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Yim's Recoil Tweaks Unofficial update
By Tuhjay, GhostSignals
SPT 3.6.1
This is a Typescript refactor of Yim's Recoil Tweaks mod
Yim's BulletsNBodyArmor / Ported and Updated
By Kobrakon, GhostSignals
Port and Update for BNBA that adds compatibility and new armors
Yim's Recoil Tweaks / Ported for latest AKI
By Kobrakon, GhostSignals
Port of GhostSignals' Recoil Tweaks mod for latest AKI builds
Modular Night Vision Goggles
By jc980, GhostSignals
Tired of the Grainy and Shitty NVGs? Also want a nice Thermal?
Yim's Lights 'N Lasers
By GhostSignals
An outdated mod with an internal link to something way better.
Yim's Bullets 'N Body Armor
By kikirio, Kobrakon, GhostSignals
A generalized overhaul of the armor system, with rescaling of the penetration on all ingame calibers...
Clear NVGs Redux
By GhostSignals
Based on the original mod by JC980, this mod clears up and makes the NVGs more tolerable and configu...
Yim's Recoil Tweaks
By GhostSignals
A mod that allows players to increase/decrease recoil on the weapons of Tarkov on a class basis.
Yim's Armor Tweaks
By GhostSignals
Grants the player the ability to configure how much blunt damage passes through armor on a by-class...
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