A new open-world layout configuration using Traveler by Jehree
If you don't understand what this page is for right away I suggest you go to this page
and thoroughly learn about this mod first before interacting with this page any further.
In order to get this working you need to download the files and place all three in the
user>mods>Traveler>config file location to replace 3 files with the same name.
I am hoping how the map works can be intuitively understood by looking at the accompanying map image.
Green lines between extracts are two-way extracts
Yellow lines are one-way extracts following the arrow.
The black lines are simply there to hide routes found in the default configuration.
Important notes
All the cars require money and the car on lighthouse takes you to customs dorms v-extract instead of the home base warehouse 17
The car cost values can be changed in the config but they are set
"car_currency": "roubles",
"customs": 150000,
"interchange": 75000,
"lighthouse": 150000,
"streets": 45000,
"woods": 10000
The numbers on the map represent the bunkers with their respective number and general location
ZB-1011 is not on the map image but it is an exfil to another base separate from the main base and is used much like ZB-1013 in the default configuration.
Another location not shown on the map is the cellar exit in the factory which will take you to Scav Bunker Woods Jaegar.
You must have the Factory emergency exit key in order to access the factory from gate 0, the med tent gate, and the cellar.
You will be able to access the map itself but you will spawn before the locked door
So if you don't have the key you will have to leave through the extract you came in.
If you spawn at ZB-1013 (fortress basement in customs) and you don't have the Factory Emergency Exit Key you will be locked in the fortress basement until power is miraculously turned on or death.
I personally haven't seen the train extracts working in this configuration.
If I figure out how to get them working or it happens to work I'll take this note away.
The coding for the trains and the off-raid position is in the Jsons for anyone interested.
Not quite yet...
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