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Mod Details

Andrudis QuestManiac

Andrudis QuestManiac 2.4.1

Created by Mighty_Condor, LaurentMEKKA


SPT 3.7.6 Compatible

This is a reupload of Andrudis-QuestManiac for SPT-AKI's latest version (hopefully).

Special thanks to Andrudis for making this mod and LaurentMEKKA for helping to keep it alive, as well as TheDailyXPerience on Discord for the push to update to 3.7! <3 - Mighty_Condor

IMPORTANT NOTE - This mod has a dependency now for SPT versions 3.7 and up - Kaeno-TraderScrolling. I think you can use it without this mod but you would have to go back to the old way of interacting with the traders through BSG's settings.

This is a somewhat complex mod so please let us know in the comments if you come across any errors and please read the known issues section below.

--Original Post--

Credits :

Andrudis : Original mod

rgb192x3 : 3.0.0 version

LaurentMekka : 3.2.2 version

Mighty_Condor : 3.5.0 & 3.7.X version

For information on the mod, you can see the original page here. I left some of the install information and warnings for ease of use.

Known issues have also been left in just in case, but I don't know if they still apply.

Some features have not been included. I made the decisions to exclude them because I felt they were outside the scope of the primary purpose for me personally. I apologize if they are missed.

All credits to the original mod for all the work that was done!


1. Unzip and copy Andrudis-QuestManiac folder in user/mods/

2. Change config options to your liking (Andrudis-QuestManiacsrcconfig.json)

3. Delete unwanted bundles from Andrudis-QuestManiacdbQuestBundles or replace with alternatives from Andrudis-QuestManiac_AlternativeBundles

!!! IMPORTANT !!! Normally all new traders will start with blank inventory and all assortment is intended to be unlocked with corresponding quests. If you want all trades to be available from the start - check config options.

NOTE: "### Trade" and "### Barter" bundles can be used together, but will lack internal dependencies between Barter and Trade quests present in original full bundles

WARNING: do not use "### Trade" or "### Barter" bundles along with original full bundle. You will have to wipe if you switch from Barter/Trade bundles to original full bundle or back!

### Mod options

* AllQuestsAvailableFromStart - FOR DEBUG! Make all mod's quests available from the start, leave 'false' unless you know what you are doing. Does not affect vanilla quests.

* AllTradesAvailableFromStart - when enabled, will remove quest completion requirements for all trades added by this mod (does not affect vanilla quests and trades).

REMOVED * EnableJaegerFromStart - Jaeger will be unlocked without Introduction quest. Introduction quest will still be available to complete, just not required for unlock.

REMOVED * ProgressionOverhaul - when enabled, changes XP progression up to lvl 100 and locks flea Market till lvl 50. Will also change Fence inventory size to 3 items per refresh. This can be overridden with new "FenceInventorySize" settings to whatever value you like. Read "Recommended configuration" for best use.

WARNING: some mods like 'Ereshkigal-TerragroupSpecialist' may override XP progression. If you use such mods, make sure only one of them overhaul XP progression.

REMOVED * FenceInventorySize - changes number of items Fence sells per refresh. Default is 'null' which will not change anything. Valid values are between 0 and 200. If set to integer value - will also override changes made by "ProgressionOverhaul".

REMOVED * EnableBarterOnly - when enabled, will override all vanilla trader's assortment and remove all money trades leaving only barter trades.

WARNING: will conflict with any other mod that overrides vanilla trader's assorts.

REMOVED * EnableBarterOnlyQuests - when enabled, will lock barters for Vanilla traders behind quests which will literally require you to complete first barter trade for each item as quest before that item will be unlocked for good.

NOTE: EnableBarterOnlyQuests - does nothing if EnableBarterOnly is not enabled.

