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Mod Details

Return of the Sniper Scav

Return of the Sniper Scav 1.0.0

Created by Mighty_Condor


SPT 3.6.1 Compatible

A simple mod that returns our cheeki breeki friends to their eternal posts on shoreline's power station and woods's sniper rock.

NOTE: This mod should not be needed on SPT versions 3.5.5 and later as the SPT devs have fixed these sniper scavs not spawning!

The only things this mod changes is the shoreline power station sniper scav and woods sniper rock sniper scav. They should both spawn now, as in vanilla SPT it seems they do not because BSG removed them from the offline mode.

Note that this might have a performance impact due to the presence of an additional bot.

Also I do not know how this interacts with other mods that tackle bot spawns. They might also have fixed this issue themselves!

May the sniper scavs stand watch once again. o7


Download the .zip file, extract all, and add the folder MC-SNIPERSCAV to your user/mods/ folder in SPT. Make sure it is just the folder with all of the contents, not a folder with another MC-SNIPERSCAV folder inside of it, else the mod will probably throw an error!

The directory should look like this:


and not this:



There should be no special consequences to removing this mod, simply delete it from your mods folder!

Let me know if there are any issues with it!

Version 1.0.0


Created Mar 29th, 2023 Updated Jan 8th, 6:33 PM

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