The Forge is currently under heavy construction. Expect nothing to work. Data is reset every hour.

Mod Details

Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM

Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM 1.7

Created by Oraceon


SPT 3.8.3 Compatible

Do you struggle to find a suitable preset that balances challenge and fairness for a single player experience? Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM aims to be your one-stop-shop preset for those who want to prolong and improve your SPT experience!

Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM -

This mod is a comprehensive preset file for Server Value Modifier that aims to balance Tarkov's MMO-style grind system into something more suitable and acceptable for a single player experience. You can expect balance changes to the hideout, raids, skill points, and loot spawn behavior. The ultimate goal of Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM is to prolong and improve your SPT play-through without taking away the fulfillment of progress or breaking the fundamental experience of vanilla Tarkov.

***** This mod requires KMC Server Value Modifier, developed by GhostFenixx***

*** This mod recommends Always Level Endurance (ALE) by Fontaine for a more complete experience ***

Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM Changes -

Hideout Changes

- Fuel consumption, water filter consumption, and air filter consumption have all been increased, however you will see a significantly faster return when using these resources

- Facility construction time has been completely removed, however required resources remain the same

- Facility production time (such as crafting bullets) has been significantly decreased, however you may still find that you need to run a raid or two before production is finished. This helps negate taking advantage of the faster production times and limits farming

- Bitcoin mining has been completely rebalanced. You may gain Bitcoins faster, but you must keep faster fuel consumption in mind while doing so. It now takes approximately 760 minutes for a single Bitcoin, changed from a base of over 2400 minutes. This can be increased by adding more GPUs to your farm.

- The Scav case has become more useful now by lowering the return time, but the price has been slightly increased to discourage farming

Raid Changes

- Rebalanced air drops slightly. Air drops are now slightly more common on larger maps and less common on smaller maps. The air drop timer has also been modified.

- Scav-PMC cooperative extracts are now paid extracts since you obviously cannot team up with AI scavs as a PMC and extract together. These extracts are rather expensive though at 7500 Roubles base price. This can be lowered with scav karma.

- Car extract timers have been lowered to 20 seconds since there is no need for a 60 second defense timer against players. To counteract this, the base price has been slightly increased to 5500 Roubles. This can be lowered with scav karma.

- Loot spawning has been completely changed. There was way too much loose loot spawning in Vanilla Tarkov as the server had to account for dozens of players interacting with the map and picking up loot. This mod has balanced the system to work better with a single player by cutting loose loot spawns in most locations, while also keeping loot plentiful in key, contested locations. This system has also been found to encourage exploration into less-commonly explored areas for loot. Factory loot remains the same since there's a relatively low amount of it. In combination with the Looting Bots mod and SAIN 2.0 - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement, this creates a very fair but challenging "high risk, high reward" for contested areas or "low risk, low reward" non-contested areas system that has shown to significantly improve and prolong SPT play-throughs.

- Raid experience multipliers have been changed. By default, it takes quite awhile to level up in Tarkov, but a single player game needs something more rewarding. With this mod, you now get twice (2.0) the XP for surviving and extracting a raid! Great right? Broken? Nah, here's why: If you die, you only gain 0.5 experience. But if you go MIA or get a Run-Through, you will only gain 0.7 experience, so don't be too greedy, thinking you can go back for that Goshan manifest with 5 minutes on the clock.

- Player Scaving has been adjusted as well as the amount of karma gained for killing PMCs and hostile scavs to prevent a grindy mess of a game, but stil requiring effort

Skill Changes

- Weapon skill experience has been increased for all weapons in the game, allowing you to master them much more quickly, but still requiring work to do so. Don't expect to get level 3 shotguns in a single raid. It may take you more like 10 or 20.

- Skill experience for skills such as Endurance and Strength have been increased as well. You can now gain skill experience much more quickly, also without gaining max skills in a short time. In conjunction with ALE, this system creates a fair and balanced and rewarding skill-gaining experience for the player. Gone are the days of playing for 500 hours and not even maxing your strength. But don't worry, it'll still take a lot of work!

Many misc. changes have been made as well to further balance the game. You can find the specifics by checking the patchnotes of the current and/or previous updates!