* ShouldAddGammaContainer - Enable to Add Gamma secure container as reward for one of the quests

* QuestIdForGammaContainer - UID of quest which will get Gamma secure container as additional reward. Default is "Wet Job Part 4"

* RemoveAllMapsRestrictions - when enabled, remove map restriction from all mod's quests enabling them to be completed in any location. Does not affect vanilla quests

* RemoveAllGearRestrictions - when enabled, remove gear restriction from all mod's quests enabling them to be completed with any gear equipped. Does not affect vanilla quests

* ReplaceKillCounterForRaidersWithPMCs - If set to 'true' will count PMCs instead of Raiders for all conditions that require Raiders kills. Quest description, name and counter will still list Raiders.

REMOVED * TraderAvatars - select which avatars to use for mod's traders. Valid values between 0 and 4, any other value is counted as 0. Old avatars from Beta have id = 1. You can preview all avatars at "<mod folder> es raders"". DO NOT FORGET to clear cache after each change at: %LOCALAPPDATA%TempBattlestate GamesEscapeFromTarkovfiles raderavatar

### Known issues:


Infinite loading circle after completing/accepting any quest forcing you to restart after each ACCEPT/COMPLETE action with quests.

Possible cause:

This is a know BSG issue that happens in Live also: https://forum.escapefromtarkov…o-restart-my-game/page/2/ It is caused by one of active Started quests being in invalid state. Supposedly this may occur when you have 2 or more quests getting completed at the same time, for example if you are trying to complete quests "Colleagues - Part 1", "Anesthesia" and "Rigged game" during the same raid it may (not 100% guarantied) bug out one of these quests. Obviously, the more quests you have, the more likely you may encounter this issue.


You need to edit your profile, go to "characters"->"pmc"->"Quests" and delete records for quests where "status": "Started" - that unfortunately will cause you to lose some progress on these quests, but should resolve this issue. Leave quests with other statuses as is, especially where "status": "Success". Be sure to backup your profile before editing!

Version 2.4.1


Created Nov 6th, 2023 Updated Nov 6th, 2023

Very small fix to get rid of the warning in the server. No need to update if you are ok with the warning.

Changed invalid item in Elder's assort for the Strandhogg barter trade to get rid of server warning:

"Unable to find live-flea or handbook price for , defaulting to 1, if this is a modded item contact the mod author"

Version 2.4.0


Created Oct 23rd, 2023 Updated Oct 23rd, 2023

Updated for 3.7.X compatibility. As always since this is a pretty complex mod, please let me know if you come across any errors.

Version 2.3.2


Created Mar 14th, 2023 Updated Mar 14th, 2023

Should now be fully compatible with SPT 3.5.3 now that the devs fixed the issue with multiple possible item turn ins for one quest condition! Please note that you will need to update to 3.5.3 to fix this if you are on 3.5.1 or 3.5.2!

Fixed Alternative and Legacy bundles

Some code cleaning

Version 2.3.1


Created Feb 27th, 2023 Updated Feb 27th, 2023

Alternative bundle and Legacy bundle fixed.

Version 2.3.0


Created Feb 25th, 2023 Updated Feb 25th, 2023

Update by Mighty_Condor for 3.5 !!!!

Version 2.2.2


Created Aug 16th, 2022 Updated Aug 16th, 2022

- Compatible with 3.2.*

Version 2.2.1


Created Aug 14th, 2022 Updated Aug 14th, 2022

Traders appear on Flea

- Still a problem with items unlocked disappearing from trader's inventory after a raid, and re appear when you launch the game again. No idea how to resolve this, HELP !!!!!

Version 2.2.0


Created Aug 8th, 2022 Updated Aug 8th, 2022

- Compatible with SPT 3.2

- Rebalanced rewards - You earn at most 100x less Dollars and Euros if you gain Roubles, Dollars and/or Euros (example : if a quest reward is 50000 roubles, and also dollars, you will earn at most 500 dollars).

- Small adjustments in French translation ("headshot" = "tir à la tête").

Version 2.1.0


Created Aug 7th, 2022 Updated Aug 7th, 2022

Not quite yet...