Not quite yet...
Expanded Cases
By TimmyGG, Revingly
SPT 3.9.8
Expands some cases and allows a stack of 100 GP coins.
Keep Your Equipment
By Revingly, bluwatch, captainfoam
SPT 3.7.6
Keep your original equipment when you die as a PMC in a raid.
No FIR for repeatable quests
By Revingly
SPT 3.7.6
Because why not!!!
Kawaii Weapon Mods
By Revingly, Arokar, aleves
SPT 3.9.8
Existing weapon mods with retextures added in new shops
Free Healing
By TimmyGG, Revingly
SPT 3.9.8
You don't need to pay for healing
Choose the weather
By TimmyGG, Revingly
SPT 3.7.6
Choose from the list the weather you want
Expensive Healing
By Revingly
SPT 3.7.6
The more you die, the more expensive to heal!
Food&Drink trader
By TimmyGG, Revingly
SPT 3.8.3
Buy anything edible or drinkable item in the game.
Mark Items FIR (Found In Raid)
By Revingly, Orbitas
Marks everything in your inventory as Found In Raid when you survive a raid.
Lock Picking Attorney Redux
By TimmyGG, Revingly
SPT 3.8.3
A new trader that sells keys
Not quite yet...