Not quite yet...
Gaax Weapons / Port for latest AKI
By Gaax, Kobrakon
the thiccest one of them all
JustNU's Additional Gear PortPack
By JustNU, Kobrakon
Port of all of JustNU's Additional Gear mods
JustNU's Additional Clothing Port Pack
By JustNU, Kobrakon
Port of all of JustNU's Additional Clothing mods
JustNU Core / Ported for latest AKI
By JustNU, Kobrakon
Port of JustNUCore, required for the other ports of JustNU's mods
Carl's Honey Badger / Port for latest AKI
By carl makes mods, Kobrakon
The return of the Honey Badger for AKI
Kalashnikov Duet + Retexture port for latest AKI
By carl makes mods, Miralyn, Kobrakon
Ports over Carl's AK-12 and AK-15 and comes with Miralyn's Retexture
Le_Kaiju's AmmoPouch + API Port for latest AKI
By Kobrakon, Le_Kaiju
Port of Le_Kaiju's AmmoPouch and API for the latest AKI ver
Yim's BulletsNBodyArmor / Ported and Updated
By Kobrakon, GhostSignals
Port and Update for BNBA that adds compatibility and new armors
Yim's Recoil Tweaks / Ported for latest AKI
By Kobrakon, GhostSignals
Port of GhostSignals' Recoil Tweaks mod for latest AKI builds
Yim's Bullets 'N Body Armor
By kikirio, Kobrakon, GhostSignals
A generalized overhaul of the armor system, with rescaling of the penetration on all ingame calibers...
Not quite yet...