Just a dude who likes to shit post and mod sometimes.
Not quite yet...
Modular NVGs (updated)
By jc980, Props
SPT 3.6.1
Clear thermals, nvgs, and scopes. Original mod by jc980.
Swag Variety
By adudewithbadaim, Props
SPT 3.6.1
Want a spawn mod that actually has it ALL? Raiders in D2? Rogues actually AT the treatment zone?...
SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points
By Props, nooky
SPT 3.9.8
Spawn bots anywhere - Reserve D2, Customs Crackhouse, exfils, etc. - all possible with a custom spaw...
By Props
SPT 3.6.1
LOOK AT COMMENT PINNED to see where to update Tarkov's DLSS
POOP Variety
By adudewithbadaim, Props
SPT 3.6.1
Do you enjoy POOP? I sure do, I've dug my fingers in it, pulled it apart, mashed it together again,...
Props Obviously Original Program (POOP)
By Props
SPT 3.6.1
I have taken Fins AI Tweaks, bastardized it, rebuilt it like bad furniture, and hammered shit into i...
JoshJ5Hawk's NoHydroEnergy (Updated)
By JoshJ5Hawk, Props
SPT 3.6.1
Want to be a hydro homie? This mod is not for you. Set your own Thirst and Energy levels so you don...
Props In-Raid Modding (PIRM)
By Props
SPT 3.9.8
Want the weapon frame but not the other crap? Now you can. Also highly compatible with other mods...
Clear NVGs (and Thermals) 1.0.0 (updated)
By jc980, Props
Clear NVGs and Thermals... Now it doesn't look like you are watching a VHS tape. Updated JC980's mo...
FU Inertia
By Props
SPT 3.7.6
Do you hate inertia? So do I. Here's a Bepinex mod to handle that. Laugh while all the online ta...
Not quite yet...