**Installation Instructions

1. Download the file to a folder where you can find it easily, preferably your desktop

2. Navigate to your SPT main directory and go to user>mods>ServerValueModifier>Presets and copy the Oraceon's F&B v1.6 file into the Presets folder

3. Go back to user>mods>ServerValueModifer and run GREED.exe

4. Navigate to the empty box to the right of "Load Preset" and select Oraceon's F&B v1.6

5. Click "Load Preset" then click "Apply" and you're ready to play


5.5. If there is anything you want to change, once those changes are done, be sure you click "apply" again.

*This mod will sometimes be an update ahead or behind SVM. Fair and Balanced Preset will always work with an outdated or updated version of SVM, unless otherwise stated. That being said, it is still recommended to keep both on the same supported version*

** Any feedback in the comments is appreciated as well as honest reviews! I am doing all I can to improve the preset, so any recommendations will be taken into consideration! **

Version 1.7


Created Apr 30th, 2024 Updated Apr 30th, 2024

Update 11: The Pay2Win Unhinged Edition (Now with tactical nuke button)

Tactical nuke not DLC* therefore; not included. What this update actually does is fix boss spawning for those who are using Swag+Donuts. Tagilla and Sanitar should now spawn properly. Shturman not spawning with a Stash key is currently an issue with the version of Tarkov 3.8.0 is on and therefore cannot be fixed for now. This update also balanced mid-game PMC spawns, making sure less scav spawns are replaced with PMCs as the default value was too high. Using a mod that uses custom spawns will overwrite this.**

Miscellaneous changes

- everything as stated above in the description

** All changes have been tested to work with the latest version of SVM and *may not* work on older versions. Please post feedback in the comments! It may contribute to future updates! Thank you to GhostFenixx for their continued development of SVM; this preset and many others would not be possible without their hard work! **

Version 1.6.3


Created Apr 24th, 2024 Updated Apr 24th, 2024

Update 10: The Feedback Update

I have taken a lot of feedback from users of the Fair and Balanced preset and incorporated the changes that I believe stayed true to the fair and balanced experience of SPT. Furthermore, some games were made as a result of personal testing alongside user recommendations. Thank you for your continued support of the preset, and I hope the new changes help to improve your SPT experience. Always Level Endurance has been updated to 3.8.0! Be sure to install it for the best experience!**

Miscellaneous changes

- A max level bitcoin farm generated Bitcoins way too quickly and it was basically an OP money farm. Bitcoin farming has been rebalanced

- Air filter usage rate re-balanced has been re-added to the preset; This was something that was missing compared to the pre-Update 8 versions. Air filter usage rate has been increased overall by 20% to account for the faster gaining of skills and fuel consumption

- Hideout production time has been slightly increased after a lot of testing. Items will still craft quickly, however, they're not in that odd crafting timezone where its not enough time to wait by running a raid but its also too long to just sit in your stash and wait. Now most items should take approximately 1 quick raid to complete, where the rarer or more valuable items will take a few hours to complete, but still days of less compared to Vanilla

- Hideout construction time has been further balanced for the same reasons as above; however, this mostly applies to mid-to-late-game construction as most early game construction will still be done almost instantly. Mid game and later construction should take on average, about 1 full raid to complete

- Increased the amount of loot spawning on Interchange to both further balance it as well as better tie into the current Live version of Tarkov with buffed Interchange loot (Still not as OP as live)

**- Fixed AI PMCs of the same faction not always being hostile

**- Slightly further increased the rate at which the player gains skillpoints

- Added some supporter names to the PMC pool

** All changes have been tested to work with the latest version of SVM and *may not* work on older versions. Please post feedback in the comments! It may contribute to future updates! Thank you to GhostFenixx for their continued development of SVM; this preset and many others would not be possible without their hard work! **

Version 1.6.2


Created Apr 17th, 2024 Updated Apr 17th, 2024

Update 9: Post Launch Tweaks and Balance Changes

After extensive personal testing as well as some feedback, I have concluded that there were two main issues with Update 8. Boss and other challenging AI spawning was just too high, especially consider most people at this point in time will be a lower level characters. The second issue I have found was that Fence is too nerfed from his vanilla version.**

Miscellaneous changes

- Adjusted boss spawning across all maps. Bosses will now spawn slightly less on all maps. (From 30% to 20%) *except* Tagilla, which has a 50% chance to spawn on Factory night and Cultists

- AI now have a slightly larger chance of dropping weapons with above average durability

- Fence now has 125 items for sale per restock instead of the previous 100

- Fence will now gain an extra 75 items for sale per restock if the player reaches max trader level with Fence (the previous version was 50 items)

- Added some fun new names to the PMC name pool!

Please note that if you would like your name added to future versions Oraceon's Fair and Balanced Preset, then please submit feedback in the comments and give the mod page an upvote reaction, and I will add your name to future versions.

