The Forge is currently under heavy construction. Expect nothing to work. Data is reset every hour.

Mod Details

Nooky's Custom Presets for SWAG

Nooky's Custom Presets for SWAG 1.2.4

Created by nooky


SPT 3.6.1 Compatible

Do you want to use a spawn mod but don't feel like messing with config files? Want an out-of-the-box "live-like" experience? Tired of raids that always seem dead? Then these presets are for YOU!


Version 1.2.4


Created Jun 10th, 2023 Updated Jun 10th, 2023


Oh yeah, that's right - we now have custom bosses in SPT!

SSH's USEC Commander:


add them as SWAG waves:


or add them as custom bosses with their own spawn chance on any map!

I've included a short guide on how to add custom bosses to your patterns so please give it a read. Just make sure custom boss mods load BEFORE SWAG.

Special thanks to SSH for the new boss mod! 8)

Version 1.2.3


Created May 19th, 2023 Updated May 19th, 2023

New Features and Improvements

friendly reminder to delete the SWAG/config/patterns folder before installing! (if you have your own patterns and SWAG settings please back those up!)

NEW: Cultists

Cultists have been added to Customs, Woods and Shoreline night raids in their usual live locations but they also respawn every 20 mins. They have their own spawn chance that is configurable in the SWAG config, default is 10% chance except for Factory Night (100% spawn rate).

NEW: 5-man PMC groups

Previously, the largest PMC group you could see was a 4-man - this has been improved so that now there is a rare chance (~3%, default) a 5-man PMC group will spawn in your raid. This can be adjusted with the pmcGroupChance option in the SWAG config.

NEW: scavWaves option

Tired of dealing with SCAVs? Want a raid full of giga chad PMCs? PMC battle royale? Set this to false and 0 SCAVs will spawn.

NEW: Rogue & Raider spawn chance, per map

Similar to bosses you can now set map-specific spawn chances for Rogues and Raiders. Additionally, if you add Rogues and/or Raiders spawns to a new map you can add it to the SWAG config as well (same as bosses, see README for details).

Other Changes

- SWAG config.json is little more organized and easier to read

- Lots of minor balance tweaks

- Removed Killa's Rogue buddies on Interchange

- Backend improvements

Special thanks to TINYTEETH for testing, you're a LEGEND!

Version 1.2.2


Created Apr 28th, 2023 Updated Apr 28th, 2023

More new stuff!

NEW: pmcGroupChance

pmcGroupChance is a new option (found in SWAG config.json) that represents a certain range of probabilities that the START-OF-RAID PMCs will spawn solo or in a group.

"none" - no groups, all solo

"low" - mostly solo, rare duos, even more rare trios, no quads

"asonline" (default) - ~70% solo, ~20% duos, rare trios, rare quads

"high" - lower chances of solo, mostly duos and trios, some quads

"max" - no solos, no duos, 50/50 chance of trios and quads

The probabilities for all PMCs will re-roll every raid - that means group chance will fluctuate each raid (within the range of your chosen "pmcGroupChance") so that start-of-raid PMCs will have some added randomness in that regard, just like live. you may end up in a quiet raid with a bunch of solo Timmys or a packed raid with lots of groups and everywhere in-between - the choice is yours.

Please keep in mind that increasing group chance will spawn more PMCs in your raids at the start (obviously) so you may want to adjust other settings as well so that things stay somewhat balanced (like bot caps, "pmcChance", etc...)

example Customs raid, 40 max bot cap

pmcChance: 100

pmcGroupChance: "max"

welcome to PMC hell


NEW: BossChance per boss, per map

I've added the ability to set different spawn chances for named bosses that spawn in multiple maps:

"BossChance": { "glukhar": { "reserve": 25, "streets": 15 }, "killa": { "interchange": 25, "streets": 15 }, "tagilla": { "factory": 25 }, "zryachiy": { "lighthouse": 100 }, "sanitar": { "shoreline": 25 }, "reshala": { "customs": 25 }, "shturman": { "woods": 25 }, "goons": { "customs": 25, "woods": 22, "shoreline": 22, "lighthouse": 25 } }, (OPTIONAL): if you decide to add bosses to other maps in the SWAG patterns you can add that map to the above config and set the boss chance for that map.

