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Mod Details

Sensible Universal Weapon Mods

Sensible Universal Weapon Mods 1.1.7

Created by Tyrian


SPT 3.7.6 Compatible

This mod allows you to use, within a 'sensible' manner, any mods within their given weapon slot. All handguards can be used by a weapon that uses handguards, all pistol grips can be used on a weapon that uses pistol grips. So on and so forth. Bots Gen.

Allows you to use almost any weapon modification on their appropriately expected slot on a weapon. Handguards into handguard slots, stocks on stock slots, muzzle devices of all types may go on all barrels.

(Enable SensibleModsExtended to add certain mod types to other slots)

Use with Universal Ammo mod for increased modification. (Universal Magazines.)

Warning -

Bot Generation may take longer due to the amount of mods that bot generation can now select.

Set "RecursionLimiter" lower if you are not using the default VanillaModLoadouts Setting. 50-60% is a good setting. Anything lower will severely reduce mods that bots will use. 0% makes it so they won't generate properly.

Use with a profile created with the mods SPT version, using outdated profiles may break.

Don't want bots generating with random shit? Have issues with bots generating at all?

Make sure BotsUseVanillaModLoadouts is set to 'true', if you still have issues Your best bet is to use Fontaines Realism mod and use the bot progression system in it, it overwrites bot gen with pre-set loadouts. (Bot Changes Setting)

Config -

"Universal(WeaponSlotName)" true, -- Enabling/Disabling this will enable or disable the specific slot for Universal mod pushing.

"SensibleModsExtended": false, -- Enabling this will provide a few more 'sensible' mod slot pushes.

"RemoveVanillaModConflicts": false, -- Enabling this will remove conflicts for mod items being incompatible with other mod items.

"TrulyCursed": false, -- Enabling this makes every mod capable to be put on every slot. Go crazy.

"RecursionLimiter": "100%", -- This limits how much recursion is done on mod slots, try lowering it if you have performance issues or slow bot generation. Ranges from 100% to 0%, be sure to keep the % after the number. Don't go over 100% either. Does not do anything if VanillaModLoadouts is enabled.

"BotsUseVanillaModLoadouts": true -- This makes bots use separate weapon generation rules made especially for them, this means no wacky bot weapons. Only YOU get to use the wacky shit.

Installation -

Goes in users/mods.

If you'd like to support my creations I do have a Ko-fi. (This is not for commissions, I do not do them and they are against SPT policy.) -

Version 1.1.7


Created May 10th, 2023 Updated May 10th, 2023

Still works on 3.7.x+
Incompatible with - "ALGORITHMIC LEVEL PROGRESSION" (And other mods that change how bots spawn, like possibly realism. Unknown.)

Fixed the "RemoveVanillaModConflicts" setting not completely working.

Version 1.1.6


Created May 10th, 2023 Updated May 10th, 2023

Added two more config settings, "UniversalMuzzleAdapters" & "UniversalMuzzleDevicesOnAdapters". UniversalMuzzleAdapters is rather obviously, to enable Universal Muzzle Adapters on barrels and UniversalMuzzleDevicesOnAdapters is so that Muzzle Devices can go onto *all* Adapters.

Also fixed is weapons that don't technically have a 'Barrel', weapons like the SKS for example don't have a barrel slot and thus because the SKS's barrel is part of the entire weapon it never had any of the muzzle devices pushed to it. That's been fixed.


Version 1.1.5


Created May 8th, 2023 Updated May 8th, 2023

Essentially I remade the entire implementation I had that allowed bots to use vanilla mod setups. The original implementation, while it worked, seemed to spam the in game client console with airdrop errors. This has been fixed.

The new implementation also seems to be better for performance in general, as well as bot generation issues created with the prior implementation.

With the removal of the custom database server and custom items.json, I hope this new update provides you all with better bot generation and performance.

Please let me know!

Version 1.1.4 was/is broken, use this instead.

Version 1.1.4


Created May 8th, 2023 Updated May 8th, 2023

Broken, do not use. Please use v1.1.5 or v.1.1.3

Version 1.1.3


Created May 7th, 2023 Updated May 7th, 2023

Added the ability to enable and disable which slots you want to be 'Universal' or not. Has a config for each slot. Also optimized the size of the custom items.json by removing items not required for weapon generation. Also optimized the code so that it doesn't create a new database server if you have Vanilla Loadouts set to false.

Version 1.1.2


Created May 5th, 2023 Updated May 5th, 2023

SensibleModsExtended config opens up modding even more now.

Added a new config setting called "RemoveVanillaModConflicts" that removes vanilla mod conflicts on item slots.

Version 1.1.1


Created May 5th, 2023 Updated May 5th, 2023

Pretty much exactly the same as the previous release, however I pushed a fix that stops it from spamming your console and also fixed the logic behind it.

Version 1.1.0


Created May 4th, 2023 Updated May 4th, 2023

After hours of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will, with the guidance of others and a huge helping hand from Gasmo, S.U.W.M can now generate weapon mods more efficiently than ever before.

On top of that comes a new feature, after learning how to create my own database server and tables I have created a separate items.json that the bots use for their weapon generation. This means, that by enabling the provided setting in the config, that only YOU will be the beholder of wacky!

Provided also within the config folder is an optimization feature. A 'Recursion Limiter'. Set to 100% as default, lowering this value will 'reduce' the amount of mod recursion, making the mod easier on your computer. This works by randomly selecting an amount from the slot filters. At 50% it will randomly select 50% of the available mods in the filter. So on and so forth.

Have fun!

Version 1.0.3


Created May 2nd, 2023 Updated May 2nd, 2023

Opened up modding even more, bot generation ability may vary. Use the aforementioned fix if you have bot generation issues.

Version 1.0.2


Created May 1st, 2023 Updated May 1st, 2023

Added a new config file with "AllHellBreaksLoose" setting. Disabled by default. Opens up more modding capability.

By enabling this you understand that bots WILL fail to generate, unless you are using a mod that overwrites bot weapon generation such as Fontaines Realism with his Bot Changes setting.

Version 1.0.1


Created Apr 23rd, 2023 Updated Apr 23rd, 2023

Fixed magazines not being pushed correctly when Universal Ammo is in mods folder.

Version 1.0.0


Created Apr 17th, 2023 Updated Apr 17th, 2023

Not quite yet...