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(Latest Reshade Fix) MeowShader Fix - A stylishly beautiful ReShade preset by wara
By ImBenCole, wara
SPT 3.9.8
Update to MeowShader - A stylishly beautiful ReShade preset created by wara, All credit goes to...
Modding Stats Helper - by wara
By ChooChoo, wara
SPT 3.9.8
Adds a tooltip when hovering parts in the weapon building screen that shows a quick overview of rele...
Trader Modding And Improved Weapon Building
By ChooChoo, wara
SPT 3.9.8
Weapon modding 2.0: Checkbox to only show current Trader LL / owned mods, Shows trader / flea prices...
Modding Stats Helper
By wara
SPT 3.7.6
Adds a tooltip when hovering parts in the weapon building screen that shows a quick overview of rele...
Trader Modding
By wara
SPT 3.7.6
Adds a new button that opens gun builder BUT only shows parts that are in trader stock instead of ev...
MeowShader - A stylishly beautiful ReShade preset.
By wara
SPT 3.7.6
A stylishly beautiful ReShade preset. More realistic lightning and removes the yellow-ness.
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