Example - I want Killa (no guards) to 100% spawn in Factory

{ "Name": "Killa", "BossName": "bosskilla", "BossEscortType": "exusec", "BossEscortAmount": "0", "Time": -1, "Supports": null, "RandomTimeSpawn": false, "OnlySpawnOnce": true, "BossZone": ["BotZone"] now add it to the config:

"killa": { "interchange": 25, "streets": 15, "factory": 100 } thanks to those who suggested the idea!

FIXED: Rogue chance, Raider chance

There may have been times when rogue/raider chances weren't being set properly - this has been fixed.

Other Changes:

None! No tuning this time - HOWEVER... please backup all of your configs before updating! Just in case you've made your own changes, don't lose them!

Version 1.2.1


Created Apr 21st, 2023 Updated Apr 21st, 2023

New stuff!

NEW: Realism Compatibility

If you use Realism's "Bot Changes" option (tiered bot loadouts) and SWAG (or perhaps other spawn mods), you may have noticed more PMCs than you had been expecting in your raids. SWAG will now properly disable any bot conversion each raid so that Realism PMCs will abide by only SWAG spawns. just be sure you have SWAG load AFTER Realism (it should by default unless you rename your mod folders)


NEW: Night Raid Max Bot Caps

You can now set a separate set of max bot caps for night time raids. This is useful for those who enjoy the normal chaos of higher bot caps but prefer a quieter time at night for a more immersive "live" experience. Defaults are the same as day time caps so feel free to adjust as you see fit.

NEW:: pmcChance

Added a new option "pmcChance" to config.json. Similar to "BossChance", this affects the spawn chance of all START-OF-RAID PMCs.

Default is 60. To compensate for this I've added additional start-of-raid PMC spawns throughout some parts of each map. So, if you want a lot of starting PMCs then crank this up to 100, if you don't want any PMCs in your raid set this to 0, etc...

Keep in mind that this is currently balanced around "pmcWaves: true", so feel free to play around with this setting.

Huge thanks to the legend Realism's creator Fontaine for dealing with my annoying questions!

Version 1.2.0


Created Apr 11th, 2023 Updated Apr 11th, 2023

New features and Improvements

NEW: Individual BossChance

Now you can define a "BossChance" for each individual named boss:

"BossChance": {
"gluhar": 20,
"killa": 20,
"tagilla": 20,
"zryachiy": 100,
"sanitar": 20,
"reshala": 20,
"shturman": 20,
"goons": 20

NEW: RogueChance, RaiderChance

Additionally I've added the ability to define chance for Raiders and Rogues. Keep in mind that this applies to ALL Raider and Rogue spawns, including triggered spawns (such as D2 or Labs exfils, for example) and waves. Defaults are 80 each.

"RogueChance": 80,
"RaiderChance": 80,

NEW: Define your own BossChance for any boss spawn (includes ALL bots)

You can now define your own BossChance, if desired, to any boss spawn. This includes named bosses, PMCs, Raiders and Rogues.

Example: add "BossChance": 50 to this PMC spawn in customs_pmc.json

"Name": "sptusec",
"BossName": "sptusec",
"BossZone": ["ZoneBlockPost"],
"BossEscortType": "sptusec",
"BossEscortAmount": "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1",
"BossChance": 50,
"Time": -1,
"Supports": null,
"RandomTimeSpawn": false,
"OnlySpawnOnce": true

Useful for anyone who wants some more randomness and experimentation.

Map Changes & Tuning

Friendly reminder: pmcWaves is set to true by default, so if you want more SCAVs and fewer PMCs then you probably want pmcWaves set to false

All Maps

- increased MaxBotPerZone: 6 > 8

- decreased default pmcSpawnWeight: 25 > 20

- increased default scavSpawnWeight: 75 > 80

- initial SCAV waves should now spawn a little earlier (<2 mins)

- initial SCAV waves will now spawn in ALL zones (previously random zones), so maps will fill a little faster early on


- increased max bot cap: 24 > 25

- increased spawns at Dorms and Customs (Big Red, Trailer Park area)


- shortened wave intervals


- added additional waves in certain larger zones (Goshan, IDEA, etc.)


