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Mod Details

Universal Ammo

Universal Ammo 1.0.7

Created by Tyrian


SPT 3.7.6 Compatible

Pretty simple, it allows every weapon and magazine in the game to utilize the ammo of any ammo in the game.


**SVM's "All Items Examined" setting conflicts with this mod, as well as some other mods like Valens AIO, any mod that might change how an items filters works can conflict with this mod. Load this mod BEFORE those mods in your load order in order to fix this issue.

Use with a profile created with the mods SPT version, using outdated profiles may break.

Seeing as Silver Bullets is no longer getting updated and the mod doesn't work any more, I've essentially made my own version that pushes all ammunition into the filters of all chambers of a weapon and all the filters of magazines so that any ammo may be used in them.

Bots -

Bots do not generate with random ammunition added by this list, unknown as to why but that's likely a blessing. They WILL however reload their empty magazines with whatever ammunition they have available in their inventory.

Readme -

Below are the settings within config.json and what they do

"WhitelistEmplacementAmmos" - This is used to enable whitelisting Emplacement Ammo's to be pushed to weapon and magazine filters, sadly enabling this option causes infinite loading issues due to weird BSG client-side programming that throws an error on adding emplacement ammo into a loose loot spawn magazine. Disabled by default. Enabling this will also enable a 'fix' that essentially removes the fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge function, fixing infinite load issues due to loose loot magazine errors.

"WhitelistShrapnelAmmos" - Enables shrapnel ammunition to be put into magazines, bit silly imo, but the option is there. May cause issues with shrapnel. Disabled by default. Enabling this will also enable a 'fix' that essentially removes the fillMagazineWithRandomCartridge function, fixing infinite load issues due to loose loot magazine errors.

"BlacklistEmplacementWeapons" - This blacklists emplacements from having other ammo's pushed to their ammo filters, disabling this may cause issues with emplacements.

Installation: Goes into user/mods/

If you'd like to support my creations I do have a Ko-fi. (This is not for commissions, I do not do them and they are against SPT policy.) -

Version 1.0.7


Created May 5th, 2023 Updated May 5th, 2023

Still works on 3.7.x+

The M32A1 cylinder magazine, for some unknown reason, is not included in the cylindermagazine base classes. It is, essentially an edgecase. Thus it was not being added to the magazine pool, this has now been fixed.

Version 1.0.6


Created May 1st, 2023 Updated May 1st, 2023

Improved compatibility with SVM, thanks to Jehree.

Version 1.0.5


Created Apr 14th, 2023 Updated Apr 14th, 2023

Properly fixed Emplacement Ammo's by pushing them to the staticAmmo pool. Now loose magazines and loose loot will correctly generate if emplacement ammos are enabled.

Refactored certain code.

Removed unused code.

Many thanks to Chomp, Kaeno, Kiobu, and many others for assisting me.

Version 1.0.4


Created Apr 11th, 2023 Updated Apr 11th, 2023

Fixxed issues caused by removed ammo types from items.json causing issues with bot generation. Ammo removed from array.

Version 1.0.3


Created Mar 31st, 2023 Updated Mar 31st, 2023

So, guess who figured out how to fix the infinite loading loose loot magazine issues when emplacement ammo's were enabled?

That's right, now you can get into your raids with 'EmplacementAmmos' enabled, no longer is it just a fun 'hideout' feature.

By replacing the function causing the issues in the first place, it hopefully fixes those issues for good.

Version 1.0.2


Created Mar 31st, 2023 Updated Mar 31st, 2023

Adds a config.json along with a readme file within the config folder to enable/disable game breaking features, these are disabled by default to prevent game breaking issues.

Version 1.0.1


Created Mar 29th, 2023 Updated Mar 29th, 2023

Added in requested ammo types.

My apologies to those having conflicting issues with other mods, specifically SVM. Loading SVM after my mod fixes the issues. Not sure what's causing it however, as the All Items Examined setting does not mess with ammunition filters at all. Perhaps it somehow breaks filters in general, I'm not sure and sadly lack the time to look into it completely.

Version 1.0.0


Created Mar 28th, 2023 Updated Mar 28th, 2023

Use this version if you're having issues with the above versions addition of the AGS and UTYOS ammunition.

Not quite yet...