where PMCs will ignore player scavs
- Small difficulty adjustments
- Small bugfixes
Known issues:
- When both "All PMCs are BEARs" and "All PMCs are USECs" are set to true, both types may spawn, instead of FAIT randomly picking one side per raid
- Potential black screen on raid end when using progressive gear. This does not interfere with your loot, but does make you 'skip' Therapist's healing screen when it happens.
Version 1.19.0 for AKI 2.0.X servers
- Added in an option to enable a progressive gear system
- This is still in its very early stages. The values it uses will need some adjusting, but at the moment the following things are affected:
- Weapons available to bots
- Weapon durability
- Armor frequency
- Magazine size
- Helmet frequency
- This scales entirely off your level, at the moment, but it may be changed to account for other factors in the future
- PMCs will have better gear than raiders, and raiders will have better gear than scavs, as usual
- This option currently has no configuration options, it's either on or off
- This is still in its very early stages. The values it uses will need some adjusting, but at the moment the following things are affected:
- Added an option to enable adaptive difficulty
- Every time you die, the difficulty goes down
- Every time you survive, the difficulty goes up
- Difficulty changes can only take effect after the game and server are restarted
- This means for optimal performance you should restart after every raid
- Wins and losses are still recorded even if you don't restart, so if the difficulty is low and you clear ten raids without restarting in between, when you come back the difficulty will have spiked enormously
- This means for optimal performance you should restart after every raid
- The differences in difficulty between different types of bots will be respected, but the base difficulty value will be ignored as long as this option is enabled
- This option is currently disabled by default, but that may change in the future depending on feedback
- Added options to affect the maximum and current durability of AI weapons
- Armor weighting should now be better respected by vests when bots are disallowed from having both an armored rig and armored vest
- This isn't a perfect fix, but it's an improvement
- Disabling behaviour changes should prevent any bots from being assigned melee behaviour
- Improved ability of PMCs and scavs to fight when behaviour changes are disabled
- Tweaks to the spawning system
- Somewhat reduced the tendency of the AI to 'clump' into just a few spawn zones
- Difficulty tweaks
- Bots should scatter less at close ranges
- Bots should be less 'wiggly'
- Increased bot reaction speed by about 18% across the board
- Changed the behaviour of the "AI aiming time multiplier" difficulty multiplier. This no longer affects accuracy, it's purely how quickly they acquire their target
- Mod frequency no longer affects iron sights
- Bugfixes
- New bugs
Version 1.18.1 for AKI 2.0.0
- Lowered the range at which certain AIs can attempt to attack the player with melee weapons
- Map multipliers much more reliably reduce spawns
- Couple of fixes for issues that could potentially crash the game or cause server errors.
- Ingame difficulty no longer matters. Easy, medium, hard and impossible will all play exactly the same. Difficulty options are now set entirely via the mod's config
- A 'base difficulty level' value has been added to replace this setting
- Base difficulty is added to the difficulty of all three bot types, and can be used as a 'global' difficulty setting
- It will not affect bosses, or bots not on the low, mid or high level AI lists
- Base difficulty is added to the difficulty of all three bot types, and can be used as a 'global' difficulty setting
- A 'base difficulty level' value has been added to replace this setting
- PMC spawning has been altered to use 'cursedAssault' bots instead of 'assaultGroup' bots. This is due to 'assaultGroup' no longer existing.
- 'cursedAssault' can be used in the exact same way (within the config files) that 'assaultGroup' could before
- There may be some minor errors in the debug files when referring to 'cursedAssault' bots
- I've tried to remove all references to 'assaultGroup' in the configs and readme, but it's possible some have been missed. If you find any, please let me know
- An option has been added to mute errors during weapon generation. This is enabled by default.
- This can potentially mute other errors that occur during this time, but in 99% of cases it shouldn't be an issue. If you suspect there are problems occuring during bot generation, then you can disable this option.
- Behaviour changing has been overhauled
- Due to regrettable technical limitations, the full variety of bot behaviours cannot be made available to all types of bots
- Instead, bots can be weighted towards 'balanced', 'aggressive', or 'ranged'
- It is recommended that you leave behaviour changes on its default settings for a raid or two before making any changes
- There are some known bugs in the behaviour changing system, such as bots occasionally becoming unresponsive, or PMCs not fighting back against scavs
- These are currently being investigated
- Due to regrettable technical limitations, the full variety of bot behaviours cannot be made available to all types of bots
- Removed the 'Spawn PMCs as Bosses' config option
- The problem it originally existed to solve is no longer an issue, and this option could cause errors in some cases
- Numerous difficulty changes
- There are currently known issues with the AI's cone of vision being smaller than it should be. These are being investigated.
- 'AI aiming time multiplier' now more directly affects AI reaction speed
- Revamped some of the 'safety' functions to better notify users of potential problems caused by other mods
Any gun with problematic Chambers or Cartridges values becomes 9mm
Any gun with problematic mod slots has those slots removed
Users are notified of these changes
- Enabling the 'gravestone' option no longer interferes with CoD mode
- Fixed a bug with decimal difficulty values
- Fixed a bug with map spawn scaling values above 2
- Fixed some bugs that could cause fewer bots to spawn in raid than intended
- Fixed a bug with removing marksmen
- Several small miscellaneous bugfixes in de-iterating for loops
- Probably some other fixes I'm forgetting about
- Altered some of the default config values
(Old config files will need to be updated to work with this version)
Version 1.17.1 for AKI 1.5.1
IMPORTANT: Spawns must be set to "As Online" when you reach the ingame raid menu, or you'll get empty maps. -I don't know why this is happening, I thought I fixed this issue months ago, I'm working on finding out what's up this time, but my leading theory at the moment is that 1.17 has run afoul of an ancient shaman's curse.
- Usecs and Bears should be fighting eachother again
- If "Enable behaviour changes" is enabled, Usec and Bear bots will not fight eachother as normal. This seems unavoidable, unfortunately.
- Scavs shouldn't have dogtags anymore
- Usecs should have Usec dogtags, and Bears should have Bear dogtags
- Disabling all gear changes now also applies to the maximum tactical / optic devices setting, and the medical inventory alterations
- Difficulty tweaks
- Fixed a potential bug that could occur if a bot spawned without a weapon in their magazine
- Fixed a bug that passed unserialized data back to AKI, causing an error upon loading into raid unless you happened to be me, and have a framework mod that you made specifically to do that for you, and then forgot about...
- Fixed a bug with the regenBot function, that could trigger depending on what other mods were present, and their loading order.
- All config options now have mouseover tooltips explaining their function
- Behaviour of mid and high level AIs can now be altered
- Options include "Super aggressive", "patroller", "balanced", etc.
- Low level AIs cannot have their behaviour changed at present, for technical reasons
- Options are inside the new "Behaviour" tab of the config editor
- Option can be entirely enabled or disabled via true / false setting at the top of the "Behaviour" tab
- Disabled by default
- Various internal reworks
- Improved the behaviour of "Evenly spread spawn locations" option
- Spawn fixes
- More bots should spawn overall, compared to previous versions
- Sniper scavs should be more common (For real this time)
- Eliminated a bug that could prevent PMCs from spawning
- Difficulty tweaks
- AI is a little more accurate on the first shot
- AI is less accurate while moving
- Significant changes to AI recoil
This is being released a little early, because I was dumb and managed to perma-delete every last one of my EFT backups. There won't be any progress, changes or bugfixes until AKI is synced with live again. Yay for AKI patcher \o/
This is probably compatible with AKI 1.6.0, but until someone else can confirm that for me I won't be updating the mod's tag.
- Ingame spawn frequency can now be set to values other than "As Online" without error
- scavsFight[BEAR/USEC]Bots is working again
- Small AI difficulty changes
- lower difficulty AI settings should be a little bit more competant, without being too much more dangerous. Higher difficulties are untouched.
- Added the option to alter AI field of vision
- Added the option to disable deliberate AI headshots
- You can still be hit in the head due to bullet scatter and recoil, but the AI won't purposefully aim at your head
- Added options to alter AI grenade throwing distances
- Added an option to give the AI (Nearly) infinite ammo
- They still need to reload, and the player won't be able to loot any extra ammo off them (All the extra ammo is in their secure container)
- Added an option to give the AI (Nearly) infinite self-healing
- There's still a delay before they heal, and this also doesn't give the player any extra things to loot
- Added an option to limit the number of tactical devices on AI gear (Finally)
- This one might still be a little buggy
- An option to limit optics is in the works, but at the moment there are massive problems that still need to be fixed before that can be enabled.
- small miscellaneous bugfixes and optimizations
Bugfix as of Saturday Jan. 23:
-PMC spawning works properly again.
-Custom PMC and Raider waves on factory spawning correctly again.