- all Raider spawns now use RaiderChance (in config.json)


- all Rogue spawns now use RogueChance (in config.json)

- added SCAV waves to Water Treatment zones

- PMC waves now spawn earlier at Water Treatment zones


- all Raider spawns now use RogueChance (in config.json)


- increased max bot cap: 26 > 28

- added SCAV waves to larger zones


- increased max bot cap: 24 > 25


- increased max bot cap: 26 > 27

- added SCAV waves in larger zones

Special thanks to Statue, PattyPN and others from the SPT Discord who have been a great help testing and providing great feedback!

Version 1.1.11


Created Mar 30th, 2023 Updated Mar 30th, 2023

New stuff, Fixes and Tuning

NEW: How-To Guide on Modifying SWAG Spawns

I've added a short guide on how to modify or add your own spawns to any SWAG pattern. If there is anything I should add please let me know!

NEW: SWAG triggered waves

Since default waves are now disabled I've manually re-added them as SWAG spawns (Labs extracts, Reserve D2, Hermetic Door, etc.) and kept them to their original vanilla SPT values.

FIXED: Streets zone typo

Streets zone "ZoneCarShowroom" was spelled incorrectly for some spawns, this has been fixed. So, Lexos (car dealearship) in particular should be a bit more lively now.


Map Changes & Tuning

All Maps

- slight increase to scavSpawnWeight: 70 > 75


- added SCAV wave at Customs and Factory zones

- shortened PMC/SCAV wave intervals


- added additional SCAV wave

- shortened PMC wave interval


- added triggered Raiders


- added triggered Raiders


- increased max bot cap: 26 > 28


- shortened PMC/SCAV wave intervals

- added SCAV wave in 5 zones


Other Changes

Spawn Definitions

- "BossZone" can now be set to null (SWAG will just pick a random zone)

Version 1.1.10


Created Mar 27th, 2023 Updated Mar 27th, 2023

Major Fixes

FIXED: 1st Raid "Bug"

1st raid bug is GONE! All patterns will now load properly when you start your game, no need to quit/restart/etc.

Special thanks to Props and DrakiaXYZ for debugging and finding the fix!

FIXED: Disabled "triggered waves"

I've had triggered waves left on which has introduced unexpected boss spawns in some raids (this is my fault, sorry!) - this is now set to "false" as originally intended so that all bosses spawn as expected going forward (seriously this time)

Version 1.1.9


Created Mar 25th, 2023 Updated Mar 25th, 2023

Fixes and Improvements

This version supports SWAG 1.4.3

Install SWAG first!

NEW: PMC waves on different time intervals at POIs and other areas

I've added the ability to add separate PMC (or SCAV) waves to each map, at specific zones in specific time intervals.

I'll explain with an example:


PMC waves at each zone

12-40 min.

(NEW) PMC wave at Dorms

10-20 min.



PMC waves at each zone

20-45 min.

(NEW) PMC waves at Resort, Port

10-35 min.


Generally speaking you'll likely see more activity in your raids so feel free to tweak your config as you see fit. You can add, remove or change any of the spawns configured in my patterns.

FIXED: Patterns with incorrect wave intervals

In previous versions certain wave patterns weren't being configured correctly for certain maps (Streets, Woods and a few others).

This has been fixed and tested so all patterns should be accurate and spawning as they should going forward. Now you can define as many bots as you'd like per any zone, at any given time intervals.

FIXED: 2x bosses

HOPEFULLY this is gone forever - rather than letting the game decide what zones for bosses to spawn in, I've modified SWAG to handle this instead. So going forward, any zones that are defined for bosses are chosen randomly each raid. In other words, if Reshala can spawn at Gas or Dorms, SWAG will only pick one randomly so that no 2x boss weirdness happens.

FIXED: Factory Night Cultists

Cultists now spawn as boss spawns instead of "normal" waves. Their AI should behave normally as boss spawns going forward.