** All changes have been tested to work with the latest version of SVM and

*may not* work on older versions. Thank you to GhostFenixx for their continued development of SVM; this preset and many others would not be possible without their hard work! **

Version 1.6.1


Created Apr 5th, 2024 Updated Apr 5th, 2024

Update 8.1 (HOTFIX - Please use this) The previous version had the correct setting selected, but they were not properly enabled. This version should fix that. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Version 1.6


Created Apr 5th, 2024 Updated Apr 5th, 2024

Update 8: A Fresh Look

There have been many changes made to SVM since last updating my preset. That being said, I had to recreate everything from scratch due to the new SVM using the .json format for its presets now. Not everything may be implemented as intended, but I did try my best for a good first version. Most, if not all, of the changes from the previous versions should be here. If you encounter any issues, please report them, and I will do my best to look into it. Expect hotfixes coming the next few days!**

Miscellaneous changes

- Slightly lowered the Fence item multiplier

- Slightly increased the Fence gun build multiplier

- Made armor and weapons sold from Fence more likely to have a higher, usable durability

- Slightly decreased Fence's maximum restock time from 150 to 120

- Increased insurance storage time from 36 hours to 48 hours

- Tweaked insurance return chances and prices (Therapist is faster and more expensive with a 70% return rate; Prapor is less expensive with a higher 90% return rate, but can be twice as long as Therapist to return items)

- Therapist will now heal players for free up to level 8 or until 15 raids total

- Factory Night has roughly 33% more loot than Factory Day

- Tweaked hydration and hunger rates slightly

- Slightly decreased energy and hydration loss rates with a blacked stomach

- Tweaked survival, death, MIA, and Runthrough XP multipliers

- Tweaked skill point experience earned

- Tweaked skill points earned while under fatigue

- Slightly decreased Bloodhound spawn chances for early game players

**** All changes have been tested to work with the latest version of SVM and DO NOT work on older versions. Thank you to GhostFenixx for their continued development of SVM; this preset and many others would not be possible without their hard work! **

Version 1.5.4


Created Nov 4th, 2023 Updated Nov 4th, 2023

Update 7: Minor Balance Tweaks (Hotfix - Redownload if you have the original Update 7 file)

From this Update on, all loot changes will assume the mod, Looting Bots is being used. This update is rather small and simply makes some minor adjustments and fixes some minor things the previous updates contained. As of the time of posting Update 7 (November 3, 2023), the Halloween 2023 Update and Update 6 (Hotfixed Version) both will still work fine. The main reason for this update is to allow for a better "baseline" version when the new SVM update releases, keeping the number of balancing issues at a minimum).

(Hotfix to fix random container loot, which was fixed in the new SVM version; redownload this if you have the original 1.5.4 or the SVM baseline version) Issue has been resolved. This download is no longer required with SVM 1.7.2 or later.

**Miscellaneous changes

- Updated current boss spawn rates to reflect current Live Tarkov

- Fixed weapon repairs allowing you to infinitely repair weapons and armor without drawback

- The Halloween Event has been disabled

- After further testing, non-weapon skills were still earned too slowly, so the rate of earning skill experience has been increased (You now earn 2.0x the Skill experience while fresh)**

- You can now earn 2 skill points before fatigue kicks in, instead of 1

**** All changes have been tested to work with the latest version of SVM and are not guaranteed to work on older versions. I also want to give a thanks to GhostFenixx for their continued development of SVM **

Version 1.5.3


Created Oct 26th, 2023 Updated Oct 26th, 2023

Halloween 2023 Update

This update is a simple update for those who don't know how to / or don't want to bother with changing their SPT to the Halloween event. There are no changes in this update from the Update 6 (Hotfixed version) and this is purely for Halloween. If you do not wish to play the Halloween event, or you want to stop the Halloween event, simply swap to Update 6 or the latest version after this.

Thank you to Ghostfenixx for their continued development on SVM and, Happy Halloween!

Version 1.5.2


Created Oct 24th, 2023 Updated Oct 24th, 2023

Update 6: The Tight Rope (Hotfix - Redownload if you have the original Update 6 file)

This hotfix file has replaced the original 1.5.1 with 1.5.2. This hotfix resolved the bug that caused random loot containers not to spawn (but for real this time).