New features:
-Randomized bot weapons for PMCs, scavs and raiders! There are a few control options in the config, but it's still pretty basic. --THIS WILL CAUSE ERRORS TO POP UP IN THE SERVER--. They aren't harmful, they're just weapons occasionally being generated improperly, and replaced with default guns instead.
-Options to stop the AI from talking. By default this is only enabled for PMCs, but can be turned on for other types of AI as well in the config.
-Added identifying armbands to all the different AIs. Scavs, bears, usecs, raiders and boss minions all have their own colour of armband. This can be disabled in the config too.
Probably some small tweaks I'm forgetting about, as well.
Fixed a number of bugs.
Biggest fix is for several values that were misspelled, or for other reasons weren't actually being updated to the AI. The AI should be noticeably more accurate, and hearing / sight should scale with difficulty.
Added a config file for selecting which AI and spawning changes you want to use
Added raider spawns to every map, can be disabled in the config
Changed a few more AI values. The most notable change is that semi automatic weapons should be fired more quickly by the AI.
Check the readme for more information.
Oops. -I accidentally removed the file from my Drive while trying to make a small update.
Update is in now, and the file should be downloadable.
Version 1.21.1 for AKI 2.2.x
Note: AKI now has default values for modifying the durability of certain bots weapons and armor. If these bots are notpresent in FAIT's "AI Categories" in the gear tab, these bots will use the durability values defined by AKI's BotConfig file.
- Fix for mod-added traders
- Config options for durability have been changed
- A config option for armor durability has been added
- Both maximum and current durability are now handled in the same entry
- The first set of square brackets in an entry controls the maximum durability, and the second set controls the current durability
- A config option to control the maximum number of AIs alive has been added to the spawn tab
- Speculative fixes for the PMC -> PlayerScav aggression problem
- If behaviour changes are disabled, or the only behaviour type available to PMCs is 'default', they will now retain their vanilla AKI bot class
- Miscellaneous bugfixes related to ensuring no bad items are allowed into AI inventories
- Chance values of '0' in the advanced inventory config should now be respected
Old config files won't work for this version
Version 1.21.0c for AKI 2.2.x
I am aware that the post-raid screen will show a strange mishmash of RAIDER, GUARD, BOSS, etc. kills. I can't fix it, it's a BSG thing, I hate it too. Assume everything that doesn't say "BEAR" or "USEC" just says "Scav". Any comments mentioning this will be ignored. Thanks to Lua and CWX for pointing me in the direction of a potential fix. Comments mentioning this will still probably be ignored, but attempts at altering this are being made.
- Reworded some small parts of the config file
- Fixes to PMCs being properly assigned a side when certain settings were used
- Bots should now always be assigned the correct gear category
- This mostly seemed to affect PMCs
- Replaced the advanced spawn config file with the correct file
- Bugfix for melee scavs sometimes missing health values
- Compatibility changes for 2.2.x
- Bugfixes
- Spawn and control options for raiders
- Raiders are not present on the default AI lists, meaning that, by default, FAIT does not change their AI. This is to let people experience them in their vanilla form, and get feedback on how / if they should be changed
- They can be added to the AI lists if you want their AI to be changed, though they will be unaffected by Behaviour Changes
- Probably some other changes I'm forgetting about
- Probably quite a lot, actually. If I remember any specifics, I'll amend this list.
Happy hunting!
(Configs from 1.20.x will still work here)
Version 1.21.2a for AKI 2.2.x
Debug update
Upon starting FAIT, a new section of text will appear in your server console, beneath the line:
"[INFO] Debug hash (Include this in any bug report about FAIT, please):"
This text is there to help me check for a few common issues and speed up the process by providing me with most of the common information I would ask for, and must be present in any bug report. Reports without this information will be ignored, unless it's a very slow day.
- I'm having a lot of trouble tracking down the source of the weapon durability error, and the "Bot spawned without a valid weapon" error
- This version adds a series of debugging lines to FAIT. These may be a little annoying, but I'm hopeful they'll help me solve this problem since, as I can't replicate it on my end, I'm entirely reliant on user reports to determine its source.
- When generating bots (ie. shortly after loading in to a raid) it should now output the durability values that it's using to alter a bot's weapon, as well as what the durability of the weapon is when it's done. It should look something like this:
- role: assaultgroup ai: bosstest side: Usec aicategory: highLevelAIs gearcategory: PMCs
- [ [ 100, 100 ], [ 75, 100 ] ]
- Weapon durability: 79 / 100 / 100
- If you notice any issues, such as these numbers not being what your bots end up equipped with, or the middle numbers not matching your config settings, please let me know.
- If the mod ever encounters a null item in a bot's inventory, it will notify you as quickly as it can, with a message like this:
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Null found at d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Please copy your server log and pester Fin with it
- Please let me know if this happens, and what letter the first of these messages (There may be many, you may need to scroll up a bit) says it was found at. Copy and paste the whole server log into a spoiler if you like, that'd be even better.
- Small bugfixes
- Improved debugging printouts
- Due to the number and complexity of recent bug reports, I've made some alterations to FAIT that will allow me to better understand a user's situation when reporting their issue.
- Upon starting FAIT, a new section of text will appear in your server console, beneath the line:
"[INFO] Debug hash (Include this in any bug report about FAIT, please):" - This text is there to help me check for a few common issues, and must be present in any bug report. Reports without this information will be ignored, unless it's a very slow day.
- Including your main config file in a spoiler tag should no longer be required, as this hash includes that information.
- For those brave enough to open mod.js, I've added a few quick debugging lines for both my convenience, and yours. These are a series of quick debugging commands to print out information about your game. They can be enabled by setting the first 'false' in the line to 'true'. The lines are as follows:
false ? AITweaks.runOnGameStart() : null
- If enabled, this will perform the functions FAIT normally does when EFT actually starts. (To clarify, they normally start when EFT does, enabling this makes them start when EFT is loaded into the server). If you're doing any debugging, I recommend enabling this.
false ? AITweaks.testProgressiveGear(10) : null
- This enables progressive gear early, and should be used in conjunction with other options to see its impact on the game
- The number inside the brackets is the player level it will simulate progressive gear for
- This will also display the progressive values for a given level
- This enables progressive gear early, and should be used in conjunction with other options to see its impact on the game
false ? AITweaks.simulateBotGeneration(true, true, true, 10) : null
- This simulates bot generation, and can optionally print information about each bot generated
- The first 'true' controls whether or not it should print information about their weapons
- The second 'true' controls whether or not it should print information about their armor
- The third 'true' controls whether or not it should print information about their general settings
- The number is how many bots of each type to generate
- This simulates bot generation, and can optionally print information about each bot generated
false ? AITweaks.printAllBotGear() : null
- This displays a printout of all bot equipment slots
- Upon starting FAIT, a new section of text will appear in your server console, beneath the line:
Version 1.21.3b for AKI 2.2.0 and 2.2.1
Bugfix update
Quote Upon starting FAIT, a new section of text will appear in your server console, beneath the line:
"[INFO] Debug hash (Include this in any bug report about FAIT, please):"
This text is there to help me check for a few common issues and speed up the process by providing me with most of the common information I would ask for, and must be present in any bug report. Reports without this information will be ignored, unless it's a very slow day.
(This debug hash is also present in your user/logs/server.log file)
1.21.3b (02/19/22)
- Fixed a bug related to altering bot HP
- Fixed a bug where bots were using inverted weapon rarity settings for their sidearms
- Potential fix for an inventory generation bug
- Minor spawning changes
- Significant change to weapon generation, weapon errors should be much less common
- Improvements to debug functions
- Removed another unnecessary debug line
- Additional debug lines added in 1.21.2 have been removed
- Thank you to everyone who provided me with feedback from this debug information. Fingers crossed, but I believe I've tamed the worst of the bugs that I'm unable to reproduce, according to the results from my two test subjects.
- Weapon durability values should be set properly again
- Note: Progressive gear has its own rules for durability that do not respect your regular config settings
- The "No valid weapon" bug should be fixed
- Fixed how progressive gear handled the new durability value formatting
- Fixed an issue where progressive gear could forget what level you were
- Fixed an issue where a bot's chance values could be set to null values
- Fixed an issue with allowing bots to use your weapon presets
- Added the debug hash to the log file
Known issues:
- When using progressive gear, the game can go to a black screen when extracting
- When this happens, your loot is still saved as if you'd extracted normally
- When doing scav raids, PMCs will not be hostile
Version 1.21.4a for AKI 2.2.2
This version is not compatible with earlier versions of AKI!
Upon starting FAIT, a new section of text will appear in your server console, beneath the line:
"[INFO] Debug hash (Include this in any bug report about FAIT, please):"
This text is there to help me check for a few common issues and speed up the process by providing me with most of the common information I would ask for, and must be present in any bug report. Reports without this information will be ignored, unless it's a very slow day.
