Not quite yet...
Amands' Controller
By Amands2Mello
SPT 3.8.3
In-Raid Controller support for Movement, Aiming with AimAssist and Interface support.
GoofySounds - Bot Voice Chat
By Amands2Mello, Profit512
SPT 3.6.1
Replacing the Goofy into Voice chat
Amands' Sense
By Amands2Mello
SPT 3.7.6
Interactable icons for items, containers, bodies.
Amands's Graphics
By Amands2Mello
Lighting and postprocessing overhaul
Amands's Hitmarker
By Amands2Mello
SPT 3.8.3
Hitmarkers with different Shapes, Colors and Sounds
Not quite yet...