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Wolfik's Heavy Trooper Masks - Reupload
By Hood, SerWolfik
SPT 3.9.8
Adds 5 new heavy trooper masks (Black, Tan, Black/Coyote, Wolf, and Cult ) that actually provide pro...
Wolfik's Heavy Trooper
By SerWolfik
SPT 3.6.1
Adds 5 new Heavy trooper masks (Black, TAN, Black/Coyote, "WOLF" and "CULT" ) that actually protects...
Stealth Borey
By SerWolfik
Be stealthy, stay stealthy, wear your comfy stealthy hoodie.
TIER2 Gray
By SerWolfik
Wanna look tacticool? Tired of bright colors? Then this mod is for you!
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