(This debug hash is also present in your user/logs/server.log file)
- Fix for a crash during debug saving
- This is a general compatibility update for AKI 2.2.2. There are no new features in this update
- There have been significant changes to how AKI handles bot inventories
- These changes aren't super complex, but FAIT does a whole bunch of things, and these changes affect almost all of it
- TL;DR: Expect some bugs. I've done some testing with basic bot generation to make sure that that bit runs properly and without server-stopping errors, but deeper testing has to wait for the weekend.
Known issues:
- When using progressive gear, the game can go to a black screen when extracting
- When this happens, your loot is still saved as if you'd extracted normally
- When doing scav raids, PMCs will not be hostile
Version 1.21.5 for AKI 2.2.2
This version is not compatible with earlier versions of AKI!
Upon starting FAIT, a new section of text will appear in your server console, beneath the line:
"[INFO] Debug hash (Include this in any bug report about FAIT, please):"
This text is there to help me check for a few common issues and speed up the process by providing me with most of the common information I would ask for, and must be present in any bug report. Reports without this information will be ignored, unless it's a very slow day.
(This debug hash is also present in your user/logs/server.log file)
- Fix for a crash that could occur when using progressive gear
- Fix for a crash during debug saving
- The advanced inventory config has been expanded
- Bots can now be assigned specific weapon presets by name
- Bot mod chances can be manually altered
- The config editor.exe has been improved
- When opening config editor.exe, if your config file is missing any required sections, the config editor will automatically add these sections in to your config file using their default values
- This means that old config files should always be compatible with newer versions of FAIT, going forwards
- When opening config editor.exe, if your config file is missing any required sections, the config editor will automatically add these sections in to your config file using their default values
- Minor bugfixes
Known issues:
- When using progressive gear, the game can go to a black screen when extracting
- When this happens, your loot is still saved as if you'd extracted normally
- When doing scav raids, PMCs will not be hostile
Version 1.21.6b for AKI 2.3.0
Upon starting FAIT, a new section of text will appear in your server console, beneath the line:
"[INFO] Debug hash (Include this in any bug report about FAIT, please):"
This text is there to help me check for a few common issues and speed up the process by providing me with most of the common information I would ask for, and must be present in any bug report. Reports without this information will be ignored, unless the bug prevents that hash from appearing.
(This debug hash is also present in your user/logs/server.log file)
1.21.6b (March 28, 2022)
- Improvement to the config editor .exe
- Bugfix for the 'Remove weapons by fire rate' option
- This bug could be avoided by using certain config settings, but since it could cause the server to fail to start entirely, I'd recommend updating even if you aren't experiencing the error with your current settings.
1.21.6a (March 20, 2022)
- Small bugfixes, mostly related to PMC spawning and levels
1.21.6 (March 19, 2022)
- Compatibility update for AKI 2.3.0
- Bugfixes regarding weapon presets
Known issues:
- When using progressive gear, the game can go to a black screen when extracting
- When this happens, your loot is still saved as if you'd extracted normally
- When doing scav raids, PMCs will not be hostile
Version 1.21.7a for AKI 2.3.0
Upon starting FAIT, a new section of text will appear in your server console, beneath the line:
"DEBUG HASH !!If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!:"
This text is there to help me check for a few common issues and speed up the process by providing me with most of the common information I would ask for, and must be present in any bug report. Reports without this information will be ignored, unless the bug prevents that hash from appearing.
(This debug hash is also present in your user/logs/server.log file)
1.21.7a - (April 3, 2022)
- Progressive gear was accidentally inverting the chance for enemies to use armored rigs
- This is fixed now
1.21.7 - (April 3, 2022)
- Added two new config options
- "Percentage chance to use an armored rig (LBE)" controls the percent chance that the AI will have an armored rig, as opposed to a non-armored one
- Note that this refers to RIGS, the load-bearing-equipment, and not VESTS
- "Percentage chance to use an armored vest" is the same thing, but for armored vests instead
- "Percentage chance to use an armored rig (LBE)" controls the percent chance that the AI will have an armored rig, as opposed to a non-armored one
- Changed the "Non-armored headgear to armored headgear ratio" config option
- The option is now called "Percentage chance to use armored headwear", and is longer a ratio, but is instead the percentage chance for that bot to be equipped with a helmet, as opposed to a piece of non-armored headwear
- Details can be found in the tooltip
- The option is now called "Percentage chance to use armored headwear", and is longer a ratio, but is instead the percentage chance for that bot to be equipped with a helmet, as opposed to a piece of non-armored headwear
- Bug fix for spawn multipliers on certain maps
- Lighthouse hadn't been accounted for in one particular variable, and seemed to cause some issues for Factory because of it
- Tweaks to progressive gear
- Bots should be less likely to use any level of armor at lower levels
- Small bugfix related to saving debug files
- Small internal changes
- Config editor bugfix
Known issues:
- When using progressive gear, the game can go to a black screen when extracting
- When this happens, your loot is still saved as if you'd extracted normally
- When doing scav raids, PMCs will not be hostile
Version 1.21.8 for AKI 2.3.x
1.21.8d - (May 13, 2022)
- I'd accidentally left a debug function enabled in the last update. No big deal, but it's disabled again, so it shouldn't be spamming up the server.
1.21.8c - (April 23, 2022)
- Fix for bot generation when disallowing mod-added weapons
1.21.8b - (April 12, 2022)
- Changes to the debug hash, to try and make it clear that it's not a bug
- If you know it's not a bug, you don't need this update. There are no new bugfixes or anything
1.21.8a - (April 11, 2022)
- Fix for progressive gear
- Some items were having their rarity inverted, leading to extremely high-quality items appearing at low levels
1.21.8 - (April 8, 2022)
- Config editor update
- This is a behind-the-scenes update, but it's the main reason this is getting a whole new release number instead of just incrementing the letter version
- The process by which it updated out-of-date configs has been dramatically improved
- Old and unused entries are now removed, and can no longer cause problems
- New entries are added in the correct order every time, and can no longer cause problems
- The process by which it updated out-of-date configs has been dramatically improved
- This is a behind-the-scenes update, but it's the main reason this is getting a whole new release number instead of just incrementing the letter version
- Difficulty adjustments
- Default AI should be less accurate for the first few seconds of a given engagement
- Spotting time for the AI has been increased at longer distances
- A new difficulty config option has been added
- "AI aim spread multiplier" affects the AI's general accuracy
- This value affects the AI's accuracy. Higher values make the AI's aim worse, while lower values make it better
- This value is distinct from "AI shot spread multiplier" because the AI's aim will improve with time, while random shot spread is a relatively static effect
- "AI aim spread multiplier" affects the AI's general accuracy
- If both "All PMCs are BEARs" and "All PMCs are USECs" options have been set to true, FAIT will randomly decide which side to spawn at the start of every raid. You'll still only get all BEARs or all USECs, but it will be randomized every raid.
- This has been made the new default setting
- Changes to bot loadouts when using progressive gear
- Their chance to be armored no longer increases linearly with the player's level, but now rises logarithmically to a preset 'cap' for each class of bot
- General bugfixes
- Backpack stuff
- Armor ratio stuff
- Stuff
- License update
Known issues:
- When doing scav raids, PMCs will not be hostile
Version 1.22.0c for AKI 2.3.x
1.22.0c - (May 23, 2022)
- Small optimization update
1.22.0b - (May 16, 2022)
- Fixed another problem with swapping in weapon presets for bots.
1.22.0a - (May 16, 2022)
- Fixed a problem with swapping in weapon presets for bots
1.22.0 - (May 16, 2022)
- Updated default config values
- Bugfixes for debug functions
- Bug fixes for preset weapons
- Should no longer cause an error if there are no available ammunition types for the weapon in question
- AI armed with preset weapons should now respect the config's ammo settings
- Small bugfix for PMC hostility
- Added an advanced AI config file
- This file's main practical use is to modify boss AI, but it can be used in general to modify AI groups with much more precision than the default config's three AI categories allow
- The default settings are designed to give users a basic grasp of which settings affect what, but there's significantly more that can be modified
- The default settings are also set to affect only bosses and boss minions, reducing the settings of the former by ~20% and the latter by ~30%
- This file is disabled by default
- Altered internal weapon weighting system
- Scavs used to have an approximately equal chance to use any weapon they had available, leading to things like a scav being just as likely to use an SKS as an RPK
- Scavs are now more appropriately biased towards lower-end weapons, raiders to midrange weapons, and PMCs to higher-end weapons
- Internal tweaks for weapon rarity settings
- New standard debug function to display rarity of items
- The first
number is their rarity value, while the second is their ranking. This ranking is what FAIT uses to determine if a bot should have access to a given weapon or not - These are found in the donottouch/debug folder, with the prefix 'rarities_'
- The first
- Small tweak to loose loot items on PMCs
Known issues:
- When doing scav raids, PMCs will not be hostile
- Potential black screen on raid end when using progressive gear. This does not interfere with your loot, but does make you 'skip' Therapist's healing screen when it happens.