Other Changes


- added PMC wave at Dorms

- added SCAV wave at Dorms


- added PMC waves at Goshan, IDEA and OLI


- added PMC waves at Barracks, Rail Storage, Bunker Storage

- added SCAV waves at Barracks, Rail Storage, PTOR1 and PTOR2


- Zryachiy is now a 100% spawn (UNLESS you have BossChance set to 0)

- if Zryachiy does not spawn (BossChance: 0) then a group of Rogues will spawn at the Lighthouse instead

- added PMC and SCAV spawns to Chalet and Long Road


- added PMC waves to Resort, Port


- added PMC waves to Hotel, Concordia, Car dealership

- increased max bot cap: 22 > 24


- added PMC waves to Mini House, Red House, Wood Cutter, House

Version 1.1.8


Created Mar 22nd, 2023 Updated Mar 22nd, 2023

Fixes and Tuning

All Maps

- decreased PMC weight 30 > 25

- decreased SCAV weight 80 > 70


- minor increase to PMC waves


- Fixed "Zone_Hellicopter" typo (nothing was spawning in this zone previously, sorry about that)

Special thanks to PattyPN for helping me test and find the zone issue!

Version 1.1.7


Created Mar 22nd, 2023 Updated Mar 22nd, 2023

Another big update

NEW: More Spawn Re-work

I've re-worked all spawns (again) so that PMCs and SCAVs spawn in different time intervals.

if pmcWaves is true, what you should expect in your raids:

- start of raid PMCs

- start of raid SCAVs shortly after (~1-3 mins)

- SCAV waves on specific intervals

Example: Customs (live raid length: 40 min)


27-42 min

42-57 min


where SCAVs can spawn in each zone around the map at some point within each interval.

PMC waves on specific intervals

Example Customs (live raid length: 40 min)

15-40 min

40-65 min (if extended raids)


where PMCs can spawn in each zone around the map at some point within each interval.

However, it's not guaranteed - each PMC wave spawn is a random faction (USEC/BEAR) and also has a 80% chance to "roll low", which means a PMC has a 80% chance to either spawn solo or not spawn at all. Hopefully this will help ease the spam of PMCs throughout the raid even with pmcWaves set to true.

This progresses toward the ultimate goal of emulating the live "feel" of raids, where action and spawns in general are on a gradual, downward curve over time, but also being able to support raids that go on for hours.

NEW: pmcWaves default is now true

The motivation behind this is purely personal preference - I just like a good bit of PvP and extended raids.

if you're not sure which to choose...**

If you want more of a "purist" live experience where PMC numbers are finite, set pmcWaves: false

(note: for those who enjoy the behavior of 1.1.6, setting this to false will be just about the same as that)

if you:

- play long raids (1 hr+)

- enjoy lots of PvP all over the map

then set pmcWaves: true (default)

My personal recommendation is set it true and play longer raids.

NEW: pmcSpawnWeight & scavSpawnWeight

These are values that determine a chance to reduce a number of spawns in each wave. So, generally speaking:

If you want more SCAVs and/or PMCs, then you want a higher number.

If you want fewer SCAVs and/or PMCs, go low.


pmcSpawnWeight: 30

scavSpawnWeight: 80

These numbers are far from perfect so feel free to play around with them.

NEW: ScavInLabs (default: false)

Want to see poor bastard SCAVs in Labs? Set this to "true" and your normal SCAV waves should show up throughout the raid.


- Factory and Factory Night

Tagilla and PMC/SCAV spawns are fixed. Similarly, cultists spawns work as intended.

Other changes:

- increased random wave timer (SCAV timer)

- this is to help balance out the additional "refresher" SCAV waves as described above


- added possible mid-late raid PMC spawns to treatment zones


- significantly decreased timed Raider spawns underground... but also added a Raider wave mid-raid

Version 1.1.6


Created Mar 18th, 2023 Updated Mar 18th, 2023

Big Update**

NEW: pmcWaves

(default: false)

If "false", there will be no random PMC spawns throughout your raid - meaning, the only PMCs that will spawn will be at the very beginning, all spawns after that will be SCAVs.

If "true", adds a small number of random PMC waves throughout your raid. Additionally, adds more PMC posssible group spawns at POIs (Dorms, Resort).

