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Mod Details

Swag Variety

Swag Variety 0.0.0

Created by adudewithbadaim, Props


SPT 3.6.1 Compatible

Want a spawn mod that actually has it ALL? Raiders in D2? Rogues actually AT the treatment zone? Cultists during the day? Scavs randomly show up on a LABS raid? Enjoy a comprehensive spawn mod that covers everything.

**Requires Swag by Props 1.4.4**

Anyone who uses this make sure to give some love to Props, this wouldnt have happened without the Legend.


What does this mod do?

I played online for several years before I even heard of SPT. For the last year or so I've been enjoying this version of the game quite a bit more than online. In my experience, online seemed so dead a lot of the time. Not nearly enough PMCs or Scavs.

I used that experience to create SWAG Variety.

This mod provides a more robust experience but very similar to online. Wherever you see action online, you are likely to see MORE with SWAG Variety. All the bot counts and zones have been configured to simulate the Online + experience.

If you ever wanted an experience similar to online with just more variety and more action from raid to raid, this is the mod for you.


To install:

  1. Download required mod and install as you should.
  2. Open SWAG folder and remove the folder named 'patterns'
  3. Download this mod and install the folder named 'SWAG' inside your mods folder.
  4. Play the game.


**Recommended Mods:

POOP and POOP Variety

Immersive Raids

Lua Custom Spawn Points with Extended Bot Spawn Points and DOC'S GANGSTALKER SPAWN CONFIG






Version 0.0.0


Created May 7th, 2023 Updated May 7th, 2023

**Requires Swag by Props 1.4.4**


  • Revamped every config for each map by adding more timers/spawn triggers.
  • Added several more spawn triggers per map.
  • Tuned configs to allow for less PMC population.
  • Removed erroneous factions.
  • Discontinued Glukhar specific presets.
  • Added chance of Rogues to D2.
  • Tested on profile with no other mods ever.
  • Also tested on profile with 40+ mods.
  • Works great with difficulty mods like POOP.

To install:

Download required mod and install as you should.

Open SWAG folder and remove the folder named 'patterns'

Download this mod and install the folder named 'SWAG' inside your mods folder.

Play the game.

Not quite yet...