Version 1.23.0c for AKI 3.0.x
1.23.0c - (June 24, 2022)
- Fixed some small issues related to spawning
- Made the debug hash a little clearer
- Reordered certain functions to prevent conflicts
1.23.0b - (June 22, 2022)
- Restored the default config. In previous releases, some settings were settings I had been using to test FAIT out with, and were not proper default settings.
1.23.0a - (June 21, 2022)
- Debug hash re-enabled
1.23.0 - (June 21, 2022)
- Updated to work with AKI 3.0.x
- Expect bugs. 2.3.1 -> 3.0.0 was a big change in how mods have to function, and some things are probably still broken
- No other changes
Known issues:
- When doing scav raids, PMCs will not be hostile
- Potential black screen on raid end when using progressive gear. This does not interfere with your loot, but does make you 'skip' Therapist's healing screen when it happens.
BUGFIXES, as of January 26:
-Armor generation is working properly again. Previously not all armors were being added to bots correctly.
BUGFIXES, as of January 27:
-Enemies should spawn with proper helmets, and not walk around wearing just mandibles or chops
New features:
-Ability to spawn only BEAR or USEC AI PMCs
-Ability to stop scavs from fighting with AI PMCs (This stops PMC kills from counting for quests, and will show them as a scav on the post-raid kill screen. Equipment and behaviour is otherwise the same as before)
-Ability to select AI ammo quality (Check readme for details)
-Added the ability to change AI aiming speed, scattering, and vision from the config. [[Full disclosure: I have no idea exactly how these values work. I'm not certain if they're better when they're high or low, but if you set then to 1 then you get the default experience. If you feel adventurous though, feel free to leave a comment about how it turned out.]]
-Random weapons are a little less crazy
-Changed difficulty values around again. Impossible should be harder, easy should be easier.
Version 1.23.2b for AKI 3.0.x
1.23.2a - (July 12, 2022)
- Hotfix
- I made a small typo in the previous version, and it will cause your game to hang forever
- Fixed now
1.23.2 - (July 12, 2022)
- Difficulty tweaks
- On the default settings, AIs should be a bit easier
- In general, bots should be a bit less accurate at range, and a bit faster to spot you up-close
- Damaging bots is much more likely to break their aim
- Injured bots should be 30% less accurate
- Bots should be a little bit less aware of grenades at lower difficulty settings
- Small fixes to PMC generation
- Small fixes to armor weighting
- Should no longer cause errors when FAIT can't find a locales entry for an item
- Progressive gear tweaks
- Bots should have a much larger range of durabilities their weapons can be found in
- Raiders and PMCs have a substantially increased chance to have high-durability weapons
- Reworded certain error messages
- The miscellaneous_items_to_add_to_bot_inventories section of the advanced inventory config should now be functional
- Blacklist improvements
Known issues:
- Potential black screen on raid end when using progressive gear. This does not interfere with your loot, but does make you 'skip' Therapist's healing screen when it happens.
Version 1.24.0e for AKI 3.1.x
1.24.0e - (July 30, 2022)
- Additional protections for bot class during generation
- Protected ammo settings from mod-added ammo
- Previously, extremely high-penetration rounds added by mods could distort the intended penetration range
- Also generally streamlined the way penetration ranges are calculated, and made preparations for an advanced ammo config
- Compatibility fix for mods with improperly defined handbook settings
- Improvements to the blacklist
- Can now properly remove loose loot items from bot inventories
- Fix for optimized loading
- Works again
- Improved stat rounding
- Might help performance in some niche cases
- Speculative fix for the "breakUpSpawnWaves" config option
1.24.0d - (July 27, 2022)
- Bots should spawn with loose loot again
1.24.0c - (July 26, 2022)
- FAIT should no longer try and add the Platonic concept of iron sights to weapons
1.24.0b - (July 26, 2022)
- Game should no longer produce an error when a bot tries to spawn with the MP-18
1.24.0 - (July 25, 2022)
- Compatibility update for AKI 3.1.x
- Fix for a number of errors
- Errors on creating new profiles
- Compatibility errors with weapon-adding mods
- Others I can't remember right now. It is late x.x
Known bugs:
- Setting the bot amount to anything but 'As Online' will cause bots to fail to spawn at all
- When doing scav raids, PMCs may not be hostile
Version 1.24.1 for AKI 3.1.x
1.24.1a - (August 5, 2022)
- Should be properly clearing out default AKI PMC conversion settings if spawn changes are enabled
- This should fix the "Too many Big Pipes" problem
1.24.1 - (August 5, 2022)
- Significant fixes to pmc generation
- Big Pipe should spawn properly
- Rogues should spawn properly
- Fix for sniper scav spawns
- Further improved stat rounding
- Slightly altered default bot spotting speeds
- Rebalanced progressive gear armor levels
- Level 4+ armors are now somewhat rarer
- Fixed some issues with armor vs. non-armor weighting
- Added flares to caliber list
Known bugs:
- Setting the bot amount to anything but 'As Online' may cause bots to fail to spawn at all
- When doing scav raids, PMCs may not be hostile
- Setting the server time doesn't do anything
Version 1.24.2a for AKI 3.2.x
1.24.2a- (August 8, 2022)
- Fix for bot generation error when attempting to spawn bots in with 9x18PMM ammo type
1.24.2- (August 7, 2022)
- Compatibility update for AKI 3.2.x
- This hasn't gotten thorough testing yet, there may be some lingering issues. But I can confirm it starts, gets into raid, and generates bots without server errors.
Known bugs:
- Setting the bot amount to anything but 'As Online' may cause bots to fail to spawn at all
- When doing scav raids, PMCs may not be hostile
- Setting the server time doesn't do anything
Version 1.24.2b for AKI 3.2.x
I'm half asleep, so this is getting its own version, incase it's horribly bugged and the link to 1.24.2a is needed.
1.24.2b- (August 9, 2022)
- Fixed more bot generation errors
- Tactical / Optics limiting should work again
- Some other fixes
Version 1.24.2e for AKI 3.2.x
1.24.2e - (August 10, 2022)
- Small fix for armor weighting
- Fix for AKI error when encountering a weight value entered as a string instead of a number
- Fix for an error caused on startup when a player profile is not present
1.24.2d - (August 9, 2022)
- Removed a few unnecessary debug lines
1.24.2c - (August 9, 2022)
- Big difficulty fix. Very important.
- Thanks to Lavax for pointing out an issue with FAIL's settings that, it turned out, stemmed from an issue that was also affecting FAIT.
Version 1.24.3 for AKI 3.2.x
1.24.3a - (August 14, 2022)
- Decreased bot horizontal recoil
- Improvements to blacklist function (Again), to integrate it with AKI's new PMC loot generation method
1.24.3 - (August 14, 2022)
- Improved default PMC AI difficulty
- Mostly recoil handling
- Experimental changes to default Rogue AI difficulty
- Slightly improved automatic fire accuracy for all bots
- Rogues should no longer wear USEC armbands
- Added Zone_Island to the advanced spawn config
- Added a new group "Goons" to the default advanced AI config
- This doesn't affect the default difficulty of the Goons, but should just make it easier for players who want to modify them to do so
- Restructured miscellaneous_items_to_add_to_bot_inventories inside the advanced inventory config. It should work now?
Known bugs:
- Setting the bot amount to anything but 'As Online' may cause bots to fail to spawn at all
- When doing scav raids, PMCs may not be hostile
- Setting the server time doesn't do anything
Bugfixes as of Monday January 18, 10AM EST: Extra PMC / raider spawns were not working at all. They should be fixed now.
There was also about a two minute period where I'd put up a version that was set to spawn about eighty PMCs in, and I think about ten people downloaded that. -If that's happening to you, just.. Edit the config, or re-download the file, and everything will be fine again.
-Extra raider and PMC spawns can be added via the config (Check the readme for more info)
-Scav waves can be converted into raider waves, without increasing bot count, via the config
-AI Grenades can be disabled in the config
-Small AI changes. They should be a little easier on low difficulty settings.
-PMC improvements are now separate from raider improvements.
-MaxSpawnsPerZone config entry renamed to be more clear (Now MaxBotsPerZone). This value doesn't affect the rate of spawns, just the maximum possible number of bots that can be in a zone at once.
Version 1.24.4a for AKI 3.2.x
This will be FAIT's final update, at least in its current form (Barring any small hotfixes needed in the next couple of days). As its grown, and as AKI continues to change, FAIT has become harder and harder to maintain, and in under a week I will no longer have the time to do so. I intend to split the gear changes portion of the mod into a standalone mod that will hopefully require much less maintenance, and eventually extend the "Behaviour Changes" functionality of FAIT into FAIL. The spawn changes are, in my opinion, something mods like Lua's Spawn Rework can do better than FAIT can, and so they will not be moved into a standalone mod.
