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Fin and JustNU's Searchable Thumbnails
By JustNU, Fin
Allows you to search for items on the flea market by using the name that appears on their thumbnail
Fin's Choke Me Harder
By Fin
Some shotgun spread values are broken in the current (As of October. I haven't checked again since)...
By Fin
I'll bet you never knew Killa had an artistic side, did you?
Fin's Hammertime
By Fin
Do you like Tagilla? No? Too bad.
Fin's Eerie Silence
By Fin
SPT 3.6.1
Hate the deafening rain? The incessant wind? This mod makes all headsets much better at blocking ou...
Fin's Hardcore Options
By Fin
Hardcore options.
Fold Everything Again
By Fin
SPT 3.6.1
Exactly what it says on the tin. No more having dovetail mounted items or rubber pads or whatever el...
Fin's Economy Tweaks
By Fin
Do you dislike how fancy guns are the most valuable things to bring back from a raid? -Want to be en...
Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)
By Fin
SPT 3.6.1
Makes the AI a little harder
Armoured Legs
By Fin
Save yourself from an arrow to the knee!
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