A collection of clothing and gear mods created by various authors ported to SPT-AKI 3.4.1
This pack contains clothing and gear from the following mods:
Additional Clothing - G3 Combat Pack by JustNU
Additional Clothing - Western Pack by JustNU
ORZ Multicam by ORZ
USEC Camouflage Pants by FALmonsta
USEC Camouflage Gear by FALmonsta
Also includes some Multicam clothing released by Oxide-3 on the Oddba.cn Tarkov modpage. Some items are not depicted in the images below.
All clothing must be purchased from Peacekeeper.
All credits go to the original mod authors, I'm just a fan of their content. Lets see some good screenshots in the Gallery, people!
Fixed the CAB ID errors in multicam clothing to resolve infinite character loading bug.
Huge thanks to AceOfSpudz for identifying and providing an idiot-proof solution
Added content from FALmonsta's USEC Camouflage Gear mod.
This includes:
- a retextured Commando chest rig
- a retextured USEC baseball cap
- a retextured Highcom Trooper plate carrier
- a retextured LBT 6094A Slick plate carrier
All items are available for purchase from Peacekeeper at Loyalty Level 1.
Older version links have been updated as well. Sorry for the double-update in one day, but hey its free awesome content
Fixed error causing missing multicam variant of Knight's pants. Now available from Peacekeeper as 'Crye Precision Pants (Multicam)'.
Previous version links have been updated to 1.0.2 as well.
Big thanks to kcghe23 for highlighting the bug.
Removed KMC Gear clothing to avoid conflicts with future KMC content updates.
Old link has been updated as well.
Not quite yet...