Anyone who wants to try and maintain the mod in its current form has my blessing to do so.
1.24.4a - (September 4, 2022)
- Fix for PMCs not being counted as PMCs when spawn changes are disabled
- Fix for certain mods being able to add improper items to weapon mod slots, and that leaking in to bot loadouts
- Miscellaneous reordering and small fixes
1.24.4 - (August 31, 2022)
- Compatibility update for AKI 3.2.2
- Fix for improper PMC spawning when spawn changes are disables
- Prevented other mods from spawning blacklisted items on bots
- Tweaks to progressive gear durability
- Small miscellaneous fixes
Version 1.25.1 for AKI 3.5.x
Kept you waiting, huh?
This is a quick update I've managed to put together over the first bit of spring break. No old bugs have been fixed, this is purely an update to make it work with the newer version of SPT. I also haven't had time to test out every option; the advanced configs in particular are likely to have problems, and I haven't yet added Streets to either the advanced config or the map-specific spawn multipliers.
I'm hoping to do a little bit more work on it over the next few days, so let me know if you find any glaring issues!
1.25.0 - (March 9, 2023)
- Compatibility update for SPT 3.5.x
1.25.1 - (March 10, 2023)
- Update to allow FAIT to modify spawns for Streets
- The advanced spawn config should also work for Streets
- Streets cannot currently have its spawn multiplier changed from the default of 1
- This is because of an issue updating the python GUI, and should be fixed soon(tm)
1.25.1a - (March 12, 2023)
- Fixed an error that caused the server to crash when progressive gear was enabled
- (I believe) I fixed an error that caused incompatibilities with Valens Progression mod
If 1.25.1a is giving you troubles, 1.25.0 can still be found here (I'll remove this like if / when I'm sure 1.25.1a isn't causing new problems):
AKI8 updates for the mod are currently on hold. I have the 901 version of EFT at the moment, and can't do anything with dev builds until they catch up.
AKI8 version, not compatible with AKI7 servers.
This is an (almost) completely untested version of the mod for AKI8.5.
Update, Feb. 12:
Small bugfix to saving bot inventories. Saving now points to the correct folder.
Version 1.8 for AKI8.8 servers.
This is completely untested. I can verify that the server loads, but that's as much as I've checked so far. Individual parts of the mod may fail to function properly in the current bleeding-edge release.
Update: It seems the versions of EFT I've saved will let me boot the AKI8 server and launcher, but the game won't reach the main menu. Because of this, the support I can offer for the AK8 version of 1.8 is extremely limited. I'm already aware of a bug that prevents date and time settings from functioning properly, and there are probably others as well that I can't do much about at the moment.
Version 1.9 for AKI8.8 servers.
This is completely untested. I can verify that the server loads, but that's as much as I've checked so far. Individual parts of the mod may fail to function properly in the current bleeding-edge release.
Version for AKI7 servers.
-Tiny change to default config file. All spawn changes were being disabled by default. They're now enabled by default, again.
-Fixed a bug where spawns were being incorrectly multiplied
-added spawn multipliers for every map
-should now be fully compatible with the Advanced Custom Weapons mod
---Bots will no longer be able to spawn with magazines that ACW adds to their respective weapons
---Players can still use ACW-added magazines
-various bugfixes
-fixed a bug where cursed assaults would cause an error when saving debug files. Again.
-added option to disable all spawn changes entirely, rather than having to disable each map individually
---CP's Spawn Rework seems extremely popular and in-depth, and I intend on making sure it's easily compatible with this mod.
-removeVanillaSpawns broke in Working again now.
-small changes that seem to have helped make cultists more active
-Added an option to convert all config-added scav spawns to raiders, when going into Labs.
-removeVanillaSpawns no longer removes sniper scavs from maps
-small bug fix related to PMC spawn amounts when useNewSpawnSystem was set to true
---PMCs in vanilla waves should be less common
-Spawn overview now includes spawn chances for PMC groups
-Debug changes. A spawn overview for each map is now visible in donottouch/debug/spawnOverview.json
---If you're not sure what kinds of bots are spawning in your raids, check here
---These numbers are not perfectly accurate unless useNewSpawnSystem is enabled. If useNewSpawnSystem is disabled, AKI will spawn ~50% more bots per raid. Spefics in the README under "useNewSpawnSystem".
-The mod was reporting a certain inventory generation error in conditions it shouldn't have. Fixed.
Update 1.9.2:
-Temporarily removed PMC ROE option in the config, as the current effect was misleading
-Toned down bot recoil and automatic scattering
-Small bugfixes
-Small bugfixes
- Expanded difficulty ranges. Difficulty of bot types can be increased or decreased above / below old limits.
This is controlled by the "[bot]DifficultyMod_Neg3_3" config entries
I can verify this works for values between -3 and 3, but theoretically you could raise the number as high as you wanted.
- Option added to evenly spread out AI spawn locations (Best used when spawning extra waves immediately)
- Expanded blacklist to work with ammunition
- Added options to control how many extra magazines the AI spawns with
- Added options to control how PMCs of the same faction as the player will behave
- Debugging is now enabled by default, and saves files for Customs spawns and PMC loadouts to donottouch/debug
- Enabled reducing hat frequency for all types of bots
- Improved AI spawning with helmet attachments.
AI is more likely to spawn with NVGS
Quality of helmet attachments is affected by modQuality
- Performance improvements
- Some config values have had their names changed
- General fixes to spawning.
- disabling useNewSpawnSystem should now completely revert the spawn system to how it was in 1.6.4
-Setting modQuality below 10 will cause errors in your server upon beginning a raid. These are caused by improperly generated weapons being replaced with defaults, and are harmless. Raising the modQuality values or disabling moreModVariety should fix the issues, but is not necessary in 99% of cases.
-If you encounter spawning issues, especially no PMC spawns, or entirely empty raids, try setting useNewSpawnSystem to false in the config. The number of bots spawning in your raid will be less controllable, but it seems to fix the problems that some people experience.
Version for whatever we're calling the new AKI release. AKI8? BX? 1.1.0? The current version.
-Having Advanced Bot Loadouts in the mods folder should no longer cause this mod to undo item changes
-Ammunition sorting is now done using a percent-based system. Details in the readme under "Configuring ammunition".
-Small bugfixes
-Potential fix for bosses sometimes failing to spawn
-evenlySpreadAllSpawnLocations works again
-Vanilla PMC spawns were accidentally disabled in 10.3.1. Should be working again.
-Fixed a bug that occurred when Advanced Bot Loadouts was being used
-Added an option to add PMCs to maps based on the min/max player counts in their files
-Added more options for changing AI health values
-Added an option to specifically remove sniper bots from maps
-Mod should now be compatible with Kiki's Mysterious Keys
-Fixed a bug related to removing headwear from bots
-Changed the config file's formatting for several entries
---There is now a list of which bots will have their AI changed. Bots can be added or removed from this list.
---There is now a list of which maps will not have their spawns changed. It is empty by default.
-Fixed a bug where spawns were being incorrectly multiplied
-Re-enabled starting the server at a specific time
-Re-enabled changing time acceleration
-Saving debug files is re-enabled
---This is still causing problems, and is disabled again.
-Preventing scavs from fighting PMCs has been re-enabled
-Setting PMCs to all be one faction has been re-enabled
-Map spawns are being appropriately re-randomized every raid again
-AI recoil values are being changed properly, again
-Numerous bugfixes
-Saving debug files seems to cause significant errors, and has been disabled for now.
-Default config files adjusted
-Several small bugfixes
Version 1.11, for AKI8, B.. Whatever. 1.1.0
Note: 1.1.0 seems to perform very differently depending on if you've installed it ontop of 11661 or 11856. It is much, MUCH harder ontop of 11856, as far as I can tell. This version is set up for 11865. It will work with 11661, but it will be much easier than intended. Since 11856 improved difficulty so much, in fact, the main goal of this mod is no longer to make the AI harder, though it will still do that. The main goal is now to make the AI feel better to play against, in general.
-More difficulty changes
---Difficulty is now more consistent at lower levels*.* The AI will take a little longer to react, their first shots are less likely to hit, and they won't go straight for your head.
---At higher levels they'll react faster, and will also shoot much, much more accurately.
---If you want to lower the difficulty below what the standard 'easy' setting is, I'd recommend raising the aiAimSpeedMult and aiShotSpreadMult values in the config, to slow their reaction speed and make them less accurate, respectively.
-Added options to fully disable spawn changes, gear changes, or AI changes at the top of the config
-The mod folder can now be renamed without causing issues, if you want to change its alphabetical priority
-Small bugfixes
-Bugfixes and compatibility tweaks
-Small difficulty tweaks
---Right now, easy is just a little too randomly headshot-y for my liking, and impossible isn't consistently challenging enough. More tweaks will probably be made in the future.
