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Mod Details


Emporium (UNAVAILABLE) 1.0.0

Created by k4a


Unknown SPT Version

Emporium is a trader which will sell a randomized assort of items every time it is restocked it is configurable and will offer an alternative to flea market

Emporium is a trader which will sell you a random assort of items

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The point of this trader is to sell you a random assort of items based on your loyalty level, It is similar to fence as it changes its assort everytime the trader gets restocked, the trader has a decent amount of customization which allows for nice personalization of the trader... By default there is more items at lower loyalty levels but they cost less, and higher quality items but they are in a lesser amount and costs much more. The trader does not have any quests and I do not think it will, by default you will gain loyalty levels by being a specific PMC level, 0,7,12,17 in order.

Thanks to sethynol#0305 for making the trader description

Installation is straight forward

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To install the mod drop the folder called Emporium into user/mods/ to uninstall the mod just remove the mod from the folder

Configuration is essential part and will get more attention in the future.

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TraderUpdateTimeInSec - How much time will it take for the trader to resto

crash - Developer config should be left to false

AssortMultiplier - this values multiplies the amount of assort items

Disabled - Developer config should be left to false

loyaltyLevels - at which PMC level will the LL be unlocked, in order minlevel being LL1 and minlevel4 being LL4

PriceRangeLL1 - this shows which LL level are you customizating

LoyalLevel - should be left by default

AssortCount - How much items will be sold in that specific LL level

MinPrice - the minimum price items will be chosen on

MaxPrice - the maximum price items will be chosen on

StockMin - the minimum amount of times you can buy the same item, keep in mind most of the items do not really use this value
StockMax - the maximum amount of times you can buy the same item, keep in mind most of the items do not really use this value

PriceMultiplierRange - each item price will be multiplied by a random number that is choosen from the minimum and maximum range

Blacklist_Items - which items the trader will skip

This is a record of known bugs that are currently in the game

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Sometimes if youre in the trader's menu while it is restocking a error will show up saying something about inspection of a certain item, this wont cause any issue so it can be ignored.

Sometimes the trader might restock itself even if the timer didn't run out

Version 1.0.0


Unknown SPT Version Virus Total Results
Created Dec 18th, 2022 Updated Dec 18th, 2022

Not quite yet...