Please note that all changes listed are relative to the previous mod version's values, not the Vanilla game, unless otherwise stated. Mods that alter boss spawn chance percentage may overwrite changes made in this preset. Easy Skill Options by Dirtbikercj is not compatible with this preset. If you wish for any of your other mods to overwrite certain changes with this preset, please put SVM in a custom load order before the other mods. All mods following SVM will overwrite preset changes if there are conflicts

Miscellaneous changes

- Jams caused by overheating have been lowered by 30% compared to its vanilla value, allowing both players and bots to fire more rounds before their weapon overheats. A byproduct of this change is that the weapons feel more true to life as real life weapons can take much more of a beating before overheating

- Weapon malfunction chance has been lowered by 25% relative to its vanilla value

- Weapon misfire chance has been lowered by 25% relative to its vanilla value

- All items can now be dropped in raid. This was present in the previous version, but the patch notes did not specify

- Hideout production time has been further tested and balanced accordingly to discourage unbalanced farming

**Trader & Insurance Changes

- You can now sell gear to traders that is at least 50% durability instead of a minimum of 60%

- Fence now has a chance of selling weapons and armor that have as high as a 90% durability

- The average amount of items on sale by Fence per reset has been lowered to 100 items

- Fence can now sell a maximum of 25 premium items per reset

- Fence has a 3% chance of selling pre-built high end weapon configurations, but these are expensive. Fence prices can be lowered with Scav karma

- Traders will now only hold onto insured items for 36 hours

- Therapist's insurance retrieval rate has been increased to 95%; however her higher price will now reflect this; her insurance return time is also much shorter

- Prapor retains his 75% return chance, but his price has been slightly lowered. His return time also remains twice as long as Therapist on average

Player Scav and Skill Changes

- Player Scavs' pocket size has been doubled, but you will lose much more Karma for killing friendly Scavs

- Players will now earn more skill experience for repairing their own items

Loot and Enemy Spawn Changes

- After extensive testing, there seems to be a bug in 3.7.1 (This is actually not true. The bug with SVM itself. Ghostfenixx has acknowledged the issue, and it will be resolved in the next SVM update) that forces all chance % containers to always spawn. This issue has been fixed with this preset installed.

- Boss spawns have been further balanced depending on the map and time of day. Tagilla is now a 50% spawn chance on Factory Night. Other bosses have had their incredibly high 30% chance of spawning during the daytime on their respective maps set to 20% if they multiple spawn locations or 25% if they have a single spawn location

- The goons had an incredibly high chance of spawning by default, and this has been resolved to fit the current Live Tarkov spawn chance percentage

** All changes have been tested to work with the latest version of SVM and are no guaranteed to work on older versions. I also want to give a thanks to GhostFenixx for their continued development of SVM **

Version 1.5


Created Oct 23rd, 2023 Updated Oct 23rd, 2023

Update 5: Back to It

**Please note that all changes listed are relative to the previous mod version's values, not the Vanilla game, unless otherwise stated. Furthermore, due to the new way loot spawns, the spawn changes are still being extensively tested, and may be balanced around Skwizzy's looting bots mod in the future due to its popularity. There may be possible conflicts with: Dirtbikercj's Easy Skill Options and other mods that effect skill and experience gained.

- The quest alternations in the original version have been reverted to their vanilla values due to the complexity of the changes compared to the pre-3.7 releases. This change was made recently, so requires more testing before any changes to the quest system may need to be made in the future

- Your Scav now receives a higher multiplier for killing PMCs as well as killing hostile Scavs

- Taking Scav co-op extracts now gives you slightly less karma due to the ease of karma/item farming from Scav extracts

- Co-Op extracts have received a new base price of 10,000 roubles due to the new SPT update now allowing you to receive items from Fence. This is to prevent, again, karma/item farming

- The doubled amount of flea market reputation gained has stayed in this version, mostly for testing purposes. Feedback on this recommended

- Car extract timers have been adjusted to 30 seconds while receiving a base price of 6500 Roubles. Both the car and co-op extract prices can be lowered with Scav karma, which, again can now be gained slightly easier thus prompting this change

- The new dynamic loot system was complicated, and I didn't want to just use the old values from the previous versions as that would've resulted in almost no loot spawning. That being said, container loot has not been altered from its Vanilla value since its common for containers to be empty when looting them now; however, overworld loot spawns have been slightly adjusted to reflect this change. Feedback on loot spawning recommended.