- Armor, primary and secondary weapons can now be given to bots based on relative rarity (calculated off of a combination of the item's ingame price, and it's spawn chance) instead of only ingame price. This should mean more interesting but low-level weapons in the hands of scavs, using the default settings. No more legions of scavs with nothing but AK variants.
- This has both a maximum, and a minimum value
- This value works linearly. Setting it to [0, 50] gives you all the weapons, armor, or whatever else. Setting it to [0, 25] gives you the lower half, while [25, 50] gives you the upper half, etc.
- The 'changeBots' config entry now allows users to specify which class of AI they want a given type of bot to receive. Most people probably won't want to change this, but for people who want to make, say.. Gluhar's raiders as good as PMCs, without making regular raiders any better, you can do that now.
- Difficulty tweaks.
- Config tweaks
- Some other changes I'm probably forgetting.
- Bugfixes
Version 1.12 for AKI 1.1.0 (And probably 1.2.0)
---Fixed a potential issue with the NSV
---Fixed a bug that could cause extraScavsPerVanillaWave to affect snipers
---Fixed a bug relating to 9x18 ammunition
-Other miscellaneous bugfixes
-bugfixes and difficulty tweaks
-Config is error-free again
-miscellaneous bugfixes
-I uploaded the wrong version of the config, with incorrect entries. This should be fixed now.
---useNewSpawnSystem was still present, but did nothing
---Its replacements weren't visible
---the advanced spawn config was enabled by default
- Added granular spawn controls via an advanced spawn config file
It is not necessary to use this file, and it is disabled by default.
Explanations of how it works can be found inside the file itself
It's not as complicated as it seems, but I don't have any plans to make it more user-friendly. It exists purely for those who want to be highly specific with how their bots spawn.
It is recommended that you use Notepad++ to view this file. I've done my best to use tabs to keep everything neat and orderly, but I can't guarantee that other programs will display it appropriately.
- To clarify functions, useNewSpawnSystem has been broken up into two options, both disabled by default
- spawnPMCsAsBosses enables the spawning of PMCs via the boss entry, instead of the regular wave entry. This seems to help them work as a unit.
- breakUpSpawnWaves contains the functions that broke up spawn waves to improve control over the exact number of bots that spawn
- More difficulty changes
- Difficulty feels like it's in a good spot again, but there are still some tweaks to be done for higher difficulties
-Entering a negative value into the modFrequency0_2 config setting will now prevent the mod from altering the 'chance' values for AI loadouts. This is intended primarily for people who want to use other methods to modify these values.
---All bots will still have their chance to spawn with an armband increased to 100, no matter what modFrequency0_2 is set to.
-bot names entered into the config are no longer case sensitive.
-Fixed compatibility issues with AKI 1.4.x
- Added granular control of AI weapon selection via an advanced loadout file
- The spawn frequency, mod quality, specific blacklisted or whitelisted mods, and which maps specific weapons are not allowed to spawn on can all be set via this file
- Details for how this file functions are contained inside the file itself
- I seriously recommend anyone using this file view it in Notepad++, or another similar program that can collapse categories, or you'll have an extremely difficult time navigating more than one or maybe two bots worth of weapon information
- The spawn frequency, mod quality, specific blacklisted or whitelisted mods, and which maps specific weapons are not allowed to spawn on can all be set via this file
- Added boss spawn chance to the advanced loadout config
- Changed debug settings to make them more convenient
- By default, debug data is now saved for all maps and bot types instead of only one at a time
- Changed the backpack size config entry to have settings for both min and max backpack size.
- Setting the minimum value to a negative number will set the minimum to the size of whatever the smallest backpack in their default loadout is.
- Bugfixes
- Very small AI tweaks
Update, February 28:
-Fixed removeVanillaSpawns options
Update, February 27:
-Difficulty tweaks. Easy, Normal and Hard should now be easier.
-Small bug fixes.
-Debug options.
Update, February 24:
-Cultists can now be spawned in
-----Cultists will only be spawned between 22:00 and 06:00 ingame. Cultists will only be reliably aggressive if Tagged and Cursed is enabled.
-The start time of your server can be set manually in the config. It's at the very bottom of the file. You can also set how quickly time advances ingame.
-High values of magQuality will now make it even more likely than before that the bot will use high-capacity magazines.
-Difficulty tweaks. Impossible is back to how it was in 1.5.1 (Very unforgiving), and easy / normal / hard should be noticeably easier than they were back in 1.5.1.
-----The impression I got from testing was that 'easy' in 7.1 is about the same as 'hard' was in 7.0. I'm still looking at ways to make 'easy' a little easier.
-----Edit: Further testing suggests it's actually way harder than it should be on easy difficulties, but for some reason Customs is easier than Woods or Reserve, and probably other maps too.
Itty-bitty update:
-1.7's config values weren't appropriate 'default' values. 1.7.001 is just proper 'default' values in the config! No difficulty changes or feature updates.
New features:
-Mostly control options, no huge changes
-Weapon randomization can be disabled
-Smart loading, should speed up the time it takes for the server to load the mod on subsequent startups
-Can remove weapons with certain fire-types from the AI's pool
-Can remove mod-added weapons from the AI's pool
-Can blacklist specific items from AI inventories (Helmets, grenades, guns, etc.)
-Can remove all vanilla spawns from maps
----Can do this separately for PMCs and non-PMCs
-Can spawn extra waves right at the start of a raid, instead of scattered throughout
-Can change AI health values
-Very small difficulty changes. Most players shouldn't notice much difference. Making the bots shoot better is still a work in progress.
-Spawns should be less random. There was an error that could cause waves to be doubled, or possibly more. That should be gone now.
-It should be much harder for mods with undefined attachments to cause errors
-Setting modQuality below 10 will cause errors in your server upon beginning a raid. These are caused by improperly generated weapons being replaced with defaults, and are harmless. Raiding the modQuality values or disabling moreModVariety should fix the issues, but is not necessary in 99% of cases.
-AKI8 updates for the mod are currently on hold. I have the 901 version of EFT at the moment, and can't do anything with dev builds until they catch up.
Version for AKI 1.5.1 and (Probably) 1.6.0
- Fixed an issue with the AllowAIToUseBothArmoredVestsAndArmoredRigs option. Again. (And then again. If you grabbed, you'll want this fix as well)
- Small difficulty tweaks, generally improved their aim on all maps except reserve and woods
- Lowered AI accuracy on reserve and woods
- Fixed an issue with the AllowAIToUseBothArmoredVestsAndArmoredRigs option
- Cod_mode was accidentally set to true by default. If your PMC's health is 1400, that's why. You can either grab or just toggle that option to false.
- Added an option to decide whether scavReplaceWithRaidersPCT0_100 and scavReplaceWithPMCsPCT0_100 affect all waves, or only vanilla waves, or if it's active while using the advanced spawn config. -Details in the readme.
- More difficulty tweaks. -Hopefully these are the last for a while, but we'll see.
- Added an option to make cultists visible on thermals
- Added another silly option: "gravestones" (Enabled by default)
These appear in your server messages after you've died
If you have ideas for more epitaphs, by all means, leave them in a comment!
- Small bugfixes
- Small compatibility tweaks for the MoreVariety mod
- Large difficulty tweaks
Values entered into [bot]LevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3 can now be decimals or negatives! Thanks to GadenKereensky for suggesting this, it never would have occurred to me otherwise.
This means more flexibility in exactly where you want the difficulty level to be. Want something more relaxed? Drop them down to -1, see what it's like on your preferred ingame difficulty setting. -1 is a bit too relaxed? Up it to -0.8, and see if that's better.
- Multiple small bugfixes.
- The biggest one is that the advanced spawn config had a renamed variable the prevented it from being loaded.
- Small tweak to AI difficulty
- Improvements in limiting number of tactical devices on bots
- I haven't seen any bugs in a half-dozen or so testing runs, but they could still be there.
- Option to limit number of primary weapon optics on bots
- Slightly buggy, it sometimes still removes MPR45-mounted optics, which it isn't supposed to.
- Implemented advanced inventory config
Allows more detailed customization of medical loadouts via assiging the AI a 'budget' for each type of med
- The system used is slightly complicated, but the print_out_medical_odds_on_startup option can be used to display the odds of each type of bot being generated with each type of med
Allows setting of chance values for AI equipment
- Chance to have a helmet, chance to have body armor, etc.
- Difficulty tweaks
- aiAimSpeedMult and aiShotSpreadMult settings should both have more impact than they did before.
- Added an option to the config to 'weight' the AI towards or away from certain armor classes
- Essentially increasing the odds the AI will get a certain class of armor, instead of it being completely random between all available classes
- Added "COD mode" silly option
- 200HP for every body part, and be given a stim with a 24hr duration that heals you for 25HP/second and reduces all damage taken, except in the head, by 50%.
