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Mod Details

Amands's Hitmarker

Amands's Hitmarker 2.6.1

Created by Amands2Mello


SPT 3.8.3 Compatible

Hitmarkers with different Shapes, Colors and Sounds

Experimental mods like Sense can be found on GitHub

Amands's Hitmarker

This mod adds hitmarkers with different Shapes, Colors and Sounds

Default Shapes, Colors and Sounds can be changed by pressing F12. ConfigurationManager's Advanced settings allows for better customization



How it works

Hitmarker was broken down into 4 parts allowing the user to change its Thickness and its Center Offset together withanimation speeds and modes.

if you want to use a single image, using Advanced settings enable StaticHitmarkerOnly, by default the pngs are just a simple glow, replace them both StaticHitmarker.png and StaticHeadshotHitmarker.png with your custom pngs.

DebugMode for adjusting the hitmarker features.

Hitmarker Sounds

Sounds for Hit, Headshot, Kill, Armor damage sound and Armor breaking.

Sound volume slider.

Supported audio formats are WAV and OGG.

Hitmarker 3D Position

Position modes for NonADS/ADS includes Center, GunDirection, ImpactPoint and ImpactPointStatic.

GunDirection uses the gun pointing direction in worldspace and it's the default mode for ADS.

ImpactPoint uses the hitpoint in worldspace and its the default mode for NonADS.

ImpactPointStatic uses a snapshot of the hitpoint in screenspace.


Start can be None, Player + Weapon, Weapon or Weapon + Role.

Name color can be changed to SingleColor or Colored.

End can be None, Bodypart, Role, Experience, Distance, DamageType or Level.

UpperText headshot/bleeding/longshot on top of the kill text.

Position presets are Center, TopRight, BottomRight, TopLeft and BottomLeft. can be fine-tuned.

Font customization Size, Color, Outline, Uppercase and Text Spacing.

Animation Time to start fading and fade speed.

DistanceThreshold allows the end text to prioritize distance over another mode.

Planned Features

Final armor damage and break icon.

New hitmarker animation modes.

Damage dealt numbers and armor damage Floating.

Melee, Multi and Double Kills stuff

Known issues


Thanks to CWX, SamSWAT for their mods helping me on modding in general.

KMYUHKYUK's Grenade Sprite for the sprite loading used on this mod.

SamSWAT's Sixth Sense for the sound loading used on this mod.

thanks pin for beta testing

Version 2.6.1


Created May 11th, 2024 Updated May 11th, 2024

SPT-AKI 3.8.3 (29197), 3.8.0+ (29197)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory, 7zip required.


2.5.4 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

NEW! DamageIndicator

4buJ8aM.png Customizable damage indicator when getting hit, Disabled by Default.

NEW! Smol things

New Player method patch.

FIXED! Smol problems

SPT-AKI3.8.1 compatibility**.**

Some scavs reporting as Boss.

DamageIndicator persisting on screen.

Version 2.5.4


Created Aug 16th, 2023 Updated Aug 16th, 2023

SPT-AKI 3.7.6 (26535), 3.6.1+ (25206)
Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended


2.5.3 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

NEW! Smol improvements

Sound playing behavior, sounds are now louder by default.

Raiders and Bloodhounds Colors.

StartDistance and EndDistance, the Hitmarker will only appear if the shot distance is inside this range.

FIXED! Smol problems

Hitmarker Sounds doesn't go through a filter anymore.

Debug Sounds on Menu*.

SPT-AKI3.6.0 Hitmarker sounds not playing after first raid.

Version 2.5.3


Created Aug 3rd, 2023 Updated Aug 3rd, 2023

SPT-AKI 3.6.1 (25206), 3.1.0+ (19078)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended


2.5.2 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

FIXED! Smol problems

SPT-AKI3.6.0 hitmarker non-spatial sounds not playing.

NOTES! Debug sounds
Debug buttons for sounds only works in Raid or Hideout as they depend on the BSG's audio engine to be initialized.