Set this to "true" if you want more PvP and or just want more PMCs in your raid in general OR if you have higher max bot caps (otherwise you'll get flooded with only SCAVs)

NEW: Spawn overhaul

Using the default settings what you should expect to see in you raids:

- PMC spawns spread around the map at the start of every raid

- SCAV waves throughout the duration of the raid

If using "pmcWaves: true", what you should expect:

- PMC spawns spread around the map at the start of every raid

- SCAV spawns shortly after

- SCAV waves throughout the duration of the raid

- small number of PMC waves throughout the duration of the raid

- PMC spawns at POIs throughout the duration of the raid (Dorms, Resort, etc.)

Fixed 4 Major Issues

SCAVs in Labs

No more SCAVs in Labs. What you should expect from Labs raids:

- PMC possible groups at the start

- Raider group spawns every 200 seconds

- no random waves (default: pmcWaves: false)


BossChance is now a flat percentage chance for bosses to spawn in your raid. Set it to 100 to have all bosses spawn (according to the map) or 0 to have no bosses spawn.

No sniper SCAVs

I've added a new option, "SniperChance", which is a flat percentage chance for snipers to spawn in your raid. They will spawn immediately (if they do) like bosses. Snipers spawns have been added in their familiar spawn locations.

Rogues in Lighthouse

Rogues actually spawn in Lighthouse now in every raid and they'll spawn in their usual zones from live (water treament/military camp)

To Install

1. delete your "patterns" folder (SWAG/config/patterns)

2. download the .zip, extract/copy/paste and overwrite into your SWAG folder: "user/mods/SWAG/"

3. play the game

IMPORTANT: SWAG patterns may not load properly until your 2nd raid!

If you're experiencing weird spawns in your 1st raid after loading up the game, quit (SVM safe exit is a nice option) and re-load into your 2nd raid and you should be good to go.

Full Changelog

All maps:

- PMC start-of-raid spawns added to all maps and most* zones

-*since we won't be seeing random PMCs in our raids (default) I wanted to at least spread the starting PMCs around the map

- removed PMC waves (default: pmcWaves: false)

- added sniper SCAVs (Customs, Woods, Streets, Shoreline, Lighthouse)

Special thanks to rihtari, Riddy, Zybergeris, JacksonBrownPants, and JussAren from the SPT Discord for helping me test, Skwizzy for their contributions to SWAG and other mods, and a huge shoutout to Props for dealing with my annoying questions and creating so many great mods. Good luck, have fun!

Version 1.1.5


Created Mar 12th, 2023 Updated Mar 12th, 2023

Please delete your "patterns" folder first!


PMC/SCAV ratio should be improved significantly in all maps.

Instead of a PMC scheduled to spawn in every wave now there are some waves that are SCAV only - this is to help balance out the PMC/SCAV ratio. Thanks to all who tested spawns for me in their raids!

Also, wave timers have been slightly reduced (so, slightly faster waves)

Other changes:

- fixed Reserve bot cap not setting correctly

- improvements to PMC spawns in Labs

Version 1.1.4


Created Mar 11th, 2023 Updated Mar 11th, 2023

Please delete your "patterns" folder first!

- Fixed Factory and Factory Night spawns not being on random wave timers (they should be, like the other maps, my mistake!)

Version 1.1.3


Created Mar 11th, 2023 Updated Mar 11th, 2023

Lots of changes

Please delete your SWAG/config/patterns folder before installing this version!

The older versions (<1.1.3) have the "all.json" pattern which is old and no longer needed. Keeping it around wouldn't break things, you would just get additional spawns than intended.

I've completely disabled vanilla SPT spawns from my presets, but still keeping "triggered" waves:

"UseDefaultSpawns": { "Waves": false, "Bosses": false, "TriggeredWaves": true } What does this mean?

Some things will behave differently:

- maps will still get full but a little slower

- since spawns will now only generate from SWAG there shouldn't be as much spawn spam, especially at the start

- first spawns will start a little later

- you may be used to seeing bots start spawning in almost immediately - instead, it may be 60-120 seconds before the first wave begins

- you will likely encounter more PMCs earlier, then more SCAVs later

- I've tried to have more PMCs spawn near the start of raids close to actual PMC spawns from live

- additionally, I've split up the PMC and SCAV waves so that PMC waves start on a downward curve and the SCAV waves start on an upward curve, sort of. It's far from perfect so more testing will be needed

Some other cool stuff...