- Should be given a new stim any time you end a raid or start the game and don't already have one in your inventory.
- 200HP for every body part, and be given a stim with a 24hr duration that heals you for 25HP/second and reduces all damage taken, except in the head, by 50%.
- Added an option for AIO users who have enabled armored rigs and armored vests to be used together
- Prevents bots from spawning with both an armored rig and an armored vest when set to false
- Updates to the readme
- There are still probably things missing. Feel free to leave a comment if you spot something important or confusing that's been left undocumented.
Version for AKI 1.5.1 and 1.6.0
- Fixed a bug in the advanced loadout config
- Minor change to how armored vests are identified
- Fixed a bug limiting spawn zones on some maps
- Improved blacklist function
- Default bot mods are now cleared before new mods are added in
- Difficulty changes
- Low level AIs are much less likely to hit on their first shot
- Followup shots are more accurate
- Still trying to eliminate some weird behaviour
- Changed spawn timing options
- Spawning 'extra waves' immediately is no longer enabled by default
- Instead, biasing spawn times is the new default option
- An option to alter what specific maximum spawn time bots are being biased towards has been added
- Average spawn times will be around 1/4-1/3rd of this value
- Improved the optic / tactical devices limiting system
- Small changes to the default spawn behaviour
- Sniper scavs should appear a bit more often
- Bots should fail to spawn much less frequently
- Map spawn multipliers should be working properly again
- Changed some other default config values
- Probably some other small bugfixes that I'm forgetting about
- Multiple miscellaneous fixes.
- Added new options to the config editor
- 'Backup config'
- 'Restore default config'
- 'Restore config backup'
- Changed all true/false entries into radiobuttons, instead of text entries
- I made a mistake, and accidentally put an old, broken version of the config editor in 1.16. -1.16a has the working config editor that won't break your config file.
- If you want to use the config editor, you will need to upgrade to this version, because I'm a disorganized derp.
- Added a new config editor (config editor.exe), to make navigating the basic config file easier and more convenient.
- Added a new config option to spawn all waves in a raid at the start of the raid.
- A few small miscellaneous tweaks to how the mod runs.
Version for AKI7 servers.
Update, March 10:
-spawnExtraWavesImmediately is working again for PMCs. All other bots were affected by it normally.
Update, March 9:
-Implemented a possible fix for some people not seeing PMC spawns.
Update, March 8:
-Fixed a major bug related to bot generation / spawning
-An option to disable the new spawn system has been added to the config. -If you're getting extremely unusual spawns, this may fix the issue while I search for what's causing problems with the new system.
-allBulletsAreTracers works properly again.
Tiny update, March 7:
-The original download included my personal inventory lists in the bot_inventories folder. This can cause errors for people who don't use the same mods I do. If you're having errors where no bots are generated in your raids, delete all the files in your bot_inventories folder and that should fix the issue.
No major additions, but enough small changes, especially to difficulty, to warrant a new version.
- New spawn system that:
- Fixes some bugs related to spawn timing (Bots coming in later than they should have)
- Fixes bugs related to spawn quantities.
- Fixed some bugs when spawning in Gluhar's raiders
- Improved vanilla PMC spawns
- Big difficulty changes
- I'm trying out something new in 1.8. If you find the bots are too difficult / behaving strangely on certain maps, please let me know. Finding a 'sweet spot' for difficulty settings is an ongoing process, and I can only test so much myself.
- Helmet attachments are back for bots
- This includes NVGs now, as well.
- Significantly changed which mods bots spawn with at lower rarity values
- Can adjust cultist HP values
- More verbose debugging for weapons and gear
- Grenade tracers working properly
- Lots of little fixes and optimizations
-Setting modQuality below 10 will cause errors in your server upon beginning a raid. These are caused by improperly generated weapons being replaced with defaults, and are harmless. Raising the modQuality values or disabling moreModVariety should fix the issues, but is not necessary in 99% of cases.
AKI7 version, not compatible with AKI8 servers.
UPDATE: Feb. 11
-Hopefully the last of these rapid-fire updates
-More difficulty changes
-New config options: all bullets are tracers, tracer grenades, and pumpkin helmets for cultists
New features:
-Restricting mod quality is back! -For real this time.
-You can also restrict magazine sizes as well.
-More difficulty multipliers made available in the config.
-Extra waves of enemies can now have their spawn time biased towards the earlier parts of the raid, instead of being at a totally random point in the first 45 minutes.
-Bot inventories can be saved, edited manually, and then loaded in. Details in the readme.
-AI mod quantity can now be set per bot type, instead of just globally
-Setting extraScavsPerDefaultWave to a negative value will now decrease the number of scavs that can spawn. Cannot currently reduce them below zero for UX reasons.
-Small difficulty tweaks. AI should hear better and be less easily stunlocked by damage.
Difficulty modifiers:
An explanation of all the difficulty modifiers, along with some other settings that can affect difficulty, as well as some of my recommendations on how to set them, can now be found inside the readme. ...And if the readme gets any longer, I think I'm going to need to turn it into two separate files to keep things from getting too cluttered.
-There is some weirdness that happens when you restrict mod quality. The game has a very strange idea of what items should be more common than others, so.. For instance, you'll see a lot more Troy stocks on M4s than the default M4 stock. I may make something to alter the SpawnChance values that affect this, but I'm slightly hesitant to do that as it would also affect (As far as I understand it) the kinds of loot players would find in containers.
Version 1.18.2 for AKI 2.0.0
- 'Gravestone' option temporarily disabled, since it's causing another problem
- Disabling behaviour changes now disables behaviour changes.
- Scavs will default to moderately aggressive behaviour when behaviour changes are disabled, but should no longer have a chance to be cursedassaults
- Melee-capable bots are now more dangerous, in a variety of ways, in order to compensate for their somewhat suicidal nature
- More improvements to map multiplier performance and reliability
- Fixed a potential bug when assigning armbands to bots
Version 1.18.3 for AKI 2.0.0
- Fixed the config values inside the advanced spawn, inventory, and loadout configs to properly refer to assaultgroup instead of cursedassault
- Assaultgroup is back!
- Thanks to Lua for clueing me in to the fact that this category still existed internally, even if it was removed from AKI_Data
- All references to cursedassault in the config have been changed back to assaultgroup
- This should help fix some of the "Not fighting X or Y type of bots" issues in the future
- For now it should slightly improve BEAR vs USEC fighting when behaviour changes are disabled
- Slight nerfs to melee-capable bots
- Changes to spawns that should help prevent or reduce clumping
- Small miscellaneous bugfixes
- Slight changes to default difficulty
- Scavs are a bit better
- All bots react a little faster
- Optimized the order of some spawn changes
- No change should be able to get in another change's way now
- Gravestone is still disabled
Version 1.18.4a for AKI 2.0.X servers
This is hopefully the last primarily bugfixing update for 1.18. If PMC spawning is reliable after this, I can move on to poking at new gear and difficulty options.
- No huge changes, just some little tweaks and fixes
- PMC spawning should be more reliable
- Improved compatibility with Lua's CPSRR
- The folder name has been changed for this reason. You can change it back if you'd like, but it will almost certainly cause fewer issues this way.
- Small bugfix for melee-capable bots
- Slight changes to AI accuracy
- Small fixes to some of the debug information
1.5.1 Update: Unfortunately, even after spending hours rewriting.. And eventually deleting, enormous swathes of the mod, I wasn't able to create a stable way of limiting the rarity of AI mods. I'd still love to find a way to get that done, but it's unlikely to happen anywhere in the near future. The associated config entry has been removed to avoid causing problems.
New features:
-Can remove VOG grenades from the AI inventories via the config
-More control over AI armor and mods
-----Overall quantity of mods can be increased / decreased
-----Can set a minimum and maximum armor level for bots
-----AI can now use more helmet attachments
-All bots can now do at least one Car Medkit worth of self-healing
-Specific weapons can be added to bot inventories
-New, hopefully better method for spawning PMCs in
-Small difficulty tweaks
-Removed low-value mods from bot inventories (Wooden AK stocks and pistol grips, etc.)
-Ammo control now works properly for .300 blackout
1.19.1f for AKI 2.0.X servers
Note: The default time acceleration in the config has been set to '2' by mistake. -If you want the vanilla EFT time acceleration back, set that to '7'
Hotfix for progressive gear. -If you don't use progressive gear, you don't need to bother, if you do.. You probably should grab this update.
-Now also hotfixes for some other things.
-Progressive armor and mods are still in the works. Armor is basically done, but progressive mods continue to break the game. RIP.