- After careful consideration and some play-testing, killing PMCs is obviously a little easier in SPT than Live, so I have decided to balance your player Scav health to keep players from farming karma. You now have lower max health on your player Scav compared to PMCS. Head health remains the same, but limb health and thorax health is slightly lower. I also feel it helps balance the "Trained PMC vs common bandit" aesthetic of the game. Feedback on this change is recommended.

- Rouble stacks have been reverted 500,000 instead of 1,000,000 as I felt that it was a little broken to stash 4,000,000 inside of a wallet

- Slight skill experience adjustment to help balance skill-leveling for players to keep the game from being a 6 month grindy mess.

- Dying is now slightly less punishing as you now receive half the amount of experience, compared to the previous version's 1/10 the amount.

- Experience gained at the end of the raid has been slightly balanced

- Further testing is being done on hideout fuel and filter consumption, and feedback is recommended on these changes

- When repairing an item via a trader, there is no longer a risk to get a random repair amount. You will know have your item repaired to EXACTLY what the trader/repair item specifies. No more expecting to get a 94% just for it to drop within jamming range

- Weapons now heat 20% slower across the board. I am considering lowering this to 50% for both balance and realistic reasons, but user feedback on this would be appreciated

** The previous version of Fair and Balanced may or may not work with the latest version of SVM. This has not been tested as all values have been readjusted from the ground up, so expect some small balance changes in the future as more testing and feedback is available. If you recommend any changes be made, don't be shy, drop them in the comments. I also want to give a thanks to GhostFenixx for their continued development of SVM **

Version 1.4


Created Aug 19th, 2023 Updated Aug 19th, 2023

Update 4: Pre-Wipe Minor Adjustments

**Please note that all changes listed are relative to the previous mod version's values, not the Vanilla game, unless otherwise listed. This update is a small update meant to make some quality of life changes before the next big SPT update, coming soon. The mod will be updated and adjusted as necessary as soon as possible when the new version of SPT drops.

- You now receive three weekly quests a week instead of 1. Quests have been balanced accordingly; some weekly quests are now more difficult, but offer greater reward. The higher your level, the better rewards you will receive for your weekly quests.

- Adjusted the max level for weekly quests to level 65 instead of level 100. Rewards and experience points have been balanced accordingly

- Adjusted the level scaling of daily quests to match the difficulty-to-player-level curve of weekly quests.

- Players now only receive two daily quests, but rewards have been adjusted

- All items are now examined (Because why not?)

- Doubled the amount of Flea Market reputation gained per transaction

- Adjusted flea market minimum durability for items and weapons to lessen junk/trash items. This also keeps the player from being able to sell junk items on the flea and cheese the rep. system

- Extraction from raid experience has been adjusted to 1.8 from 2.0. This is based on feedback that leveling is just slightly too fast

- Bloodhound Spawn chance has been adjusted to be more like normal boss spawning to prevent early-game players from getting wiped off the map

**** SVM has now added the Fair and Balanced preset pre-installed with the mod, and that still works with the current version of SPT 3.6.1, so you can use that or download the previous update of Fair and Balanced if you do not like any changes here; alternatively, you can adjust changes here yourself. Feedback is recommended on these changes. Thank you! **

Version 1.3


Created Jun 27th, 2023 Updated Jun 27th, 2023

Update 3: Make Marked Room Great Again Please note that all changes listed are relative to the previous mod version's values, not the Vanilla game, unless otherwise listed.

This mod has been tested to work with SVM 1.6.4 despite it being listed for AKI 3.5.7. No compatibility issues have been found. Feedback recommended if issues are discovered.

- Rebalanced water filtration. Water was being produced too quickly while taking very little filter durability. Water filtration time has been increased from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. Further testing is required and feedback on this change is recommended.

- Minor changes to fuel consumption rate. Fuel is now consumed slightly slower.

- Completely reworked loot spawning to balance it for specific maps instead of just a flat change across the board. Dynamic loot spawn points, containers, marked rooms, and other high-loot capacity areas were taken into consideration and vigorously tested with each change to ensure a truly fair and balanced experience.

  • Customs, Interchange, and Shoreline have all received increased dynamic loot spawns due to the nature of valuable key spawns lacking high end loot such as Dorms 314 Marked Room and Health Resort West 301. This has been shown to make these keys worth their value again
  • Woods, Reserve, Lighthouse, and Streets of Tarkov have all received slight buffs to dynamic loot spawns, but a minor decrease in container loot due to the high amount of container loot on these maps. Lighthouse has been less effected by the container loot change. Reserve is unaffected in this update as loot has been pretty balanced there.
  • Factory night has received a 20% buff across the board in loot spawns relative to its Vanilla value due to its nature of being a less-desirable map as well as dangerous due to Cultists. Finally a reason to go to Factory Night other than quests!