Version 2.5.2


Created Aug 1st, 2023 Updated Aug 1st, 2023

SPT-AKI 3.6.0 (25206), 3.1.0+ (19078)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended


2.5.1 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

FIXED! Smol problems

SPT-AKI3.6.0 compatibility**.**

Version 2.5.1


Created Mar 19th, 2023 Updated Mar 19th, 2023

SPT-AKI 3.5.7 (23399), 3.1.0+ (19078)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended


2.5.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

NEW! Smol improvements

Performance Improvements.

Compatibility update 3.1.0+ (19078).

Killfeeds Presets now act as anchors, the Position setting will be relative.

FIXED! Smol problems

Opening Inventory/menu doesn't clear Killfeeds anymore.

Changing resolutions pre-raid doesn't offset Raid Killfeed after entering raid.
(Use ReloadUI button when changing resolution mid raid in case of problems)


Version 2.5.0


Created Mar 10th, 2023 Updated Mar 10th, 2023

SPT-AKI 3.5.3 (22173), 3.4.1+ (20765)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended


2.4.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

NEW! Raid Killfeed


5v0G3wf.png Raid wide killfeed show all kills happening within a customizable radius. Disabled by Default.

Position presets are TopRight, BottomRight, TopLeft and BottomLeft. can be fine-tuned.

Font customization Size, Color, Outline, and Text Spacing.

Animation Time to start fading separate from Killfeed.

FIXED! Smol problems

SingleColor is now used for Roles once selected.

Multikill icons correctly centered on different resolutions.
ReloadUI button when changing resolution mid raid use this in case of problems.

NOTES!Enabling feature

You can enable the new feature by searching "Enable" on F12's menu and checking:


(click somewhere else to leave the menu).

Version 2.4.0


Created Mar 6th, 2023 Updated Mar 6th, 2023

SPT-AKI 3.5.1 (22032), 3.4.1+ (20765)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended

2.3.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

NEW! Code Rework

Performance improvements. DebugButtons instead of debug bools to toggle.

Kill functions moved out of Update() to methods.

NEW! MultiKillfeed



Icons will accumulate as you get more kills, it resets once the last kill fades out, Enabled by Default.

PMC Icon modes are Generic, Custom (USEC and BEAR logos) and Rank level icons.

Icon Color modes are SingleColor, HeadshotColorOnly and Colored.

Icon customization Size, Position, Spacing.

Scavs and bosses use a Generic Icon by default, better icons are planned.

NEW! Damage Numbers


Damage and Armor Damage numbers, Enabled by Default.

Accumulative until the hitmarker fades out, then it resets.

Position modes are Screen or to follow the hitmarker.

Font customization Size, Color, Outline.

NEW! Default values changes

Changes for HitmarkerColor, KillTime.

FIXED! Smol problems

FSR2 Offset fix.
Better armor damage detection (not final).

Multiple kills on a single frame fix.

Hitmarker Offset on first shot after using Debug mode fixed.

Debug kill level is now random.

NOTES!Disabling features

You can disable the new features by searching "Enable" on F12's menu and unchecking:




click somewhere else to leave the menu.

Version 2.3.0


Created Feb 27th, 2023 Updated Feb 27th, 2023

SPT-AKI 3.5.0 (21734), 3.4.1+ (20765)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended

2.2.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

NEW! Code Rework

UpdateInterval Removed.

Performance improvements.

Raid start Hitmarkers.

NEW! BSG's EXP Formula

StreakXP Takes killstreak in consideration, Enabled by Default.

HeadshotXP On Headshot EXP Number is displayed on the right side of UpperText, and it's the default mode.

HeadshotXP On Formula Headshot EXP is added only to the base kill EXP.
Boss EXP detection.

NEW! Killfeed Update Start Player + Weapon Added.

Longshot UpperText.

FIXED! Smol problems

Hitmarkers now load at the start of a raid.