- Big fix for weapon rarities. If you're getting scavs with MK-18s and VSS's, this is for you
- Having progressive gear enabled when creating a new character no longer causes errors
- Fixed another possible variant of this as of 1.19.1d
- Small fix for mod-added items with missing / weird SpawnChance values
- Tooltip update for "Automatically add PMCs"
- Bots should no longer have a chance to spawn carrying internal SKS or Mosin magazines in their vests
- Bot values are now set correctly when it comes to determining weapon options
- Previously, bots were always being set to their maximum possible range of weapons
FAIT 1.19.2g for AKI 2.0.X
Progressive gear expansion, mods and armor
- There was a small bug reintroduced in the previous version that could give all non-boss bots a small (Approximately 1 in 15) chance to be equipped with class 2 armor regardless of gear settings. This has been fixed.
- Fixed issues involving the wrong meds appearing in AI inventories if certain settings were disabled
- Fixed an issue where PMCs could be improperly generated if spawn changes were disabled
- Fixed an issue where armor vests would sometimes not be properly removed from bot inventories
- Fixed some potential mod incompatibility issues
- Fixed a potential issue between cod mode and progressive gear
- Tweaks to progressive gear
- Class 4 armor is less common for scavs
- The pumpkin helmet is no longer a possible helmet bots could be given
- Mod-added items are considered significantly rarer than before
- Fixed an issue where enabling automatic difficulty adjustments could cause issues for some profiles
- As a side note, automatic difficulty was adjusted several patches ago to only ever adjust once per server run
- Fixed an issue where vest replacement weight values could use the wrong class of values in some cases
- Altered progressive gear weights for scavs
- They should be much, much less likely to get high-tier armor
- When a rig is replaced to respect armor weight settings, the new rig should no longer have the old rig's durability values
- A few miscellaneous bugfixes
- Tweak to optimized loading, it should be a little faster now
- Fixed PMCs being assigned higher-tier armor than intended when progressive gear was enabled
- Fixed a potential bug that could occur if the user has damage or unusual trader loyalty level values.
- Fixed the way a certain error displayed bot information
- Progressive gear now affects bot armor and mods
Bot armor will gradually improve and grow more common as the player increases in level
- High level armor can still appear early on, but it should be much less common
Weapon mods will generally do the same
Bot ammunition is still unchanged
Armor durability is currently unchanged
- Changes to bot generation
- Weapon generation errors should be significantly less common
- Because of this, the default state of 'Mute weapon generation errors' has been set to false
- Weapon generation errors should be significantly less common
- Progressive gear can no longer be enabled when gear changes are disabled
- The server will print a warning if this is detected
- Server warnings regarding invalid mods are now better formatted
- Limiting bot optics should now be more strictly enforced
- Small changes to a rarity calculations
- Tweaks to AI accuracy
- Bots are now slightly more likely to move instead of taking cover
- Small fix to bot health increases (Thanks Kiobu)
Configs from previous versions of 1.19.X should be compatible with this version.
FAIT 1.19.3a for AKI 2.0.X
Speculative PMC spawning fixes
- Removed some debugging code that could appear to produce bot generation errors upon starting the server. These errors were harmless, so this update isn't strictly necessary if you'd rather just ignore them.
- A handful of internal changes have been made based on user feedback, that may help fix the issues some users have experienced where PMCs can fail to spawn
- Certain error messages have been made less aggressive
- Minor internal streamlining of the bot generation alterations
This is a small update, but it's getting its own 'version' because it's a potentially very important fix. -If you still experience difficulties getting PMCs to spawn after installing 1.19.3, please leave me a comment with your config file inside a spoiler tag, let me know if you're also using Lua's Spawn Rework, and any other information you think may be relevant or useful. Thank you for your patience, this has been a very frustrating bug to try and track down.
FAIT 1.19.4i for AKI 2.1.X
Compatibility update for AKI 2.1.X
Note: If the difficulty seems absurdly high, and doesn't seem to change when you alter settings,then you may be suffering from a rare bug. I have a solution, however, but I'm still trying to narrow down the precise cause of the bug. Go here: and follow the instructions contained within. If you do this, please let me know how it turned out in the comments, and which one solved the problem for you. This is not a bug I have been able to reproduce on my end, so I'm entirely reliant on the few people experiencing it to help narrow down the cause.
Thank you.
- Major fix to progressive gear
- I'd forgotten to filter out invalid mod IDs from bot inventories when progressive gear was enabled. I've remembered now.
- Small bugfix to prevent a warning about in-raid modding from appearing when it wasn't supposed to
- Compatibility update for Fin's In-Raid Modding (FIRM)
- Trying to use previous versions of FAIT will likely result in broken weapons being generated for bots
- Tweaks to progressive gear settings
- More weapons should be available to scavs and raiders at mid-levels
- Raiders shouldn't get class 5 / 6 armor quite as early, anymore
- Difficulty adjustments, primarily to AI shot scattering
- Now actually compatible with FAIL. -I'd made some fixes in FAIL that I forgot would also need to be added to FAIT to prevent errors. They should now work together without causing loading to hang upon trying to start a raid.
- Added 'assaultgroup' to the default config's list of 'PMC bots' (Used for determining AI gear)
This should fix issues with PMCs having very strange gear configurations
This change also required an update to the config.exe, so that the 'Restore default config' option will also contain the updated 'PMC bots' list
If you don't want to lose your other config changes, you can simply add 'assaultgroup' (including the single-quotes) to the 'PMC bots' list in the gear tab
- Compatible with Fin's AI Loader (FAIL)
- Previous versions will only be compatible if they load after FAIL does. 1.19.4d's compatibility is load order agnostic.
- Bots not placed on the gear config lists should no longer have their weapons modified by FAIT
- Armor weighting should now fully respect other settings
- Bots should no longer be given blacklisted ammo or mods when progressive gear is enabled
- A few other miscellaneous fixes
- Small fixes for progressive gear system
- There should be substantially fewer "No ammo in magazine" errors during bot generation
- Compatibility changes for AKI 2.1.X
- Made bot generation less incompatible with future mods
- Difficulty tweaks
The default difficulty settings in FAIT are now approximately as difficult as 'hard' in vanilla SPT
- There are some notable differences in how recoil is handled, and how behaviour changes affect the AI
If you've changed your difficulty settings in the config, you may want to re-adjust them. BSG's new AI changes affected FAIT as well, and I've adjusted some internal settings and scales to take advantage of that
Changed how spotting time works
- Overall reaction speed should still be the same, but it's now better split between the 'spotting' and 'aiming' phases
- Made bot generation slightly more CPU efficient
- Improved the mod's ability to restrict the number of optical devices on a weapon
- Increased the frequency of iron sights on AI weapons
- Improved the health-resetting safety that accommodates CoD Mode
- It now checks player health to see if it's equal to CoD Mode settings, and only resets if it that's true
- This should allow for players or mods to modify health values without issue in 99% of cases
- Added in a few more error checks
Config files from the previous version can still be used in this version.
FAIT 1.20.1e for AKI 2.1.X
This is being released early because people have been reporting more and more problems with bugs I'd already fixed in my development version, and so I can get feedback on any bugs I've missed before 2.2.0 rolls around. Config options relating to 12.12 content have been disabled, for obvious reasons, and this mod will not function with the 2.2.0 dev build due to changes in various internal structures between EFT versions.
- Miscellaneous fixes, nothing huge
- Fixed issues with exUsec bots not being assigned values
- Created a fix for bots being generated without certain necessary settings
- I'm uncertain as to whether or not FAIT was causing this, but whether it's caused by FAIT or another mod, FAIT should now be able to catch and correct the issue.
- Small miscellaneous bugfixes
- Fixed an issue with bot secure containers
- Fixed a crash that could occur when gear changes were disabled
- Fixes to progressive gear
- Small fixes to spawns
- Speculative compatibility changes for AKI 2.1.2
- While using CPSR, PMCs should once more be counted as PMCs when killed (Third time's the charm?)
- Adjusted weapon rarities
- Added a system to make armored vests approximately as common as armored rigs
- Bug fixes to preset weapons
- More fixes to PMC classification
- Difficulty settings should be applied properly again
- While using CPSR, PMCs should once more be counted as PMCs when killed
- Difficulty changes
- Fixes to optics and tactical device limiting
- Optics limiting in particular should now be much more effective
- Improved compatibility with CPSR
- Added an option to replace a % of bots weapons with ones randomly chosen from your presets
- This setting will replace primary weapons with other primary weapons, and secondaries with other secondaries
- If you create a preset 1911, and no other presets, then only bots that would already spawn with a sidearm will use your preset 1911
- This setting will replace primary weapons with other primary weapons, and secondaries with other secondaries
- Added an option to limit helmets by armor class, separate from body armor
- Also added in an option to control the ratio of armored to non armored helmets
- Added an option to control whether or not bots can be given non-weapon items from mods
- Improved armor weighting system
- Bugfixes
- Preemptive compatibility changes
- Reworked progressive gear durability settings
- Internal improvements to behaviour switching
- Removed several obsolete config settings
- Restored functionality to gear debugging
- Altered several error messages to be less threatening
Old config files will not work with the new version.
Not quite yet...