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Mod Details

Weight Tweaker

Weight Tweaker 1.4

Created by CreamCheese


SPT 3.8.3 Compatible

Allows you to change the upper and lower limit of weight capacity of your PMC. UNLIMITED TANK BATTERIES!

Some of the values provided in the config are a little vague, but the first two values are:

baseWeightLowerLimit (Yellow Overweight value)

baseWeightUpperLimit (Red Overweight value)

These are the most important values for changing base backpack size.

If you want to be able to add or remove slots in your backpack, visit,

Josh Mate's Better Backpacks

The following information is not confirmed but should give you an idea of what each variable does in the config (AS OF VERSION 3.8, THE DEFAULT VALUES STATED HERE ARE OUTDATED):

If you simply want to set the threshold for the Weight limit to turn yellow, change both "baseWeightLowerLimit" & "sprintWeightLowerLimit" to your desired weight. A change to 25-30kg allows you to bring in a decent kit without being in the yellow zone.

"walkWeightLowerLimit" (default 42) is the weight you start to lose stamina while walking regularly. You can bump this up to 50-55kg if you want to carry a bit more loot without crawling to regen stam.

"walkSpeedWeightLowerLimit" (default 34) seems to affect how fast you walk with a heavy load. The higher this number, the faster you will walk with a heavier load.

I haven't tested much with the UpperLimits, I feel like the LowerLimits are much more impactful to gameplay but here are my guesses for some of them:

"baseWeightUpperLimit" will probably determine the weight you turn "red" or it must be combined with "sprintWeightUpperLimit". On the other hand "sprintWeightUpperLimit" might be the max weight you can be in order to allow sprinting. Anything higher = no sprinting allowed at all.

"walkWeightUpperLimit" could be the weight where you no longer generate stamina at all whilst standing

"walkSpeedWeightUpperLimit" any weight higher than this would not reduce your walk speed further

Of course, you are limited by backpack size, but you can always decrease carry size if you're a masochist. :evil:


Drop the CreamCheese-WeightTweaker folder into user/mods/


If you're using another mod that changes weight values, IT WILL CONFLICT. ;(

If you want to overwrite another mod's changes, please change the filename of the mod in your mods folder to:


This essentially puts priority on loading this mod last. As long as the folder is alphabetically last, then it should work! I can't guarantee that this will work all the time depending on what mods you're running.

Please note that this mod will alter changes made by other mods if this mod loads last. For example, if you're running the SPT Realism Mod, you will be changing the weight set by the Realism Mod first, not the default Tarkov values. Hope that makes sense.

Version 1.4


Created Apr 23rd, 2024 Updated Apr 23rd, 2024

Updated for SPT version 3.8.

Version 1.3.1


Created Nov 20th, 2023 Updated Nov 20th, 2023

Updated to latest version of SPT. :thumbup:

Version 1.3.0


Created Feb 14th, 4:55 AM Updated Feb 14th, 4:55 AM

Updated to AKI 3.5.0. :thumbup:

Version 1.2.0


Created Feb 2nd, 7:05 AM Updated Feb 2nd, 7:05 AM

Updated to AKI 3.4.1. :thumbup:

Version 1.1.0


Created Nov 14th, 2022 Updated Nov 14th, 2022

Updated to AKI 3.3.0.

  • Added a line for clarification in config file.
Version 1.0.0


Created Nov 8th, 2022 Updated Nov 8th, 2022

Not quite yet...