FEAR's Temporary Progressive Stash (3.8.0 temp) 2.0.0
Created by egbog, trap, theFEARhunterZ
SPT 3.8.3 Compatible
Trap's Progressive Stash now 3.8.0 compatible
Compatible with 3.8.0(and up potentially)
This is essentially Trap's Progressive Stash but I've updated it to work on 3.7.0+ (older versions are obsolete)
This is a temporary placeholder version until Trap updates the mod himself.
All credit for the mod's creation goes to Trap
Credit to DeadLeaves for the feature in 1.2.0 which lets you toggle Peacekeeper's Alpha and Beta Secure container trades
Credit to egbog for fixing the infinite loading screen issue with the "Traps Progressive Stash" profile template (twice xD)
Stash and Secure Container sizes can be modified via the config.json file.
Production and construction times can now be modified via the config.json file as well.
Note: The default config for crafting bigger secure containers might be a bit basic. Just letting you know that it is customizable and you can set the recipe requirements to any item you wish. All you need is the ids of the items you wish to place in which you can easily find on the SPT Item Finder page
Reporting Issues:
This mod is in somewhat of an experimental update/rewrite to be compatible with the latest AKI version. If you experience any bugs or issues, please leave a comment with a relevant log and other mods you have installed.
3.8.0 update
Work is being done to update the mod to Typescript since the original mod was either only written in JS or only distributed .js files
Features added -
- Adds the size (ie. 3x3) to the item info panel for secure containers.
- Adds configurable production/construction times via config file
- By default the production times are:
- 5 minutes for all secure containers
- Default construction times are:
- 1 hour for Stash level 2
- 2 hours for Stash level 3
- 4 hours for Stash level 4
- By default the production times are:
- Restores original secure container sizes from Trap's mod
- Pouch (3x3)
- Alpha (4x4)
- Beta (5x5)
- Epsilon (6x6)
- Gamma (6x8)
- Kappa (6x10)
Known Potential Issues -
There was reports of crafting secure containers not functioning properly on Trap's Progressive Stash per comment -
This bug hasn't been reproduced yet and is suspected to be a conflict with another mod not mentioned in the original comment. However this is an uncertainty at the moment so bear with us.
Thanks to egbog, this version finally fixes the infinite loading screen bug on the "Trap's Progressive Stash" profile template. The mod is now (as far as I'm aware) fully functioning on 3.7.6!
Note from future me: This version does not fix the problem fully, please refer to the latest version hotfix
New minor feature:
- Added the ability to remove the Alpha and Beta Secure container trades from Peacekeeper so that you are forced to craft them in the hideout
This feature can be toggled via the config.json. it is enabled by default ("remove_trades_from_peacekeeper": true)
I saw this feature in the Progressive Container mod by DeadLeaves and thought it interesting to add to this one
As always, let me know if anything isn't working as it should. Still not sure how to fix the infinite loading screen bug when selecting the ProgressiveStash profile template. Same as before, just use another template for now.
- Should finally work with SPT 3.7.x (working in 3.7.6 at least)
- Restored secure containers to Trap's original defaults. These values can be changed in the config.json file
Alpha: 4x4
Beta: 5x5
Epsilon: 6x6
Gamma: 6x8
Kappa: 6x10
Note: Mod seems to work alright on the 3.5.0 Bleeding Edge build
- Removed incompatibility warning thanks to x3nit
- Egbog has kindly looked into the persistent infinite loading screen bug which I wasn't aware was returning after a server restart when upgrading to lvl 2.
This should (maybe) be fixed now. Testing shows it all working for me but as always, let us know if anything is playing up still.
Not quite yet...