- fixes 2x bosses some people have been seeing in raids

- all SCAV sniper spawns have been re-worked are 100% configurable

- spawn location, time and amount are all adjustable per map or can be entirely removed, if desired

- snipers only spawn once now (may change in the future)

- all Rogue and Raider spawns are 100% configurable

- spawn location, time and amount are all adjustable per map or can be removed,if desired

- improved zone parity

- we should hopefully see even better spread out spawns going forward rather than clumps of spawns sandwiched on one side of the map

Known Issues

- SCAVs in Labs

yeah, I've seen them too. We may need a SWAG update to work around this, but in the meantime, there's an easy manual fix which is to simply remove the "all_scav.json" file prior to going to Labs. Just remember to add it back before playing other maps, otherwise you probably won't see any SCAVs in your other raids.

- too many PMCs

this is something that I'll tune over time - needs more full raid testing for consistent results. Some raids I'll see very few SCAVs, some I'll see too many. Regardless, more improvements to come. Keep in mind this is also something that may vary depending on your mod list - if your PMCs are cracked then they'll probably kill every SCAV they see.

Other changes:

- slightly increased time between waves

- despite removing vanilla SPT waves I've also added a lot more wave spawns from SWAG. So, to try to keep things balanced I've spaced out waves a bit more

- debug output turned off by default (to reduce the amount of spawn config spam in your server console)

Max bot caps adjusted:

Customs: 25 > 24

Woods: 25 > 26

Streets: 25 > 24

Factory: 16 > 15

Shoreline: 25 > 26

Interchange: 25 > 24

Reserve: 25 > 24

MaxBotPerZone: 7 > 6

gl hf - please leave me some feedback for further improvements!

Version 1.1.2


Created Mar 9th, 2023 Updated Mar 9th, 2023


All maps

- minor increase to SCAVs for each wave

Factory and Factory Night

- fixed Tagilla spawn so it's no longer random (start of raid)


- added more PMC spawns in outdoor zones


- minor PMC spawn timing adjustments at Dorms


- added more Rogues to all Treatment zones


- added more PMC spawns to Resort


- added more Raiders because why not


- added more PMC spawns at Barracks

Version 1.1.1


Created Mar 9th, 2023 Updated Mar 9th, 2023

**Changelog It's possible KIilla spawning randomly could cause 2 Killa spawns in some raids so this version should fix that (hopefully) along with some minor adjustments.

All Maps

- minor increase to SCAV waves

- minor increase to wave intervals


- fixed Killa to spawn at the start of raid (was random)


- fixed Killa to spawn at the start of raid (was random)


- minor decrease to D2 Raiders (was regularly seeing 5+)

Version 1.1.0


Created Mar 9th, 2023 Updated Mar 9th, 2023

Compatible with SWAG 1.4.2 by Props


Added Factory Night

- random Tagilla spawn (just once)

- waves of Cultists

All maps

- changed "OnlySpawnOnce" to false for all spawns so that they can be used in waves


- more Dorms activity throughout the raid


- more PMCs in apartments, hotel and car dealership


- more PMCs at Resort


- more PMCs at Woodcutter

Please feel free to leave me any feedback, it's greatly appreciated!

Version 1.0.0


Created Mar 8th, 2023 Updated Mar 8th, 2023
Version 0.0.0


Created Apr 29th, 2023 Updated Apr 29th, 2023

When pmcGroupChance is set to "asonline" (default) there were more groups than intended. This has been fixed, sorry about the trouble!

Thanks to emze for reporting this!

Version 0.0.0


Created May 1st, 2023 Updated May 1st, 2023


- Customs boss chances were not being set properly (Reshala, Goons) - this has been fixed

Other Changes

- Factory and Labs improvements - they should be a bit more lively now especially near the start of raids

thanks to notAlig for reporting the issue!

Version 0.0.0


Created Mar 30th, 2023 Updated Mar 30th, 2023

HOTFIX: BossZone "null" was causing errors, should be fixed now (sorry!)

Version 0.0.0


Created Jun 10th, 2023 Updated Jun 10th, 2023

FIXED: console errors (reading 'customs')

this fixes a bug introduced in 1.2.4 - sorry about the issues!

Not quite yet...