- Slightly increased the chance of a dynamic airdrop on Streets of Tarkov

- End of raid multipliers have been updated. Mia multipliers have been slightly increased from x.5 to x.7. Run through multipliers have also been slightly increased from x.5 to x.7. Dying in raid is now punished more as killed in action multipliers have been decreased from x.7 to x.5, but due to the 200% increase of Survived xp, this has shown to maintain a balanced level-up experience.

** If there are changes you do not like here, you can use the older versions of Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM or you can edit values yourself. Just keep in mind that 1.2 water filters are still a little broken, but also not insanely OP, so unless you want that, I recommend updating it or changing your current config **

Version 1.2


Created Jun 15th, 2023 Updated Jun 15th, 2023

Update 2: The Great Bitcoin Market Crash

- Bitcoing mining was completely rebalanced. Testing found that Bitcoins were being mined INCREDIBLY FAST (increased GPU boost-rate per unit, changed base Bitcoin time to 860 from 90, changed the maximum amount of stored Bitcoins back to 3) These changes have been found to make the Bitcoin farm better than Vanilla while remaining useful and not actually OP broken like they were in 1.1. Furthermore, many other minor adjustments were made to Bitcoin mining to balance out Bitcoin farms with fuel consumption. Further testing it being done, but this is a pretty solid start.

- Fuel hideout consumption was slightly lowered

- Air filter consumption was slightly lowered

- Hideout construction time has been completely removed as its pretty useless as is just having 2 minute timers staring at them like the MW2 Ghost meme until they're done

- Hideout production time has been rebalance to discourage farming. You can still craft things relatively quickly, but you may find that you have time to run a raid or two between crafts.

- The Scav case is now slightly less expensive but it returns slightly slower (Still much faster than vanilla) This has been found to discourage farming Scav cases

- Rebalanced Fence's price multiplier from 2.5 to 2.0 (Speaks for itself, Fence's stuff is pretty overpriced)

- Changed minimum durability for items to be sold to traders to 50% instead of 60%

- Increased trader restock timer to 90 minutes from 60 minutes as it was too easy to farm expensive ammunition. This encourages crafting or using FiR ammo

- Rebalanced airdrop timers and locations based on size.

- Skill progress was rebalanced as once you reach post-flea, it takes way too long to level skills while in raid. This also makes the gym more useful

- MIA XP multiplier was lowered to .5 to discourage greed and encourage mindfulness of extraction timers

- Extract prices were further rebalanced. Car prices have gone down to 5500 Roubles from 7500 in the previous update and Co-Op extracts remain 7500 due to their nature of being guaranteed extracts

- Some other minor adjustments to make things more clean in the SVM config menu (Also completely remade the main mod page)

** If there are changes you do not like here, you can use the older versions of Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM or you can edit values yourself. Just keep in mind that 1.1 Bitcoins are so OP, its actually broken, so unless you want that, I recommend updating or changing it in your current config **

Version 1.1


Created Jun 12th, 2023 Updated Jun 12th, 2023

Update 1: Where's the money, Lebowski?

Additions -
- Removed raid drop restrictions

- Weapon malfunction chance has been lowered by 20%

- Weapon misfire chance has been lowered by 20%

- Car extract timer has been lowered to 20 seconds

- Car base price has been increased to 7500 Roubles to balance the lowered extraction time (This can still be lowered with Scav karma)

- Insurance return times have been balanced (Prapor minimum and maximum return times have been decreased to 4 hours and 16 hours respectively), Therapist minimum and maximum return times have been decreased to 2 hours and 8 hours respectively)

- Balanced Insurance storage time (Traders will now only hang onto your insured items for 48 hours instead of 72 hours)

Fixed -

- Fixed raid death and MIA XP being cut properly to only 70% total XP (Was listed as a feature, but not working in the previous version

- Hideout health regeneration not listed properly as a feature (Hideout health regeneration is 1.3x its base regeneration)

Extra Information -

The previous version of Fair and Balanced still works just fine, so if you prefer the changes in that version or do not like any changes here, you can simply use the previous version. I am currently working on a Fair and Balanced mod that will definitively balance the SPT experience as a whole and not just make some minor changes here or there. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Version 1.0.0


Created Jun 12th, 2023 Updated Jun 12th, 2023

Not quite yet...