Version 2.2.0


Created Jan 1st, 9:56 PM Updated Jan 1st, 9:56 PM

SPT-AKI 3.5.0 (21734), 3.1.0+ (19078)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended

2.1.1 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

NEW! Experimental Streets of Tarkov

0.13 patch support.

NEW! **Armor Icons

Simple Armor Damage and Break Icon.

BreakingOnly is the default mode.

FIXED! Smol problems

Killfeed End now correctly shows other modes for scavs.

Version 2.1.1


Created Oct 2nd, 2022 Updated Oct 2nd, 2022

SPT-AKI 3.4.1 (20765), 3.1.0+ (19078)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended

2.1.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

FIXED! Smol problems

NVIDIA DLSS and AMD FSR 1.0 doesn't offset the hitmarker anymore.

Version 2.1.0


Created Sep 14th, 2022 Updated Sep 14th, 2022

SPT-AKI 3.2.3 (19428), 3.1.0+ (19078)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended

2.0.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

NEW! Compatibility update

Tested versions are 3.1.0+ to 3.2.3.

Thanks kmyuhkyuk for the help with it.

NEW! Overall improvements

Hitmarker animation changed.

Killfeed single text appears smoothly now.

PMC level added to killfeed's End modes, XP is the default for non pmcs when using this mode.

FIXED! Smol problems

Debug works on main menu.

Version 2.0.0


Created Sep 11th, 2022 Updated Sep 11th, 2022

SPT-AKI 3.2.2 (19428), 3.2.3 (19428)

Extract the .zip and move the BepInEx folder to your main SPT directory. 7zip recommended

1.1.1 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

NEW! Hitmarker Position Modes

Position modes for NonADS/ADS includes Center, GunDirection, ImpactPoint and ImpactPointStatic.

ImpactPoint uses the hitpoint in worldspace.

ImpactPointStatic uses a snapshot of the hitpoint in screenspace.

NEW! Killfeed

Position presets are Center, TopRight, BottomRight, TopLeft and BottomLeft. can be fine-tuned.

Font customization Size, Color, Outline, Uppercase and Text Spacing.

Animation Time to start fading and fade speed.


Start can be None, Weapon or Weapon + Role.

Name color can be changed to SingleColor or Colored.

End canbe None, Bodypart, Role, Experience, Distance or DamageType.

DistanceThreshold allows the end text to prioritize distance over another mode.

UpperText headshot/bleeding on top of the kill text.


NEW! Sound update

Sound volume slider.

Armor damage sound and Armor breaking sound.

FIXED! Smol problems

Armor damage now works. thanks kmyuhkyuk!

Collimators hitmarkers are now centered.

Bleeding hitmarker bug fixed and can be disabled.
In game Reload files function.

INCOMPATIBLE! SPT-AKI 3.2.1 (19078) and below.

Version 1.1.1


Created Aug 29th, 2022 Updated Aug 29th, 2022

NEW! Updated for SPT-AKI 3.2.2 (19428)

1.1.0 Config file is compatible with this version BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

INCOMPATIBLE! SPT-AKI 3.2.1 (19078) and below.

Version 1.1.0


Created Aug 27th, 2022 Updated Aug 27th, 2022

NEW! Rework of the mod SPT-AKI 3.2.1 (19078)

This is a rework of the first version of the mod.

Please delete the old mod together with its config file BepInEx/config/com.Amanda.Hitmarker.cfg.

NEW! Sound update Supported formats WAV and OGG.

Currently you can only edit the sound's volume through the file itself or EFT's Interface volume, read description for more info.

NEW! Hitmarker parts, Bear/Usec colors, Bleed glow and Animation settings

Hitmarkers are now made out of individual images, read description for more info.

more animation settings are exposed now including OffsetSpeed and OpacitySpeed.

FIXED! Smol problems

Screenshots purpose code removed.

Version 1.0.0


Created Aug 24th, 2022 Updated Aug 24th, 2022

Not quite yet...